>this is NOT canon
>Super Leia is
This is NOT canon
>this is NOT canon
>Super Leia is
>this is NOT canon
>Dex's Diner is
Thanks, George.
Legends Luke:
>student betrays the Jedi and plots their destruction.
>hunt them the fuck down and do everything in your power to straight up kill them.
Canon Luke:
>student betrays the Jedi order and plots their destruction
>"Man fuck this shit I'm outta here."
>this is NOT canon
>Luke massaging four-titted animals and drinking their milk is
At least pic related is canon
I really wish Disney had gone with an enemy faction resembling the Vong, just so there can be some sort of variety in enemies. The OT had a few different stormtroopers types. The PT had several different droid types. Disney has slightly different looking stormtroopers. Honestly, I think that sort biological motif would have made Kylo Ren stand out more as his own antagonist.
>Luke massaging four-titted animals and drinking their milk is
the opening of Episode 9 should be a montage of Luke as a force ghost sampling the milkies of the galaxy.
It's canon by proxy as some of gendy is referenced by filoni
>this is NOT canon
>Porgs are
Filoni was so close to making it canon. So close. Perhaps he will in the next series with everyone rediscovering the force- again.
Somebody needs to put him in charge of a post-Ep9 show so he can fix the problems with the current movies. His Clone Wars actually cause the live movie to make sense as he added a ton of back story and motivation.
Disney Wars isn't canon
Honestly, where should I start with EU? I mainly care about Luke and the original crew. Is this trilogy that good?
His new one is in that era. I don't know if it's post e9 but it's post 7. He's cutting Rebels early so he can work on it. It's the last sliver of hope I hold for this franchise but setting it amidst TFA and TLJ, ooh boy, it's a tall order to make it good.
It's not a masterpiece as some claim, but it's pretty good. Rest of EU books are shit though, sadly.
I'd also recommend "Specter of the Past" and "Vision of the Future", written by the same author, Timothy Zahn.
You could also try "Jedi Academy Trilogy" written by Kevin J. Anderson, but it's not that good.
Watch TCW if you haven't. It's auxiliary content like EU but actually still canon and very good.
Filoni can actually provide snokes backstory?
He could, yeah. Thing is he's navigating a lot of bullshit I'd say. Mouse Trilogy fucking sucks. Writing something compelling in the setting where everything gets fucking ruined AND retroactively fixing parts of the films as best he can is a super big ask
Revan even woman canonically.
Disney really retarded.
Revan is male canonically but the Exile is female.
Better Than Rebel.
Revan is a handsome, manly white man with a moderately hairy chest and a thick 8.5 inch cock. He's a dom top that loves fucking in a sling. THAT is cannon!
We live in hope
That voice actor for Luke was ass
>Revan is NOT canon
>This is
The franchise is fucked in the head.
open it with luke appearing to rey, but as she starts to say something he cuts her off with
>Rey, did I ever tell you about breasts? Breasts were the mammary glands of mammalian species and some reptomammals, and were normally a distinguishing feature of the female of the species...
then dissolve into the milk montage flashback
How powerful would movie Katarn be, not being an overpowered video game main character
>we’ll never get an animated adaption of the kotor comic
Probably on par with any of the 'Masters' from the prequels.
Loaded question. Movie vader has piss all feats compared to his (once) canon EU feats. It's not a matter of not being in a game but the general gimping of the films
>unironical Prequels fans
>Clone Wars/Rebels apologists
>muh Rogue One
>nuWars is shit but will make billions anyway
When will it end?
>gimping of the films
The films are the standard which everything else is measure against. It's idiotic to say in the films Vader is gimped, because the film are the Star Wars "reality".
If he's more powerful in the games, then the games simple aren't canon
>he must mean games
Sup Forums get the fuck out of here
>Hey, I know, we'll relegate Luke to a shitty Force Ghost, and make LEIA the Skywalker who matters to the plot
>Fischer dies
Even God hated this garbage
Thank George-sama(pbuh) for that, they'd only fuck it up. Ostrander kino needs to be left alone and forgotten by those of the Mouse.
that was a damn good game back in the day.
TCW is fucking amazing. When will you end yourself
They had to be punished. I can't wait for CG fischer
I’m simultaneously sad that they never got adapted by someone competent, and happy the mouse never got its hands on it
>Hux has Rey pinned to the ground, Kylo is mortally wounded
>This is it, Rey, you'll be joining your nobody parents now
>Not so fast, villain
>Creepy, CGI Leia flies in, dual wielding two lightsabers
>Hux: Is she with you?!
