is this really what a panic attack feels like?
Is this really what a panic attack feels like?
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no. A panic attack makes you hyperventilate and go into emotional shock
isn't that what he did?
I've experienced it a few times. It doesn't result in heart attack unless you're old and have weak heart. So you're not supposed to fall on the ground.
You'll be shaking, has difficulty breathing, super paranoid and have a whirlwind of negative thoughts in your head. You'll want to to kill yourself or at least isolate yourself from others for a while. If you're take medication suddenly it will be over and you'll be wondering what the fuss what about. It's like getting free from being posessed or something. Good feel.
>that filename
Of course they've got gif of that fag, why wouldn't they?
For me, it feels like you're actually dying and you have this overwhelming sense of fear and dread. Think just how terrifying that eclipse scene in Beserk would be if it actually happened in real life to you. That is the sort of terror and dread that just overwhelms me when I have an anxiety/panic attack. The air becomes suffocating, you get these waves of terror that pulsate through your entire body (I assume it's caused by adrenaline and dopamine being dumped in large quantities) and yeah, you think you're actually going to die right now and it's fucking terrifying.
>If you're take medication suddenly it will be over and you'll be wondering what the fuss what about.
what magical medication is this?
I doubt it's called the same in your country. The all work the same I think, but has different side effects.
I shat blood once cause I discovered I had a hemorrhoid. Looked down between my legs and blood was in the bowl. I started panicking and got sweaty then woke up a minute later on the floor. It's pretty accurate.
Its kinda like American Psycho
Time speeds up, you start to feel your heart beat, your breaths become shallow, you feel hot, sweat starts to bead. you start to think this is the end, whatever you are panicking about is going to happen, you cant stop this.
And then when its over you become self aware about how dumb it was and what an ass you looked like. Why cant you be normal? why do you suffer like this. Why cant you be happy.
sometimes panic attacks are worth it for the high of relief and best sleep you'll ever get afterwards
Seroquel, Valium.
>not taking a medication that just stops you having them
the first time I saw a panic attack like I experienced them was in Iron Man
It's different for everyone lad
paroxetine did wonders for me
panic attacks didn't even return after quitting
It just feels like having a heart attack and you heart starts skipping beats, takes about a half hour to get my heart-rate normal afterwards.
it can feel like a heart attack to some people and the mind is a powerful thing
xanax, klonopen
>what magical medication is this?
benzos. xanax, valium etc.
Yes. looks dumb as hell, though.
>is this really what a panic attack feels like?
i got to a point where i was having daily anxiety attack. at their worst ive literally become weak in the knees and felt like i was going to fall over. a panic attack is usually what its called when it comes very severely and then goes away relatively quickly. ive had continuous anxiety attacks that last all night and im still anxious and cant sleep even when the sun comes up. it can be a very different experience depending on the person its effecting.
It's called self-awareness.
Hard to get over the counter though.
Feels like a heart attack, you cant breathe and are going to die and or black out at any moment, like drowning. I use to get these while going through hardcore alcohol withdrawl while driving. Scary shit man.
Propanolol does it for me. And Escitalopram
also another good example is that kid in manchester by the sea
Sometimes. I passed out and fell flat on my face in a driveway once.
Nope. You probably wouldn't fall to the ground. You could suffer like that from a stroke or ministroke though.
For me, hydroxazine with clodopin occasionally.
>tfw I work with a guy who looks just like Ed Kemper from this show
Like you're falling to your death but you're already on the floor so the sensation doesn't stop.
Then you just slow down.
I can usually compose myself and step outside for some air. There have been a couple of near public breakdowns but hasn't actually happened.
At home it's worse, I have never collapsed but I feel like I am having a heart attack and usually throw up, I also feel the need to keep moving and sort of walk around aimlessly trying to get it together and hyperventilate.
I haven't had one in about a year, though.
>when you have too much soy for dinner