>I am a completely believable villain and not a cartoonish portrayal of a tyrant at all!!!!!
I am a completely believable villain and not a cartoonish portrayal of a tyrant at all!!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
the First Order is literally a white supremecist organization
>Snoke dies
>Kylo joins Rey
>Hux steps up to lead the First Order
>Becomes nu-wars version of Thawn
Is that Jex from Peep Show?
but seriously though
how Sup Forums is Sup Forums on a scale from 1 - 10?
He is an OUTLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!!!!!!!!!!!!
im pretty sure 90% of tv also goes on pol so 9
Sup Forums is a Sup Forums colony like Sup Forums
Sup Forums wishes they were us
>How many anons from the largest board are crossposters on the 3rd largest
He is literally a cartoonish hittler. So are you saying alt right are a bunch of nazis?
This board puts Sup Forums to shame
I don't browse Sup Forums but I still post about jews and niggers on Sup Forums constantly so I guess Sup Forums is Sup Forums+X.
>cartoonish villain in a cartoonish movie in a cartoonish franchise
What seems to be the problem?
Over 9000
>I want bealivable villans in my space fantasy movie about laser swords and furry monsters waaaaaah!
The Empire is literally Nazis in space but they still were not portrayed as over the top and goofy
Can't think of a single long term negative.
>they still were not portrayed as over the top and goofy
>the main villain literally wears a black toilet helmet
come on you know what i mean
Cops won't have any jobs to do anymore
Oh you mean like Palpatine and Vader?
>having a setting not based in real life means that you can get away with writing your stories and characters like a 12 year old's fanfic
half the society is /po/, maybe even more. pendulum swing etc. can't understand how some of you fags are still surprised by it.
Hey, nice screencap of a post taken with your phone!
First Order
>ALL white dudes, some women(white) + 1 random chinese janitor
>NOT a single person of color
The Resistance
>All important positions are portrayed by WOMEN
This "evil white man" shit needs to stop. I don't mind diversity, but fucking hell, at least make it both sides.
Nice post you made on a website with your computer/phone!
Then why is Finn black you nigger?
Schöne dreipel!
I like that the FO is all white, I have someone to root for
I don't get the hate. Hux is ultra hammy and fun as hell to watch. By far one of the best parts of Nu Wars and it's great to see Gleeson taking roles outside his typecast.
Diversity doesnt mean diversity anymore.
He dindu nuffin da black man din wan ta shoot all dem peoplz da white man who enslaved him did it so da honest good boi had ta run away
Why are you losers complaining about a kids movie being cartoonish and silly? Disney put out a blockbuster about space wizards... You might want to readjust your expectations, dildos
Diversity literally means anti white now user. Let the leftists go hurr teh poor wyatt man ;'((((( all they want. It is axiomatic.
>disliking Nu Wars makes you Sup Forums
Nu Wars is a pleb filter and you got filtered.
With black and asian chicks working on every bridge in their fleet.
soon everyone will be folding paper with us!
>just turn off your brain bro and enoy the movie
>I mean it's childish shit anyway what do you even care
Implying we don't all jump around from board to board to discuss different topics related to our interests.
>my children's sci-fi movies needs to be SERIOUS
Living your life in this constant veil of irony makes you a coward and it rots your brain
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are like oil and water, unlike Sup Forums where you're supposed to argue and report Sup Forums, on Sup Forums you know no one is gonna do anything about so you just let them have their own little threads
This is deep.
>complaining about an over the top villain in a children's movie
So exactly like Emperor Palpatine, who literally cackles and shoots lightning like an evil D&D wizard.
>haha space nazis, did you get it yet audience?
You're the one living in irony though. Audience scores are the ultimate level of pleb filth.
I don't trust audience scores, but I trust critic scores even less.
It's funny, these elements were already present but were far more subdued.
Then we get TFA and there's literally a nazi rally.
And that's why you're less than worthless.
