What's Sup Forums's verdict?
What's Sup Forums's verdict?
S1 is meh. S2 has some really strong episodes.
Not as good as Louie.
Nobody cares about some poo to be honest
I give it a poo/10
Self masturbatory, boring, Plot feels like something Mindy Kaling would write, milking his Parks and Rec character quirks
i understand the appeal of MoN, but I'm personally so disconnected from the main character trials and tribulations. Though I have to admit - while S2 had all the required PC undertones, they are really undertones and not slammed down your throat without proper story lubrication.
literally dressing really well as a man - le series
couldn't make it through episode 1... unfunny soyboy trash
Is that the net neutrality guy? Fuck him
Two out of Poo
I find the guy too creepy to watch. There are too many interviews where he seems plainly racist against white people that it's just fucking weird.
it was recommended to me. So it's shit.
Pretty good.
Surprised they used music by the "The Silts"
That was cool
has its moments but too self indulgent and retarded most of the time
It's pretty good if you get over the weird premise.
Ajit Pai has a netflix show now?
the Racism episode featuring his cousin was so bad i felt i was contracting a degenerative brain disease. unbelievable
Better than star wars
Congrats on making a half decent thread OP
*Religion not racism
I haven't watched it and I don't want to. When I saw its thumbnail, I just knew in the back of my mind half of it will be him whining (as many of these shows are) about Amerimutt race politics. I could be entirely wrong.
I feel like he wrote it just so he could have sex with a white womyn desu. Dude has a really weird outlook towards race.
>it's ok to copy someone's show when you're brown
Season 2 is absolute kino, best portrayal of normal (as in non-mafia) Italy to hit recent television.