Is there anything more infuriating than the hero beating the villain and it turns out it was a body double or illusion?

Is there anything more infuriating than the hero beating the villain and it turns out it was a body double or illusion?

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It's why I don't want a "REAL MANDARIN" to show up in the MCU. Fags.

When the villain let himself be defeated as part of some crazy plan.

The hero beating the villain and it turns out he was actually trying to save the world from another villain but never told anyone about it.

Pre-Disney Palpatine and LordGenome come to mind. Any others?

When said villain kills the hero after this happened only to go after a bunch of idiot characters he has no connection with, get his ass kicked by Busta Rhymes and become a joke

A misunderstanding that could have been cleared up with a minute of thought or conversation instead becomes a driving force of the plot. Doesn't count for comedy situations where the unreasonableness is part of the joke, or characters who specifically have a character flaw of being headstrong or are unable to admit error. It's only when characters act uncharacteristically that it becomes a problem.

We don't talk about Halloween Resurrection user. It's not seemly.

Xehanort is behind everything, just like Palpatine.

>the villain is very interesting and or menacing
>gets taken down in the most anticlimactic way so the shittier villain could take his place
Hi Luke Cage, Dexter season 7, Saints Row The Third

> It was just a Slade bot

>Villain Wins
>But doesn't win

Dedede in one of the old Kirby games, but it was played for laughs

This is a very familar trope but i dont remember where its from

Marluxia knew Xemnas was gonna turn everyone in the Organization into Xehanorts and that's why he was trying to overthrow them. #MarluxiaWasRight

I dont know about that, but I do know that Kingdom Hearts, despite the gameplay, is one of the most autistic and nonsensical things ever created

It makes sense, but it's convoluted as hell and it really doesn't need to be.

I want you to explain to me what Kingdom Hearts,the thing everyone in game is seeking, actually is, and not have it sound retarded

Kingdom Hearts is light~

Kingdom Hearts is the universe's heart and the source of all light. Wars were fought over control of Kingdom Hearts and it's special key, the x-blade, which represents a merging of light and darkness and just looks like the crossed "Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven" symbol. The Keyblade War eventually shattered the world into many fragments of light that became the assorted Disney worlds and Kingdom Hearts disappeared into the dark dimension. In other words, it's basically some sorta Heaven/Eden thing.

The one in Kingdom Hearts 2 was just a halfassed copy the Organization created by stitching together thousands of regular hearts in some attempt to recreate the power of the real thing.


You don't see it THAT often in Sup Forums related material, but I swear to god every time a protag is getting their ass beat and then some arbitrary restriction on their powers is lifted and they start kicking ass I want to kill the entire creative staff of that show.

There's an example that somewhere in my brain but it's not coming to me. You got one?

Only one I can think of at the moment is from Bleach.

>oh no, new monsters are attacking the town!
>oh no, the shinigami are all getting their asses kicked! not even the ones who were badass before can stand up to these new monsters!
>all is lost!
>"...orders received. Power limits are no longer in effect."
>commence one-sided utter beatdown so all the shinigami can do badass shinigami shit


Though he's nigh unbeatable even before releasing his seals

He could've saved everyone. Including the victims of Ogrest.

Clint fucked a doombot does that count?

Avatar the Last Fasbender

i convinced a girl to commit suicide

i knew CPR so i thought it would be ok

I dunno. Lordegenome I feel was one of the few cases where this was done right, because by the time we fought him it was pretty clear there was something else going on here. All of his actions pointed to being part of a much larger, very specific plan we didn't know that he wasn't even particularly enjoying carrying out.

So when we found out he was trying to avoid a greater disaster, it felt like payoff rather than an ass pull.

I guess that's the big difference: whether its a natural addition to the story or something that feels forced in after the fact to excuse a continuation.

The hero continuously letting the villain go, despite knowing the villain will keep killing no matter how many chances he's given.

No way that trope is awesome

>limiters REMOVED
or even better
>That one accessory you thought was just part of the design
>It served a limiter purpose

When it was the actual guy but they were just pretending and then blasts the hero away with just a pinky finger at the end.

this. an asspull is an asspull when its insufficiently forshadowed.

>character getting ass beat
>limiters removed
>character starts kicking ass
>character starts kicking too much ass
>character loses control and fucks everything up
>at this point might have well have let the thing that was beating character's ass at the start win and have its way

But that wasn't an illusion or double. That was just some asshole hired by an evil businessman.

In Sup Forums related material, it's usually the hero holding back his own power. Like in Marvel, you get those rare occasions when you piss Spider-man off enough that he stops joking around and goes full murder-mode.

I hated that whole Mandarin twist, but doing a "Real Mandarin" now would be fucking stupid. You fucked up, MCU, take your lumps, no backtracking.


>Villain retreats
>The heroes can easily catch him
>One goes "No, he isn't worth it."