What are some movies where the protagonist goes through a jawdropping transformation and proves his haters wrong?
What are some movies where the protagonist goes through a jawdropping transformation and proves his haters wrong?
It is kinda easy to lose weight when you are 500 LBs.
you will lose 50 in like a month.
it surprises me he took that long
He will never look good. He will be grossly out of proportion. There will be so much loose skin that he'll look like a deflated jabba the hutt. The surgery required to fix that would be absurdly expensive and still leave him with a body covered in scars
Its kinda easy when you have a gastric bypass and literally cant consume food
he is still a fat fucking loser
>turns out he's going to live longer than expected
>only person he thought loved him leaves instantly
Famous youtuber Shane Dawson.
Oh and you know what he did? He got all that weight back
Skinny fag here weight 55kg and tall
Impossible to gain any weight. Only if knew the secret.
Telling someone to eat doesn't work
count your calories eat 6000 per day dont be fucking faggot
>Get gastric bypass
>Can't eat food
>Lose weight
Even science can't explain it.
you probably dont get to a surplus of calories
Eat more. You're eating the same amount of calories that you're expending, or less than you're expending.
I have been eating bars of chocolate for weeks
Almost threw up easting it 2 days ago
Is there any way to do this without having scars for the rest of your life?
I didn't get that big, but I was like 100 pounds heavier than I am now.
My belly kinda looks like a bitches belly after she farted out a kid.
He’s still fat and he’ll get fatter again.
chocolate is not the only calorie dense food and its amongst the worst ones as far as nutrients go.
dont worry about it lad, ive got the opposite problem. about 150 lbs (a bit overweight still I know) but I'm working on losing that weight real quick w/ some cardio and I've lost at least 30 pounds so far. next checkpoint is 140 by next week
You're not eating as much as you think.
Actually count your calories. I feel like I eat all fucking day and I'm still eating at a deficit.
I don't understand how people have enough free time to eat enough to get fat.
He already lost over 200 lbs. His wife.
that would be about 300, she is a landwhale
What did they do to his nipples?
Lol I just noticed now this is Sup Forums
Feel sorry for the faggot.
But yet again I see his livestream and he wants nice at all like in his videos. He felt two faced
Your skin will tighten up eventually it's just whether you are willing to wait the months/years that will take
Still ugly though
Now that Boogie has learned the true nature of women he's going to start lifting and get /fit/ and stop being a soyboy. 2 years from now you'll see a ripped Chad Boogie making a video telling people why they should get a job and pay for their own healthcare instead of needing to rely on government handouts, and he'll have a 8.5/10 new gf. Screenshot this
No chance, he's a soyboy who will just get fat again
What if he can't handle it and gives up on life
>The surgery required to fix that would be absurdly expensive
You have to lose weight slowly.
His stomache is 10% of what it used to.
Your skin loses elasticity as you age and live an unhealthy lifestyle. You'd better hope you have good genes or are young else you are doomed
If he ever gets motivated enough to make a change, it'll be to kill himself immediately.
okay skellie
He got surgery to lose weight, and his wife left him right after. The depression will set in soon and he will begin binge eating again.
I suggest you eat gelatin and start buying whatever the shit they sell for pregnant women skin
Did his wife cuck him with the, not at all straight, black friend of hers?
He's still a fat fuck.
150 isn't overweight unless you're a 5 foot nothing woman
>implying gastric bypass surgery takes any effort
>Probably going to die this year
>Wife is happy
>Gets surgery and manages to lose weight and stick around for a few more years
>Wife divorces him
It's a good tale.
Will we see PUNISHED boogie or will he just kill himself?
Well, he's on $200,000 per annum and lives in the boondocks or some shit, so he can afford it.
He's got a good head of hair. He needs to keep it up, hit the gym then get an actual qt. He can win this.
How tall is Boogie ?
his wife fucked this guy
>he needs to hit the gym hurr durr
Even if boogie weighs a "healthy" 200 pounds, he'll still have 50+ pounds of loose skin around him.
He can workout and get muscles, but you can't see shit under those flaps.
Your image is someone who's slightly overweight getting skin reduction. Boogie is 600 pounds of fatass.
Pretty Woman
>eat proteins and carbs
>work out
Muscle is heavier than fat and looks better too. If you just eat unhealthy shit you'll end up skinny-fat and unhealthy. I'm not from /fit/, it's just common sense.