Damn Sup Forums you guys just got destroyed. How will you losers ever recover?

Damn Sup Forums you guys just got destroyed. How will you losers ever recover?

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>those reviews are against my views they shouldn't count!!!

Why are lefties so eager to censorship

>still pushing the narrative that people are disliking the movie because of some kind of race or sex issue

Fake News!

That's the biggest advantage of having a minority/diverse cast

if it blows cock you can just say it's because of the racists/sexists etc.

>praising strong women and poc in the reviews is okay
>criticizing is not


Matt is one of the biggest fucking retards on the planet. If RLM shits on TLJ, watch this fat fucking manlet do the quickest 180 you've ever seen.

>calling everyone who doesn't like how the movie handled Luke a nazi woman hater
Don't those idiots realize that those highschool bully tactics don't work outside of teenage life anymore?
If anything they're gonna push apolitical people like me towards sympathizing with conservatives because at least they don't sperg out and insult me if I don't happen to enjoy a particular piece of entertainment media they like.


i just want any cool characters i dont even care what race/gender they are

Who is this moron and why should I care about his opinion?

but lets be honest for a moment
the rating on RT is clearly getting bombed by Sup Forums and Sup Forums

They have the perfect shield now with niggers and women, don't they?

A manlet leafmutt Let's Player.

You shouldn't.

A manchild and all around imbecile with too much time on his hands that runs a popular videogame channel. Heres some of his best work

You overestimate our power.

Because lefties know ther only reason they like the movie is because it has minorities in it. They can care less about the story. To bad that they actually don't spend any money to see said movie though.

Star Wars I: "the force" was some mysterious mysticism that allowed Obi Wan to BARELY scare away some Sand People. Turd farmer, Luke, wants to explore this ancient craft to become a gifted warrior.

Fast forward to whatever number we're on now: "The Force" is something that makes people immortal. capable of telekinesis, and become Dragonborn god-mode without ever doing an ounce of training

nah, Sup Forums managed to do the same when Zelda BotW came out

>pretending that right is any better

What the fuck are you smoking? You're a buzzfeed """jouuuuunralist"""" looking to get a shitty article out of this aren't you?

wew, it really is like i am actually on Sup Forums

Hey now, you don't need training when you're a stronk current year woman!

not Sup Forums related but this is a recent fuckup of his that I found funny
>Matt streams DDLC a couple of weeks ago
>tune in because I know its going to be complete shitshow
>its him and his ugly annoying wife doing bad voice acting because lol weebshit for a good 4 hours while they keep asking the chat when the does crazy shit happen cause they're bored
>they finally get to the shit hits the fan moment in act 1 and Matt looks pissed because he thought it be some dumb horror sex thing and his wife won't stfu about suicides too real you guys not cool ;_;
>he stops streaming a few minutes into act 2 saying the game was overhyped and whining about looking thorough files
>later posts the video on his yt channel and the entire comment section is calling him out for being a bitch and not finishing it

it's theforce.net
starwars fans are not as forgiving as tv and pol

>Disney is pulling the same shit EA did with Mass Effect 3


even Luke had to do intense training with Yoda before he could even struggle to lift an X-Wing using the Force. This is dragonball levels of power creep.

>ingoring legit criticism and pulling racism misogyny bigotry card

Mouse on a suicide watch.

wait until POC becomes a racist term. I always pronounce it "Pawks". eventually that will turn on it's head just as fake news and every other buzzword they can come up with. Why are people so eager to stand atop victim mountain?

these faggots don't care about star wars. they are not sincere fan. they don't want to just be a part of the fandom, they slink in like rats, appropriate it, and take control of it. once they have that control, they begin the process of taking star wars apart, they deconstruct it, subvert it's messages and themes, and than finally erase what star wars was originally about. that's when they start using it as a vehicle to transport their propaganda.

It's like that scene in World War Z where the zombies are all clamboring up that wall on top of each other except its a bunch of people trying to reach the most offended summit.

