Other urls found in this thread:
>boyega dick still bigger
lol whiteys
can someone here make a 5’11 vs 6 ft meme
nordic people have huge dicks
stay mad shitskin microdick
Finns are Eurasian though
>muh dick
ooga booga
Finns have gigantic weiners that help warm their knees in winter.
But COLONIZED guy is worse, since ypipo are rarer.
based whitesman doesn't want aids
How is muh dick different than muh height?
cause you can have the biggest dick on the planet and no one will know because you're a nigger manlet that will be rejected by every woman
>implying finns need big dicks to compete
The absolute STATE of Finnish food
Unless you have the face of the gods or are super rich if you're a manlet you are essentially invisible to women.
I'd rather be short with a big dick than tall with a small one.
you'd rather never use your dick?
Considering Boyega's luscious, child-bearing hips, I doubt that very much.
At least they pretty much cut out that nigger cunt this time. I bet she recorded her lines over the phone.
If youre under 5"6 maybe.
>you will never be bullied by a tall group of women
Why live
try anything bellow 6'
>getting bullied
>fucking them
pick one
What a fucking beta, why are white men such emasculated cucks
What's your cut off?
Because I am not rich.
I'm flattered, user.
>be tall with small dick. Disappoint every single girl.
>be short with big dick. Surprise every girl and talks about you to all her friends.
Yeah the choice is easy.
I bet Boyega has a completely average and unremarkable 6 inch dick
Civilian/law enforcement dimorphism is so pronounced in Clapistan.
I guess normal people can't afford to eat right, huh.
>surprise no one because no one wants to have sex with a 10 year old boy
>ywn have a QT Lupita gf
Whitey has an incredibly fake smile. I don't blame him. I'd be pissed if I was forced to act as if I liked a couple niggers.
what a retarded pseudo intellectual post
fuck off back to plebbit you manlet subhuman
>all nordics are Finns.
>56% education
that implies you end up with a girl in first place.
5 6 is about the real life cutoff height. For Tinder/Club game it's probably 5 10 to 6 feet. I'm sure you get lots of pussy though don't worry, saying you post on Sup Forums on a Saturday morning makes bitches wet.
Haha. What?
I'm just saying those cops are so huge and those people are so small.
Why did you get so mad?
I'm 5'8 and I got several girlfriends.
Don't fool yourself, height matters but a good face will be superior to everything.
Money/status > Face > Height > Physical shape > Dick > 'muh personality'
Serious question though. Will they ever learn?
>Sup Forums on height
Every time. Literally shows that you niggers never actually talk to women. All that really matters with women is confidence, experience and money.
Nothing dries up a vagina faster than an awkward lad spilling spaghetti all over the place. Like, just go to a bar or a club near you and just watch the interactions between the people trying to get laid. It's 100% visible when a chick sees insecurity and mentally checks them off.
Is that basketball american wearing a turtleneck with a tuxedo jacket?
does this picture mean that polish people are on average half a meter taller than the average burger?
no it fucking doesn't because it's anecdotal evidence from one picture
you retarded fucking manlet
I've seen a ton of women on dating apps saying how relieved they were when I told them I was 6'1 since I was "cute and funny but they wouldn't want to fuck a short dude". Height IS a big factor. It wasn't as much in the past but with all the normie memes and collective groupthink it became one.
To some extent, but : confirmation bias. You're not gonna get interest from chicks who don't wanna fuck a lanklet, you're gonna get interest from chicks who prefer your height.
I'm a 5'8" manlet. I'm sure some chicks look at me and think "hello babby", but not enough to affect dating life.
Why are FINNISH BULLS so BIG? How can little black boys ever compete?
>dating apps
Doesnt matter how tall you are, only a beta faggot uses the internet to find pussy
when will you learn?
This. Guy is basically a tranny
I'd fuck Lupita
>dating apps
you're going after the lowest of the low user
fucking kek
white betas...when will they learn
When her weight starts with 2
she can lose weight while you will always be a subhuman manlet
>tfw 6'1
big nigger dick is a myth
redpilled af
Finns are mong-
And yet she never will.
I can always buy cowboy boots.
Based as fuck, when I shook hand with nigger (happened to me like two or three times) I immediately seek bathroom to wash my hands.
>manlet cope
nothing more pathetic
Le ebic meme, bro. XD
Meanwhile : chicks Taylor Lautner has dated -
>has dated
>manlets can't form long lasting relationships
he's a celebrity, you're not.
cope manlet filth.
Make sure you put your warm socks on before you get into your little bed, lanklet.
>short legs
>shorter temper
the manlet's burden
don't forget to tippy toe constantly like pic related
das raycis
Jesus Potter should use some spell to make him grow in size
Just own your height.
Lily Collins
...And yet it's always salty lanklets who derail the threads with their asshurt.
I wonder why, freak show?
Selena Gomez
>absolutely buttblasted
curb your manlet rage, it's not my fault.
blame your cuckold father for your inadequate genes.
Scream Queen
by getting some ManletBigBoyBoots™
i-it's not fair!! it was THEIR turn!!!!
Maika Monroe
When will they learn?!
That's the opposite of owning it m8.
He's good-looking ; and so am I. I told you, being a manlet has not affected my dating life.
Im 6,4 but how can you guys hate on manlets like this? How are you any better then dumb roasties?
Finns don't learn to smile when they grow up, so of course it looks fake when you have fake it for emotional Amerisissies.
how do we convert all the manlets into traps lads?
they can't pass their genes off anyways
might as well use them as the cock slaves that they are
wh*te """"""""""""males""""""""""
>celebrity relationships
Those are all fake for PR. He's prob gay iwbh.
>touching an ugly baboon lipped jungle bunny and contracting aids
is there ANYTHING black people are good at (besides being really dumb and shit at everything remotely productive)???
The guy is having a baby soon. You guys really gonna blame him for not wanting to catch anything?