>Rey: No, I'm with HER
It’s amazing.
They were all too happy to rip off ANH, so why not have Leia meet rey early on and be the original force mentor figure?
It would give Rey some slight excuse for her shit, and reserve Luke for being not Yoda.
So what's up with Twi'ileks? Is that their heair, heavily braided, or space tentacles (as they're the same colour as their skin)
>Played through KOTOR and KOTOR/2 twice (replayed 10 years later)
>Never an option of asking dozens of cantina patrons,merchants or even that one runaway chick on Ebon Hawk whether they're space aliums or space nig-nogs.
They're like fleshy protrusions that are apparently erogenous
They’re tentacles.
Also, it’s canon that there are so many prostitutes among them because their planet is such an utter shit hole that they do anything to get out of it
>a cartoon targeted at grade-schoolers featuring a character literally named "Savage Opress"
I just don't know anymore.
We can only hope
>based Theroux is canon
>nothing comes out of it
can't they make a multiverse like marvel or dc?
>the film is for adults
Sorry bud, no. The first seasons of TCW are a bit grating but by the end of it I'd say it handles plots with more maturity and gravitas than any of the films with their blood relation twists and hate for sand.
The clone conspiracy and the general unraveling of the Republic is genuinely enjoyable. Further, the serialised format allows the large cast to actually get fleshed out and matter.
Ostrander had nothing to do with Kotor comics
I love Benicio del Toro, but man, they utterly wasted Theroux.
is that actually canon or just something that's been in so many fapfics that its entrenched in the fandom?
the boba fett trilogy is pretty good iirc, and its during and after the events of Return of the Jedi
Alright my dude, you convinced me, I'll watch TCW. I'll feel stupid at first but hopefully I can get into it.
If you're REALLY against getting that kiddy vibe go grab the 'essential watch list'. It's not the same as watching it properly but it trims all the gay shit like Jarjar episodes and comedy episodes.
Nu-canon about post Episode 6 still pisses me off
>Imperial fleet numbering thousands of warships
>Dozens of competing moffs and admirals
>Still controls thousands of worlds
>Still has somewhat intact command structure
>Instead of having an almost decade of fighting holdouts and Imperial warlords, the entire Imperial apparatus is defeated in under a year cause "oh well Emps died".
The fact that they made the Emperor issue his emo MUH SCORCHED EARTH command so that they wouldn't have to worry about showing or explaining the final defeat of the Empire and establishment of the New Republic is disgusting as well.
they could've just included ONE SENTENCE about the empire collapsing after Palpatine's death because a bunch of Moffs all tried to make their own power plays and had it make perfect sense, but no
If there's any hope for post 6 it's Filoni. TCW was top shelf while rebels sucked. That's a 50/50 chance and the best track record for any live action or animated SW media.
If his new series sucks I'll walk immediately and not look back. I've already bailed on the films after TLJ (but I fucking hated TFA). Filoni is all that keeps me here.
Aaah, yes, the evil ending. Much preferable to the good one.
Ok, thanks. Their homeworld is probably close to Nar Hutta if it's shit.
>Giant organised crime slugs gas planet.
>Improverished refugees provide a wave of exotic dancers with erogenous bio-crowns
>Make millions of space lira/shekels
>Scream out whatever the Huttese version of "GABBAGOOL" is to celebrate.
>A lone Twi'ilek just into employ of these steuggling to break away, and finally crushing the system from within
>starring someone like Ana de Armas or Emma Roberts would probably make a better and more thought-provoking movie than whatever shit they come up with
>this is NOT canon
>Super Leia is
He's going to fix that whole New Republic/First Order/Resistance lore clusterfuck like he did with the Clone Wars.
I want to believe. But after Rebels man I'm just going to wait and see
>this is not canon
>MaRey sue is
>MarySabine is canon
But now we'll never get to see Leia teaching Rey to fly
Gutted for you mate.
The bad parts abot rebels can largely be attributed to the budget cuts, enforced kid friendly shit (no more implied space hookers, coke and quad decapitations) and the story group throttling him.
Episodes where it’s clear the writers get let off the leash tend to be decent, like the Kenobi/Maul episode
>This is not canon
I'm fine with that.
