This thread is for people, like me, who actually really enjoyed this film.
Best Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back.
This thread is for people, like me, who actually really enjoyed this film.
Best Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back.
Lmao kill yourself cuck.
I agree. It was objectively a good movie and a fun romp. Some of it dragged but not nearly as much as I'd been led to believe. I don't trust youtube plebs like Jeremy Jahns and Schmoes Know saying they need to watch it a second or third time to get a better feel for it.
If this was seriously too much for you to digest, you should kys. It hit a lot of good beats and I'll probably torrent so I can watch again but I don't see the need to see it in theaters anymore. Also Rose was still ugly af and I wish she'd died instead of her sister.
I agree Mickey it was the best movie ever. Excited for the 3rd one. Can you leave this board now?
Why do the Knights of Ren no longer exist?
Did you clap?
were they even in 7? i honestly can't remember
>types this much
>says so very little
So this is the kind of brainlet who enjoys TLJ?
Micky Rourke doesn't post here anymore, sperg.
I liked too OP :3
You just know OP did and giggled at every quip
>types this little
>reads like a fag
There was a flashback of them for like a second.
They should have had a line that said the Praetorians were just them. I think they were derived from them in terms of script.
They're both characters that use a variety of Laser weapons and end up fighting Rey. It would have been an easy way of writing them out of the story, instead of just forgetting them.
Probably just being saved for episode 9
I didn’t clap and only smiled a few times.
Graciously walked out of the cinema feeling happy with what I saw.
That feeling of calm and positivity must be so alien to you spergs.
TLJ is unironically one of, if not the very best Star Wars movie.
There are two major themes running through it: letting go of the past and defying expectations. Letting go of the past, as in saying goodbye to the old favorites, and making the new characters take center stage. Honest to god, I didn't care about Rey, Finn or Poe after TFA, but I loved them by the end of this.
And defying expectations, as in putting twists and turns in the story. I can't say that you won't see the plot twists coming, but those are a lot better than in an average blockbuster. I wonder if Abrams is salty that Johnson shaped his ideas so much?
I wouldn't call TLJ a deconstruction, though it comes close.
Felt very much like Kotor 2, interpreting the mythos in a different way (Luke has shades of Kreia). The humor was also great, measured gracefully and in the adequate places, Marvel could learn a LOT from this one.
The acting is superb, Del Toro, Dern and Tran all brought something to the table.
And there is a silent space battle scene towards the end which left the audience breathless. I could literally hear jaws hitting the floor.
>good movie
>some of it dragged but not much
>don't trust people who say you need multiple viewings to get
>girl who played Rose was uggo
Meanwhile your post:
>look mom, i am meme
General Hugs yo momma right?? le epic
This reads a lot like a Reddit post. I would put money on this post being copypasted from Reddit.
Comparing it to the OT is a little far but I think this is probably the best of the new batch of Star Wars films so far. I'm enjoying the Rey and Kylo developments and Luke's training explains the Force way better and more faithfully to the OT than any of the Force/Jedi stuff in the prequels. Structrually the film was a bit of a mess since it felt like it had 4 acts, but at least it wasn't a point-for-point rehash of ESB. I know it takes a couple of conceptual things from the OT like the Walkers/Hoth-like planet and the Snoke scene feeling a lot like the Emperor scenes in ROTJ but the actual story itself was new and did a lot of new things with the franchise.
Yeah, you said it was a good movie, every word after that was a waste because you started out saying something retarded and nonsensical, brainlet.
I don’t understand why the majority of Sup Forums seems to dislike TLJ more than TFA.
TFA was fucking crap. TLJ was good.
Shills hahaha
You idiots know we can tell it's your right?
They both blow and your embarrassing shilling will get you nowhere.
Stop posting this, I see this post every day on this board now.
Honestly Sup Forums had me convinced it was bad. And some of the leaked footage actually looked *horrible* out of context. The movie all together was pretty good. Just pretty good. Still taking a while to digest it.
What fucked it up for me wasn't the shit like how Snoke died or Luke throwing a saber over his shoulder or Leia flying through space, none of which bothered me, but the plot holes like purplehair not explaining her plan, or the fact that the Finn/Rose subplot could have been more interesting and tied in better with the larger plot.
Really it's like they didn't have a movie for Finn/Rose and it was really about Rey/Kylo/Luke but they knew Finn was a character so he's gotta do something but there was no reason why the Finn/Rose subplot couldn't have been more interesting.
Also the movie was legitimately funny at a lot of parts to me.
Hux drawing his blaster when he found Kylo passed out in Snoke's throne room got a hearty chuckle out of me
If you couldn't understand it, you're the brainlet.
>we can tell it's your right?
What's our right?
This pic i took from movies
Who no hyperdrive weapons in the story? Seem very effective.
I'm convinced that there's an organised alt right/Russian/something else sinister and gross attempt to smear this movie, it was absolutely amazing and anyone who tells you otherwise is a troll
>Best Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back.
How. It's by far the worst to come out. And I actually thought 7 was alright and R1 was good.
pajeet clackin' hard rn getting a nickel a post from disney
>R1 was good
>zero character development and AT-STs! AT-STs! is good
neck yourself
Rose/Finn/hacker subplot
Luke/Kylo/Rey plot
Purple hair woman/Leia/Poe subplot
Back to Pol with you
>falseflagger + b8 taker
Right on schedule.
the rose finn subplot was fucking boring and basically filler
It's literally just a "epec xDD" moment for the strong female, it's never going to happen again, get over it
sorry but Sup Forums is a Sup Forums colony, newfag
Pretty much this
How can anyone have this opinion
I'll just leave this here.
I'm still torn. I feel like it was overly complex while it didn't have to be.
