AJ is the best thing about season 6. His scenes are pure cinema.
AJ is the best thing about season 6. His scenes are pure cinema
fuck i forgot my Sup Forums meme lingo, cinema is between flicks and kinos right?
cinema is the highest form of art, above kino.
Kill yourself
Yes but it's above a film, and below kinematographie
Agreed. I actually liked Vito's storyline too
AJ was the only realistic character in a postmodern take on mafia crimebosses.
pls I don't wanna talk about star shit
It felt pretty realistic overall. The only unrealistic thing was how the fuck a psycho like Paulie had not ended up in jail
wah wah woe with me
are you a fag?
Paulie was in prison for a while.
He was in jail.
can you believe this fanoik
Finished the show for the first time 2 hours ago, wtf do I do now guys..
watch it again you prick
Too tired, already stayed up all night so I could finish it. The episode where Chris died really got to me, sad shit.
spoiler that shit you fucking retard
Who the fuck goes into a Sopranos thread without having seen it.
Especially one about season 6, which is the last.
The Sopranos ended 10 years ago
mad men
And even then it was only for a fairly minor traffic violation
Wasnt it a gun charge?
he beat up the landscaper
He never faced any legal consequences from that
AJ power ranking
>no eyebrows AJ
>fat AJ
>depressed AJ
>racemixing AJ
>football AJ
>weed AJ
>this is my male heir?
“The Second Coming” is the best episode of Sopranos
Anyone have the webm where AJs laughing in front of his computer and tony looks at him in disgust? That shit hit way too close to home back then
Furio is the male of Furia which means Fury
Furia: Fury (female)
Furio: Fury (male)
Was AJ a soygoy?
These a two guys a suck eachothers cocks
Hello ******
AJ truly is /our guy/
>easily manipulated
>strong opinions that he got from someone else
>not good at anything
>unable to hold a job
>needs to be spoonfed everything
>emotionally unstable
>a disgrace to his father and his family line