post celebrety couples (past or present) that are so perfect it makes you sad
Post celebrety couples (past or present) that are so perfect it makes you sad
Blake sadly didn't age well.
wow this picture is problematic. Is this... MAN!??!??!?! TOUCHING THIS LADY'S BUTT??
most of them are actually closeted homos in arranged sham marriages
Reynolds is a sex god and he makes my teenage pussy soaking wet.
>goose is a footfag
the goose counts right?
what's with Australian actors and marrying older women?
So who's the bigger footfag: Malick or Tarantino?
I just realized, now that disney owns x-men...the might recast him. I mean, are they going to have ryan and scarjo in the same universe?
I've never understood the hype over Blake Lively's looks, but she must be something special if Ryan Reynolds was willing to reverse-cuckold pre-decline Scarlett for her.
Malick typically uses foot fetish imagery to represent some sort of innocent sexuality, I've noticed.It's in every movie since Tree of Life. He's definitely into feet on some level, though.
They look like any couple I'd see in my neighborhood in Seattle.
>he thinks that Jew who has been ballooning and facially collapsing over the past several years is anywhere near as attractive as an Aryan goddess like Blake Lively
Please kys
Nah, Sansa is slumming it with that ugly goblin.
There is literally wrong with a lovely lesbian couple.
Except they are ugly britbongs, so fuck lesbian britbongs
what about this
Scarlett is more Aryan than Blake is.
That's his sister, right? Her face is kind of busted but her tits are just fine.
kawaii desu
goose and rachel mcadams. they fit together perfectly and then goose peaced the fuck out to bang some mexican slampig. I normally don't give a shit about celebrities but goose and the notebook actress were perfect for each other aesthetically
but i thought rachel was a lesbian??
>rachel was a lesbian
you wot m8?