>borrow friend's external HDD
>check Movie folder
>1296 files
Borrow friend's external HDD
hey that's what I use too
>all are 720p yify files
>720p yify files
Reading this made me recoil in disgust
A: 10
V: 10
Thanks based yify.
>"bluray disks"? Nah bro, we stream here, netflix originals are what's up
Worst feeling.
>be me
>download 720p yify rips to flick through the flick
>determine if it is a flick, film, joint, movie or kino
>If it is a film or kino I donwload a higher quality rip
>otherwise keep the yify rip
>~1200 yify-tier rips, ~200 good quality rips
let me guess they are all in stereo ? your friend may have never heard dolby in his life
enjoy paying hundreds of dollars to recover your files if the hard drive fails
>Fucking Dolby
Are you serious kid? That's like sticking your nose up at someone listening through a plastic cup when you're holding a tin can.
i think you talking ac 3 dolby, but wait to hear aac dolby
>(1 hidden)
If 1080p rips exist of whatever you're watching it means you're a fucking pleb.
Haha fucking elitists. Have fun paying private trackers you fucking disgusting neet
Sounds like a real kinographer.
If I really like the movie I just buy the Blu-ray and move the 720 YIFY to my iPhone so I can watch it on my drive to work
Paying? What?
>so I can watch it on my drive to work
do americans really do this?
not different from a normal drive you retard
>>friend borrow my external HDD
>>check folders with non descriptive names
>>I go to jail
>open videos
>folder named [Don't Open]
>1,140 files
w-whats wrong wit that?
i'm a third world poorfag with slow connection
this guy gets it
You think we use these for directions?
>watching a movie while driving
>1296 files
>500GB drive
1296 aXXo files downloaded from mininova back in the day
>contents are hidden
I suspect child porn
>slow connection
So it takes longer. You do realize people were pirating films when the internet was 56K dial up, right?
Based aXXo
>letting a friend borrow your HDD
for what reason?
This guy knows what's up
>not drink driving while watching a movie in a manual transmission car
>having friends.
for what reason?
>not having a self driving car
Who here /PSArips/
>1296 files
How many are actually movies and not README.txt or other text files linking to torrent sites?
>borrow friends external HDD
>check interracial breeding ground folder
>1598 files
>yify are the only free copies out there
Suck a cock you illiterate fuck.
>SSD fails
>becomes read only
>all the files are safe
>friends HDD
>folder called CAT GODDESS
>another folder called SIBERIAN MOUSE
As opposed to internal HDDs? what the fuck are you on?
finally someone mentioned the holy fucking legend on this whole web
Using SSDs for storage? really?
>its me
>the sickness is inside me
yeah. 700mb dvdrips at best.
what would be the right thing to do in this situation?
>not just having a 1000 mbps connection
Takes me about five minutes to get something in 1080p.
copy it
stick it on youtube
show it in schools for educational purposes
They still took a long time to download, user.
>the name of the folder underneath it is your daughter
They did. Which is why bootleg dvds were extremely popular back then. I was buying movies for like $3 or some shit.
if your daughter was on par with those legends, wouldn't you be proud?
He's a great dude. he takes small requests if you ask nicely.
Every release is great. 720p 40 minute episode at 200MB? Yes!
>brothers friend asks him to ask me to fix her laptop
>mfw finding lewd images of her
what is cat goddess and siberian mouse?
dont google it
why not simply download a rip in the 4-8GB range directly?
>Millenials can’t into free market
If you pay for content that you like, then more of it gets produced. Imagine that.
All leeched.
>implying I don't go to the cinema
>implying I don't own blurays of the films I like most
also, what does that have to do with my post?
Do you even backup, faggot?
>friend always watches lives streams in movies that are in 480p
i'm still waiting for content worth paying for you pleb
theres a 90% chance youre an atheist
and most important, how much of it is porn
>believes in manmade fairy tales created by ignorant beduins
no discrepancies here
i was right
so was I, but it's better to be an atheist than an idiot so I'm taking this W
What has that got to do with unquestioningly sucking a big fat corporate dick?
not a fan of sw, i didnt like the new one besides kylo ren. not gonna see it in theaters.
I tip my fedora to you good sir
sorry what i meant to say was theres a 90% chance that youre bloated off your "intellect".
that should make more sense to you.
what should I watch next Sup Forums?
john wick 2
>"Why don't you just torrent the movies?"
>"Oh no, that's way too complicated"
>proceeds to close the 5 popup windows that opened when trying to play the 480p rip uploaded to a streaming websites
>this is the 5th website he has tried, the others were fakes and did not have a working video file
you made a moronic statement that had nothing to do with my post, condescendingly referring to """millennials""" (while misspelling it) to imply they lack you intelligence
if anything it was you appeared to be "bloated off your intellect" (another nonsensical phrase, which you would know if you weren't such a dumbass)
Atomic blonde for sure.
hahhahahaha yeah, i guess
>Apsie friend lends me his hard drive.
>Dozens of videos of him filming his mother while she sleeps.
>80 GB of cheese pizza
He later got arrested for possession and they found it in his car.
Limewire feels like an eternity ago
IP keeps sending me emails, and paying for a VPN defeats the purpose :(
My old roommate gave me her flash drive to download that shitty CW flash show for her. Was full of her nudes. Around 2 years older than me, but I still nutted
What the fuck do you use?
VPN can be quite cheap tbf
I pay 6€ a year for my VPN service after splitting the costs 6 ways with 5 other friends (most VPNs will allow at least 3-4 simultaneous connections)
I also find it useful for things other than torrents, such as evading region blocking
It takes longer and yify rips are obnoxiously well-seeded.
post em
I can download the movies again
if you have a torrent client that does sequential downloading, as long as you can get a DL speed of 1MB/s the file will download faster than the speed at which you watch it, so you can just play it as it downloads
I know that faggot, but downloading a yify rip takes less than a minute and I can seek to WHEREVER THE FUCK I want to and then download a better copy if I like the parts that I watched.
Stop being autistic. I'm not going to download 6GB rips just to seek through the movie and then delete it after.
Oh ok, I hadn't realised you meant you would actually flick through it to determine the film's quality, I assumed you were joking.
Mininova was not tracker
Indexer newfag
Agreed user
Its better the second time even.
First one got me to the dog house because I did not assume the dog would die
>paying private trackers
Hunt for the Wilderpeople
>borrow friend's external HDD
>run search for 'feet'
>1296 results
bond is now unbreakable
ya no kidding, i had to download a download mannager to acquire photoshop in 1999 because my connection would always drop and the download would cancel