>BotW's Metacritic user score is at 8.4 with 9878 reviews after having been out for 9 months
>TLJ's Rotten Tomatoes audience score is 56% with 76,401 reviews after having been out for less than a week
It's not comparable at all.

>killing phasma like a bitch
>our critics are women haters

kekus maximus

Pls stop they're alredy dead

What about surviving in space and flying through the vacuum without training or any signs of having the force at all in the previous 7 movies? That's a good trick


If by clearly you mean "in no way perceivable and highly unlikely", sure.

for Sup Forums and Sup Forums to bomb these sites shouldn't there be like... threads about it... idk maybe the movie just sucks?

We don't have 75,000 people here, it's all normies. Just go on twitter, it's brutal

What now redditors?

>episode 3 was anti bush

>a bunch of nobodies with 6 likes and zero retweets said something I don't like on twitter
Damn, how do you even wake up in the morning when you're this easily triggered? Get ready for another 300 post thread about a fucking tweet 6 people liked.

>be me
>stop having time to listen to the podcast about a year ago, but listen to some 10 minute clips of some recent ones
>Matt can't fucking help but interrupt the others to try and finish their sentences for them.
>He's always wrong about what they're trying to say and it's super fucking annoying.

I can't tell if it's a joke but it's not funny and it feels like he's trying to interject himself into every conversation

Have you not even spent more than five minutes here? 99% of the whining about the new Star Wars movies now centers around the cast not having enough white men and the lead characters being a woman and a black dude. "Anti white" is pretty much the most used term in Star Wars threads these days

>post on this very website
>somehow don't see people dumping on it because of women and race
>even when they do it explicitly
>somehow missed the "star wars has always been a white franchise" posts
>will bend over backwards to defend everything and anything in the prequels but will nitpick every little detail in nuwars
>actively trying to trash this movie since before it even came out because of "forced diversity"
Come on man, how do you live with this much denial?


No really, who is this and why should I care? There’s a thousand other losers on Twitter spamming this bullshit. What’s special about him?

That probably would have something to do with RLM actually being able to actually bring up better criticism better than "the protagonist succeeded what a Mary Sue", "why is this asian woman so ugly why couldn't they have cast a supermodel", "soy wars xD", "why is the white guy a villain instead of a hero", and all the other stupid shit you guys whine about

>this VP early game
what the fugg?

>Doesn't even have a blue tick

Sorry who?

>caring about twitter

>your opinions don't count because i, an internet nobody, said so!

That accounts for maybe 10% of the criticism here.

have you ever been on Sup Forums before?

the patriot act. Security over liberty

I've seen a ton of valid complaints here, though.

for sure there are valid complaints, but if you intersperse them with "REEEE this guy has dark skin" comments, they aren't going to get taken seriously.

But it is

>But the reviews that shit on white men SHOULD count
Soy boys will still deny the agenda

(see: Ghostbuters remake)


>Sup Forums cares about Soy Wars
They spend most of their time trying to destroy the Republican establishment

I agree they're not but that still doesn't make this shit ok

I miss the times when Moot was still around, the 2016 election hadn't happened yet and the word "containment board" actually meant something

Fuck right off. I've seen criticism from people who misinterpreted that Yoda line because they didn't know Rey had the books. I've seen criticism over *it was a hologram*. I've seen criticism for how Snoke was a total non-factor who wound up a red herring now that they've raked in all the money they could from having him ape Palpatine. I've seen criticism of super-Leia, murder uncle, incompetent rebel leadership, the pointlessness of the Finn subplot, you name it.

Don't you fucking dare try to claim that people disliked this movie exclusively because of pink hair. Fuck. You.

It was. And that’s one of the reasons the prequels were so shitty. Political pandering doesn’t make for good entertainment, it’s just a distraction that takes you out of the fictional world you’ve been sucked into.

You’re going along following the story, and all of the sudden a ham-handed political message is reminding you to vote Democrat.

Literally not an argument

Female Star Wars fans were a mistake.