The casino subplot didn't tie in with the rest of the movie.
Holdo could have just been Leia sacrificing herself and teaching Poe a lessing about leadership and sacrifice.
In the end I feel like it's fragmented and without a clear direction. More like bingewatching several starwars tv episodes than an actual movie.
Say what you will about JJ but at least he can show clear stakes.
Maybe if you like watching Luke die like a bitch. Or die at all.
What a fucking piece of shit movie I want my money back
Luke is as dead as Yoda is dead, he's become one with the force and will be a ghost in IX
Plus if you think sacrificing himself for the good of his friends/the cause in a situation he was in complete control of, with a demonstration of the force never seen before, is dying like a bitch, then you're retarded
Why are you here? Go to reddit, make this exact same topic and get billion upvotes.
I agree, great movie, also really loved the diversity of it
best one since Empire
Yeah, and Yoda is fucking dead.
I liked the movie (much more than TFA) and I'm convinced as soon as the hype dies down Sup Forums will love it since normies were put off by it.
9/10 movie kylo ren is fucking based
when will mods decide to take action against all the shitposters from pol
can someone explain to me what the hell is the purpose of this Star Wars? Nothing happens.
It should be reversed.
>I liked the movie (much more than TFA) and I'm convinced as soon as the hype dies down Sup Forums will love it since normies were put off by it.
Nah, normies will consider this to be an underappreciated classic in a years time and thus Sup Forums will hate it, guaranteed.
>this is what plebbitors think
switch Rose/Finn plot with Luke/Rey/Kylo and you're mostly good
why not both?
>some months later Sup Forums will love it because normies hate it
>some amount of time after that Sup Forums will hate it because normies love it
>some time after that /tv will love it because normies hate it
and repeat over and over again
This movie was more Avengers than Star Wars
Who was Snookies other apprentice?
It's Rian's genius master piece, he'll reveal it in ep9
I don't see the appeal. Jedi/sith/force/dark side etc has been done to death.
That's what Star Wars is about you ape.
Good vs Bad, Light vs Dark, Jedi vs Sith, small rebels vs big bad Empire
For me? Is Dexter
I know, and it's getting boring.
To undo everything Luke accomplished, from saving the galaxy from the Empire all the way down to growing up, developing integrity, and learning to forgive.
>Best Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back
You had ONE job, shill. Not even the paid reviewers think that.
>That feeling of calm and positivity must be so alien to you spergs.
If you don't enjoy a shitty movie, you can't enjoy any movie? That's stupid.
I've seen it this Thursday and thought it was bad, but wasn't disappointed since I knew what to expect.
Where it failed the most is being dramatic. It tried so hard to create the sense of peril surrounding the Rebels, especially at the beginning with that CGI mess of a fight scene where they slow-mo'd that one character's death you were introduced 2-3 minutes ago. And let's not forget that terrific Lea floating in the orbit scene that was dreadful.
What was Rose's purpose besides racial diversity and having a fatty in lead? Tragic past, a good person who sacrifices herself for a person she loved and one you're likely to forget a day after seeing it. Undeveloped and paper thin, same goes for Snoke who's just wannabe Palpatine. Rey, Finn and Poe didn't have much of a development here, if any, and you know it's bad when Benicio Del Toro's character, who you've seen 4-5 minutes in total, is more interesting than the lead ones. P.S. Daisy Ridley is painful to look at as she "acts".
The reveal about Rey's parents told us her parents were common garbage, so how could she possess so much raw power and be so good at using the Force, while also beating Ren. They tried to cover it up by saying he was affected by his deed of murdering his father, but I don't buy it. If he could have killed him, the one person he perhaps loved the most, killing a wannabe Jedi shouldn't be much a problem for him.
Another thing that bothered me was how Rey and Ren quickly dispensed with the Emperor's guard. They're far more competent, but they defeated most of them like they were nothing but mere Stormtroopers, the final two being the exception where they tried to create the illusion of some struggle being present in that fight.
New locations just seem like they were ripped out of Empire, same goes for the whole movie actually, especially the Rey arc where it really felt like Luke visiting Yoda, and the new creature species seemed like a rushed afterthought.
I haven't seen the movie but can you tell me if the Knights of Ren are mentioned? I want to know more about them desperately and I hope this movie does that to some degree.
>Say what you will about JJ but at least he can show clear stakes.
Easy to do when JJ just remade a new hope
Nope, none of that.
The Last Jedi isn't much different, as well.
Me too. I love that Star Wars is a comedy now.
Sooooo, basically 90% of the movie was bad
What is up with the phenomenon of nerds getting completely obsessed with characters that are in a movie for 5 seconds? Anyone else that have started to notice this? It's such a common thing on reddit and the nerds at my workplace.
You build all these elaborate stories in your mind about how the characters should be and get mad as fuck whenever they inevitably end up being nobodies.
People like cool designs and want to know more about them. It applies to anything where there's only a limited sample of something
The only part I liked, other than Benicio's and Laura Dern's character, was Luke's reason why he fled to the island and how he hates the Force now and wants to emancipate himself from it, similar to Darth Treya's character. Seeing Yoda fucking with him more was nice, but why did he had to be done in CGI? Him getting back to normal is something I don't object to, but the astral projection thing he did wasn't established in any of the movies before, same case in The Last Jedi, so that was a bit of an ass pull.
The humor in it didn't make me laugh and sometimes even ruined scenes, much like in GotG, because they try to create this sense of dread only to break it with retarded jokes that seem out of place.
One more thing, what was with the exposition in here? They infodump you almost in every other scene, it was fucking annoying.
I'll finish by saying pretty pictures =/= good directing.