This is the front page of Rotten Tomatoes right now

This is the front page of Rotten Tomatoes right now.

Is it being hacked right now?

They're probably busy flashing their bios and reinstalling the kernels. Sup Forums can tell you more.

Just processing out the negative reviews nothing out of the ordinary

I wonder what the audience Score for TLJ will be when it comes back up.
It was 56% when I went to bed, did it drop any further?


>I wonder what the audience Score for TLJ will be when it comes back up.
96% at least.



lol this cant be coincidence

What negative reviews? You mean all of those photoshopped images being shared on Alt-Right/Soviet dischords of the user score being 56%?

The user score has always been 92% user. It will always be 92% user and no amount of narrative manipulation will change that.