Star Wars is dead and George Lucas announces that he’s directing a Japanese inspired cyber punk thriller starring Mark Hamill as a washed up alcoholic detective with Hayden Christiansen as his android sidekick. Both are on the beat trying to capture an ex cop turned villain portrayed by Liam Neeson. Tons of tech, grit, and pulp cheese.
Would you see it?

lucas only directed 1 good Star Wars movie, the first one.
He's always been a hack.

I'd get tickets as soon as possible, I unironically enjoy the prequels and love cyberpunk/crime drama

I would pirate it, he already tricked me enough times

if he unlearned what he had learned and go back to THX style of sci-fi

yes i will.

I unironically would watch this. Even if it would be dumb, I would enjoy it

His ex-wife saved Star Wars through edits.

and then he divorced her and became a giant cuck.

Only if a stand-in for Disney is the evil corporation

Lol they should call it Soy Runner


I would love to see THAT George Lucas make a comeback. THX-1138 is easily the best thing he ever made.

sounds terrible. Being a fan of someone who is disliked by the public is only cool when it's someone who has actual talent, like say Mel Gibson. When you're a fan of a fucking hack like Lucas just for the sake of being a contrarian, you only look stupid.

sounds better than Nu-Wars,
would watch on opening day.

feminist propaganda, Lucas has a track record after his wife left

Red Tails was decent. If Lucas can get a decent editorial squad, it should be good.

But the phantom menace is only the 3rd best star wars film

That sounds kino as fuck
>Hamill and Christensen buddy cop movie in space
When do tickets go on sale?

With the state of shit wars, Mark would love to put his talents back to George after the bullshit he's been through. Would see on opening weekend

Hell yeah.

He had like 20 years and trillions of dollars to direct something else, like those smaller features he always wanted to do. He didn't.

Villain should be angry psychotic Annakin.
Pod racing level would go over 9000.

This is actually brilliant.

I work for Lucasfilm Ltd so this would ensure my continued employment.

Tell Georgie we want this made now, plz.

Fake news, Lucas was busy and someone else was editing it, there were issues so they left and his wife came in and fixed it.

fuck yeah

This. Id return the cinema if it happened.

As if he would let those faggots anywhere near it.