>Thinking you have to pick a side

Time to grow up, kiddo

>PC soyboy police crying at free speach
How will you ever survive the wyatt genocide?

I’m sure (((you))) liberals would be celebrating if white people forced the NBA to be less black. Right?


>le Sup Forums and Sup Forums have thousands of fake accounts meme

I guess we're on all social media, right?

>I hate myself because daddy didn’t buy me a pony

>we're going to be a minority because all the white wymen want to fuck Chad and Tyrone but not me ;_;

>That accounts for maybe 10% of the criticism here.
Fuck off with that shit. There is a constant stream of bitching about diversity and star wars.
It's not a coincidence that we've gone with calling it "nuwars".
Good luck finding them when they're wrapped in so much bullshit. You faggots can't ever just dislike something for what it is, you have to wrap it in layers and layers of politicized garbage.
For fuck's sake, I thought the flying Princess Leia scene was made up because of all the bullshit people claimed.
>Princess Leia superman pose flies through space and smashes the entire First Order fleet/Patriarchy by herself and kills Snoke
Yeah man, that's exactly what happened. Because her just flying through space wasn't retarded enough, we needed to inject feminism in there just so we know this was something bad.

any person that uses these acronyms show they spend too much time thinking about this race shit therefore I ignore whatever they say

>be white
>hate everyone who is white

so these people hate themselves?

>FUCK WOMEN AND FUCK POC reviewers should not matter
>The movie is getting trashed in rest of the non white world too

Do they think only western world get to see star wars in 2017?

>Four main female characters are Tumblr Retard, Asian Retard, Mary Sue and Mary Poppins
>Black guy was useless
>"Cool" female baddy was useless again
>The "Angry hot-blooded cis-male" was right
>You hate this movie because it promotes wymyn and POCs

>the left loves censorship!
>so does the right.
>Picking sides, time to grow up!
>being upset that the NBA is a true meritocracy where players are judged on their ability to take over and dominate a game as opposed to personal politics and skin color
No, but I know you'd be celebrating.
Have fun watching football where teams are willing to scud their entire season just so they won't have to hire someone who might have political opinions they don't like.

Even if you go for the minorities complaint, it works perfectly, because

a. they wasted too much time on minorities and purple hair filler while not advancing the plot AT ALL Give them proper arcs or kill them, don't waste screentime
b. they killed the straight white male that represented SW since the 70s so that the white old madam jedi could take his place, except she died so they got fucked from both sides so they put all eggs in the Rey basket
c. they bait and switched the white straight heterosexual cis binary catholic new guy to the dark side so that the white woman could kill him hogging the spotlight as the sole jedi of a new era of "yas jedi"

So yeah, it's kinda the point, had they focused entirely on Luke, Ren and Rey while taking 30m from the worthless war filler and killed Leia after five mins, the movie would have better pacing.

He's jewish.

> Matt unironically using PoC

Fuck's sake, he really did become a cuck after marrying that make-up beast.

Yes because they've been taught so since elementary school by their marxist teachers.

>Slavery! Your people did this! Shame on you!
>Holocaust! Your people did this! Hate yourself! Fuck you!

>Oh my god we white people are really bad because professor Silverberg said so...

>T-their opinions and arguments are just shitposting! There's nothing to them!
Intellectual dishonesty is a hallmark of the left.


>There is a constant stream of bitching about diversity and star wars.

There are heroes on both sides.

And the right, oddly enough. It's all tribalism and heads in sand.

Is the voice satire? That better be satire.

All 40 people? Damn.

This is why it's best to be a Centrist and to laugh at both sides.

So lets try to figure out the reasons why this movie failed using only one sentence each. Just ignore the ones that start trolling, this thread is here for constructive shit, enough sissy fit threads out there already. Ill start. Too many main characters.

overpowered protagonist

>furfag's opinions matters
Since fucking when?

Like TFA right?

I'm not shitting on RLM, I'm shitting on Matt. He's a fucking faggot that is incapable of independent thought. If Mike and Jay shit on it, he will instantly change his opinion to reflect theirs.