How disappointing is The Defenders going to be?

how disappointing is The Defenders going to be?

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Not as much as your life.


>JJ, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist were all disappointing
>DDS2 was mostly disappointing except for Frank

Honestly the only MNU show I'm looking forward to is Punisher.

Lets just say that there will be few defending it

I liked Elektra. She was super hot.

>Hallway of thugs waiting for frank to fight them
>he opens fire on them all

First half of Luke Cage was great.

Second half of Iron Fist was decent.


Marvel TV was a mistake

It will be awesome since, Sigourney Weaver is the vilain.

((( )))

Only 8 episodes.

>some OC donut steel as the villain
Oh boy
I just hope they have good music

If Iron Fist was anything to go by, it won't

Luke cage was good until they killed their best actor

Dare devil was alright and punisher made it good yea. Everything else is who cares tier.

I'm honestly more excited for Liartown USA updates than I am for Defenders.

>Michael Jai White
>Stone Cold Steve Austin

Please tell me what movie.

I want this so much.

We'll, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage were good. I can't see how they'll make these characters interact in a fun way, but who knows?

They should make sure that the fight scenes are better then Iron Fist though. Ugh.