HAHAHA! Sup Forumsedditor's BTFO! Your review bombing did nothing

HAHAHA! Sup Forumsedditor's BTFO! Your review bombing did nothing.

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It will only do 1 billion as negative reaction filters through, half of what TFA did

Why is (((Hollywood))) pushing interracial couples with Asian women?

I doubt it. Star Wars is a phenomenon - surely people will still go and see how bad it is, so that they can talk to others about it.

>30+ Million less than TFA

>review bombing
It's not ours, people are hating this piece of shit

um no sweetie

Neoliberalism. Asian needs to mix too.

No one uses idmb

>EVERYONE needs to race mix

I thought Jews were just targeting white people? Why must it be everyone?

RT only has about 8000 ratings more tho

Milking nostalgia only works for so long. I remember the enormous hype for Terminator 3 and AvP, now nobody gives a shit about those franchises.

That's almost all from prebooked tickets, fan reactions wont affect it much.
Next weekend will be interesting

Global capitalism is global in scope.

Dumbass it's not about this movie but the next one.
Next movie won't be able to draw crowds since they've shat on everything nostalgia and didn't replace it with anything but generic marvel capeshit.


because it's SEA so chinese won't care

>26.6% of the rates are 10/10
Nice shilled score you have there bud

>>being so invested in how his favorite corporate product does

AHAHAH oh my god what a pathetic retard. Did you actually like the movie? LOL

Because they want there to be only two races: Jews and Mongrels.

East Asians are a threat


What is "review bombing"?

and how large is the percentage of 1 stars on RT hm?

This one will be profitable, no question. Real damage will be the ripple effect where it shakes up.the fan base. Spinoffs and sequels will.have weaker openings. Licensed products will sell less. Unironically this may be the beginning of a decade long plunge into the ground/unprofitability for the franchise.

star wars was a phenomenom in the 70's, now it's just marxist horseshit

It's what Disney's going to blame when the take starts to nosedive by next week...

No, chinks will eat it up

The real plan is to have the Shabbos goy finish engineering the fully automated, globalized digital economy right before mongrelization turns their children into retards. Then the jews will use their newly built robot army to wipe out the mongrels and keep the automated economy all to themselves, without ever having to do any actual work

what? Star Wars has never done well there

This. It will get fewer repeat viewings.
I watched a midnight screening on Thursday morning. I was supposed to go on Friday with a bunch of friends and again on Sunday with a friend who's been out of the country for work. I cancelled both.
I won't be watching it again. Won't be buying it on Blu-ray. Won't be buying any more novelisations etc. (what a waste of time the new EU stuff is on reflection).

But that's not where the most pain for Disney will come from. This is going to affect future films. Fans will make a statement by boycotting the Solo movie. Some will still drag themselves to IX because it's still called Star Wars and will be hyped up along the lines of " fans will be blown away by how JJ wraps up the trilogy". Hints will be dropped that Hamill will play a major role (he won't but they'll tempt us with it).
But a lot of fans will stay away after seeing TLJ.

This movie isn't bad by accident. It's an explicit "fuck you" to Star Wars fans - there are repeated explicit lines of dialogue that say as much. It's the main fucking theme of the movie. Muh destroy the past. Burn it down.
They basically started a preemptive gamergate style conflict with Star Wars fans, and I don't get it. I didn't know that Star Wars fans were considered to be misogynists or unreconstructed males who needed to be taken down a peg. I honestly didn't. I wasn't part of that gamergate thing and didn't realise I'd been identified as a sympathiser.
Did they really take the Rey criticism to heart? Did they genuinely think that the "Mary Sue" complaints were unwarranted and were reflective of underlying hatred of women? So they felt compelled to respond? I'm trying to get into their heads and work it out but I just can't. Why did they do this? Did it not occur to them that these same fans have loved Leia forever? That it was nothing to do with Rey being a girl?
Or, if not for this reason, why? Why do this? I need to know.

They gotta cash in on those manchilds that are now 45 years old b4they die and take their money with them

Really surprised they went with a picture that shows OogaBooga's large, womanly hips.

>I don’t get it
It’s not complicated. The jews and their slaves hate your fucking guts, they want you dead and they want to destroy everything you like or ever cared about.

You thought the destruction of the white male was a myth. It is not.

JJ never wrapped up anything in his life
I'd be amazed if finished a meal, let alone a plotline

People seem to go see it as an event, being good or bad at this point is irrelevant. It's like transformers.

Everyone I know that went to see it talked shit about it, they also talked shit about r1 and tfa so being bad seems to make no difference.



Look at the user reviews you absolute faggot that's what matters in imdb

can someone explain why is finn even with them? does the resistance take just any random dude of the street and lets them fight?
how are they different from the taliban

you mean the 8/10 because you retards forgot to flood that site with fake reviews?

>Weebs hate Jedikino

Why am I not suprised

User reviews, not ratings

Sup Forums numbers aren't high enough to bomb Rotten Tomatoes. There are tens of thousands of ratings. (77k actually)

Let the butthurt flows through you. This movie is crap.

>this is what drumpftards actually believe
apart from you triggered neonazis everyone else loves it

>Goons hate anime

Why am I not surprised

>how Disney continues to win
It's FUCKING STAR WARS, no shit people are going to see it, it's the single most popular film franchise ever, no fucking shit it's getting money from the plebeian masses

>Your review bombing did nothing.
Why are you here if you're not "one of us"? What makes you think those reviews aren't from the people who went to see the movie? The total number of reviews is about right for those kinds of profits... Guess this is just a shit movie huh?

could what has been done to luke skywalker and star wars be the biggest redpill of all?

The first phase of the culture war is over. They've converted everyone they can. Now we've begun the next phase - demoralization of those who remain opposed to the agenda.