You can post this sarcastically, but it's genuinely what you're supposed to do.
I assume you have some pretty vicious critiques of Beethoven 2 and Dunston Checks In? Maybe you should graduate to films for adults rather than stay miserable
>Beethoven 2 and Dunston Checks In
Yeah it's very telling that you name those movies in comparison to TLJ.
There’d be a lot of security guards out of work and the nba would flounder but car insurance rates would plummet and the 10% shoplifter tax that is imposed by retailers to cover shoplifting would vanish, so I’d say it would be a complete positive. Only downside is nobody would’ve ever thought the dougie and the nae nae were cultural contributions.
Will somebody please ask Rian Johnson why the First Order is so white?
I like him.
>"critics" have even the slightest idea what is or isn't good film
>trusting paid disney shills even if you somehow pretend they aren't retarded
He is going to betray Kylo, The First Order has the advantage and is literally unstoppable at the end of episode 8 but Kylo will squander their resources searching for Ray
Well they didn't put race and gender into your face. I'm fine if it's just fascists vs rebels, that's not subtly saying teh ebil wh*te man
Its stupid what they did to him in TLJ because liking FO is bad goy
It half as Sup Forums as it is reddit
But seriously how dumb are you.
With continued politicization of everything from movies to award shows, to writers/directors/actors/comedians.... did you not think there would be some push back? You are not seeing Sup Forums infiltrating this board, you are just seeing Sup Forums infiltrate Sup Forums and are liking what they see.
t. Sup Forums
Not the guy you're talking to but have you heard the average normie talk about a movie after they've watched it? As many faults as critics have at least they have watched more than 100 movies in their lifetime and actually watch more than just the flavor of the month blockbuster.
off the charts
what a shitty map, Sup Forums is literally anti-Sup Forums
49% mad cunts, 49% rebbit sjw cancer and then 2% retarded or a faggot like yourself
Lmao you should be discussing film on rebbit since you obviously have atrocious taste
I actually find myself and a few close acquaintances laughing at the fact you vouch for the Gleeson that should have been put down at birth
>Chop chop piggy the slops being served
tip for non-australians: "mad cunt" is actually a good thing here
He's more cartoonish than the Indiana Jones Nazis. At least they looked cool.
14/88 not bad
le alt right face
>We're basically prehistoric asians
In the german version of the movie hux has the same voice as our version of zuko from avatar. Imagine seeing an edgy child dude everytime this general talks.
This is the only reason why i like him
Unironically my favourite character in nu-Star Wars. He's a lot of fun.
They are so afraid of making white tyrants look good that there's no threat in these fucking movies at all. Everyone at the top is completely incompetent it's fucking ridiculous.
Awwwww, is little baby drumpflet triggered the Nazi in charge of the pseudo-Nazi organization wasn't the hero? Poor little protector of the white race.
Thanks, Tyler Perry. :^)
i dont get how you could even think that's an argument.
>real life villains aren't that ridic...
/fa/ is constantly talking about kikes, niggers, and /fa/scism. They are with us at least by 70%.
Why do Disney waste great actors?
>Mads in Rogue One. Literally did nothing but talk exposition
>Domhall Gleeson is some over the top fascist who is forgettable
>Anthony Ingruber, does an amazing Han Solo impression, joker impression, even played young Harrison Ford in another movie BTFO by some guy who barely resembles him
You're the only one who should've been aborted.
Oh I forgot
>Lupita Nyongo
>Andy Serkis
CGI nobodies.
First time I saw this guy (and this image perfectly represents this), he just looked to me like some autist ripped straight off of Sup Forums and allowed to write his own lines.
it's spread to all boards
So pol is going to get wrecked by Reddit?
Not this time around.
what? I'll keep holding.
Depends on which Sup Forums you mean really.
Old Sup Forums? Quite a few crossposters.
New Sup Forums - only a loud minority I believe. Basically a redux of /new/raiders.