Seriously? Seven Seasons and it just ends like this. What the hell.
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Come on faggots surely not everyone wants to talk kiddie shit like Star Wars.
>Pete and Trudy reunited
>Peggy and Stan
>Holloway & Harris
>Betty's Cancer
>Don at Hippie Camp
It just didnt feel like an ending, basically none of the characters had any resolution.
I didn't like it either. Nothing happened, Don just ran away and it ended.
"Not great, Bob!"
yeah it was shit. So was the Sopranos finale. doesn't lower the quality of previous episodes.
Not everything is Six Feet Under.
that are no solutions, that's not how life works. you'll understand eventually
you're probably too young to remember what a big deal the coke ad was
its a reasonably dramatic finale, about the best they could have done
but if you don't realize that it's a 'reveal' then I would imagine it feels stupid
Everything talks about Disney taking over the world, but what if it was Coca Cola all along?
Brett Gelman single-handedly brings down anything he's in so that's one of the reasons the finale wasn't good.
I assume that Don went back to McCann-Erickson and pitched the Coke ad, if that what you mean by 'reveal'.
>nothing happened.
He did what he always did; panicked, spiralled out of controll, chrashed, then got back up on his feet. He does this all the time. It's even in the opening crawl.
oh my god if i have to explain the sopranos ending one more time i swear to fucking god.
in an earlier season tonys therapist asks him what he thinks happens when you die. he says its just nothing. it goes black. its over.
the camera shows a shady man at the counter several times. It then shows him go into the bathroom. tony is sitting in a booth right outside of the bathroom. The reason it keeps shoowing meadow having a problem parking is because if she didnt, she would have made it in and sat between tony and the bathroom. it was stated several times int he show that you DO NOT kill/ mess with family. meanng if meadow was to make it in, tony would not have died. which is what he did. he died.
and the general concept that even the soulless corporate shills were willing to implement what was, among other things, an anti-consumption movement/decade into their ads for consumption, pointing out the supremacy of business technology over human preferences and culture
I fucking know. At least those seven seasons were kino.
the ending is good bitches
wtf did you want
it's still not a good ening.
It wasn't the therapist he has that convo with it was Bobby.
yes it is you are just a fucking pleb
how could it have been better?
I never understood why Tony sat in the middle of the restaurant. Mobsters always sit with their back to the wall. Obviously the guy going to the toilet is a reference to The Godfather and Tony is dead, but does it have a deeper meaning or is it simply that Tony gets sloppy? Seems unlikely after what happened to Sil and Bobby.
forgive me senpai
it wasnt that he was getting "sloppy", its more so that he was trying to be fcused on family. he was sick of his ways, he was sick of ignoring his wifes needs, his kids needs. i think one of the constant themes is how it shows tony does just want to be a regular guy/dad. from the first season with the ducks in the pool. i thought the ending was him trying to be just that. a husband. a father. he wasnt trying to be mob boss tony.
>>how could it have been better?
that's not my job. I just watch and rationalize what I like and what I don't like.
The callback ending is terrible. It's good because it validates a scene from seasons ago?
Don, based on the experience of listening to the depressed, lonely guy who he hugged, and along with his conversation with Peggy, realized that he could leave behind the trauma of Dick Whitman. He's made something of Don Draper. He's created Don Draper, the advertising genius. He was born to do it.
Look at his face as he meditates. He's smiling because he's had the idea to end all ideas. He goes back to New York, walks into a McCann meeting with Coke, and pitches I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke. His everest.
Coke has been referred to advertising heaven in the show. He fixed a Coke machine at his previous motel. The girl he talked to about leaving looked like the girl from the ad.
It was a perfect ending.
the ducks in the pool was hardly regular. i thought it meant he wanted to fly away.
your father/mother has never had an obsession with an animal who comes by the house regularly? a deer, squirrel, bird?
its a pretty normal thing user. it was a vehicle for many things, to show his compassion, to humanize him. the ducks didnt know him as the mob boss. they knew him as the guy with the pool and the bread.
we had a cat named Claude. he got run over.
God tier
The Sopranos > Mad Men
Good tier
Breaking Bad >Oz > Boardwalk Empire
shit tier
Walking dead > The Wire > GoT
Terrible bait
I feel like they sort of forgot what the fuck they were trying to do around season 5 or something.
you know its true
The ending is really good. How the hell did they 'forget' when the ending is literally about Don becoming enlightened and then using that enlightenment to shill coke in one of their biggest campaigns ever. It's precisely what the show is about. I get the feeling a lot of you guys are faggots who didn't understand what happened at the end.
>who didn't understand what happened at the end.
explain it then, faggot
nobody wanted tony killed
Paulie wanted Tony dead so that he could avenge Christopher and take over the family. I think Paulie orchestrated the hit on Tony.
> American reading comprehension
I just did, Don becomes enlightened and then uses his enlightenment to shill coke in one of Coke's biggest ad campaigns in history. How did you not pick this up?
I don't care if they had a meaning for that, the final times you see most characters interact are completely unsatisfying. It should have ended a season or 2 earlier.
it wasnt as bad as sopranos but it wasnt great either
thats cynical. what about Betty why did she get lung cancer?
She died dummy, she had terminal lung cancer. Why do you need that explained to you? Why do you need to be explicitly told what happens to every character? Your idea of an ending sounds clunky and autistic
Ted Chaogh never got a real ending. Neither did Sal Romano
it just seemed like a cop out. it all did. peggy and stan was dumb
Well, the guy who played Sal got fired for talking shit about Weiners kid.
this video perfectly explains the ending
tony felt safe going to a restaurant because at that point phil was gone. also consider the meeting with new york
no, the ducks represented tony's family. he was scared that he was going to lose them, hence his panic when the ducks fly away. melfi explains that and virtually every other aspect of tony
Mad Men is Jewish show and how they view Whites.
>real ending
In life, you don't get a "real" ending until you die.
The series showed several years in the lives of several people. Their lives started well before the series began and, for nearly all them, their lives continued long after the series ended. You just got to peek at their lives for a relatively short portion. The series didn't have a "finish" because their lives weren't finished.
Think of the series as an excerpt. TV has seemingly trained you all to expect that everything gets neatly wrapped up in 30 or 60 minutes blocks. That's not how life works.
As for the Sopranos, after being badgered for years to "explain" the ending Chase flatly stated that Tony wasn't killed in the restaurant. Seeing as Chase created the series along with writing and directing the finale, no other opinions matter.
Tony survived having dinner with his cunt wife and parasitic children. Live with it.
¿ey gringo esplain huh ese do chu ave a linco?
Do some research, you dirty fucking wetback.