>Jedi Academy Trilogy
Fuck Kevin. Those books can suck-a-my dong.
Besides the Thrawn trilogy, the X-Wing books aren't terrible. Mainly the ones following Rogue Squadron. The Wraith Squadron books aren't quite as good, but still worth a read to kill time. Personally, I enjoyed the Yuuzhan Vong stuff. It added a nice change in antagonist and a new way to look at the Force sorta kinda.
>Imperial China fell apart circa 1915
>Competing warlords are attempting to consolidate power and fuck each other up
>This period lasted well into the 1940s
>And was partially over because Island Chinks 911'd themselves in order to set up a puppet state of Manchuria in the North
>Chang-Kai Shek won the mellee in the south
>ww2 kicks off in the region
Even with an existential threat, there were 2-3 decades of in-fighting there, great empires leave power vacuums that can't magically be put down in a single year.
>if people dress up as Space Samurai that means it's for adults, like me
>god forbid someone draws Space Samurai, that would be juvenile
Glass houses you dumb faggot. You're already knee deep in trivial shit. At least The Clone Wars is better than the PT and anything Disney as touched.
Wait did the Mouse tell him not to imply shit anymore? That fucking sucks.
Kenobi Maul was good. Vader Ashoka was good (helicopters aside). There are a handful of good bits but all up it's shit and no, budget isn't the cause. His contract had way more seasons and he just pulled it early. He knows he's fucked it. Hopefully, moving forward into his new project he'll take those lessons and do better. He's also a higher Rank with Mouse. Running the whole show for his division. He should get some freedom back.
Canon, I think. It's why they're such common sex slaves
I know some weird shit happens in this, but I forget exactly what. Can someone remind me?
They sure are canon to me. Not gonna watch TLJ, and even if I did I would be watching what is effectively a very expensive fan film (albeit one made by soulless money grubbing jews who are not SW fans whatsoever).
Luke founded the NJO and married Mara Jade.
I was genuinely stoked for Rebels until
>Laser slingshot
>Angsty teen Mandalorian who is a fucking graffiti artist
>Fucking retarded droid
I don't know how to feel about this. I hope it's good. I really liked Clone Wars. But I really disliked Rebels. Here's hoping we get something quality.
BTW, where did you hear this?
But is the Star Wars Holiday Special canon?
The Vong were retarded, as was most of the EU.
I've seen a few interviews and panels. He mentioned it there. He's also been promoted. He's head of the entire animated wing of MouseWars or something to that effect now
Good idea, at least interesting, but executing in a really terrible way. IMO because (like with LotF and FotJ) they got like 5 or 6 different authors to write for the series.
But as it stands it's still better than nu-wars
>Fuck Kevin. Those books can suck-a-my dong.
We probably have him to thank for Kylo Ren. He's a near carbon copy of Kyp Durron and will probably go through the same redemption bullshit.
>hurr durr muh leia uses the force memes
you have to go back
Some literally-who who was trained as a dark Jedi by Vader kidnaps Leia's kids. The story is pretty generic and boring. It only stands out because the bad guy is friends with a Star Trek tier being called Waru who is basically a cube covered in scaled covered in goo with non-force related super powers.
Back in the early days of the EU it was regarded as the worst story around but IMO there's been shittier stuff later on.
>He's a near carbon copy of Kyp Durron
H-how did I not see this before?
You need to put more effort into the contrarian act, user.
Don't stop trying! I believe in you!
Oh God dammit. Doesn't Luke get sucked into him physically and almost die b/c the being is from another universe or reality and it's trying to use Luke to get back?
Just replace the Jedi Academy books with I, Jedi. A much better book that covers the same events in just a few chapters. Also fits nicely with the X-Wing novels
>There are STILL people that REEEE at Kreia because they don't get that she's the Devil's advocate that just wants people to think and act for themselves, regardless of morality of alignment
Dark Forces was kino.
Ledger Joker before Ledger
I will never understand why they wont do live action games anymore
Seen as too cheesy and niche. DF2 was one of the better examples of the style though.
Graphics got to the point where they could make serviceable cut scenes at a fraction of the cost.
Plus, most of the time the actors just chewed the scenery while 'avin a giggle.
>this is NOT canon
>neither is this
Those KOTOR comics were boring as hell
The EU had so many good waifus