>3rd world shitholes would rather join the Rebels than the Empire
3rd world shitholes would rather join the Rebels than the Empire
Other urls found in this thread:
>UK split between Rebels and Empire
>admiting you're a fascist.
I didn't know there was vote. I'd join Empire
>actual IRL empires are pro-empire
>not being a fascist
>authoritarian slavers shitholes are straight up evil
Cringed hard
>Germany and Austria in Empire
Why am i not surprised?
Surprised by Spain and Italy.
Based Russkies.
Poland here. We'd probably join the empire as well.
>the Empire = nazis
Who is the shithole now?
me on the top left
She wants some ham?
Yes you would.
What a shitty graph. The x-axis only goes to 60% while the y-axis exaggerates the differences in %. Also both axes are the same things wtf.
>Ham for her
Idk what did she mean by this, sweetheart
The best part is that Clinton's foreign policy is empire building. Not that Trump's is much different but I love how they think they're so rebellious
>Germany at 53%
This is concerning
3-4% isn't really a big difference
>UK 50.18%
there's mongolians who know what star wars is?
this map really makes the old noggin go tick tock
>third world shitholes would join rebels
after seeing how pathetic and weak the new republic/resistance is in the new movies, who could possibly want to be on their side?
Based Russia.
>Chad has no time for video games
>Central African Republic
/gsg/ faggot virgin got outside of his containment zone?
Based Mongolia
>Italy doesn't want to rebuild the Roman Empire any more
So this is how it ends?
My real question is what the fuck the new republic was even doing
how did they let the first order build a fucking death planet to begin with?
how do they have zero army?
how are they just... so useless and nowhere to be seen?
Chile is probably a better place to live than Murica
The Empire is the party of the White man and order. The rebels is the party of ugly xenos, brown people, and feminism.
South America is bc of socialist kids LARPing as Che, but also maybe some guys playing as rebels are the anti socialsit guys sick of totalitarian government
They are literally a non-entity in the movies.
>white man
are you high?
Are you retarded?
Virgin death in decrepitude VS CHAD GOING OUT IN HIS PIRME!
yes it's me, your average /gsg/er. don't forget to buy all your DLC legally on the Steam Store - otherwise you are a paedophile.
They know that the White man brings order, and with it peace and prosperity.
>countries where games are for kids vs countries where games are for manchildren
>Clinton unironically wanted to start direct military conflict with Russia (enforcing a no fly zone in Syria)
>people act like Trump is the warmonger
According to actual cannon, the new republic is even more ineffective than the last republic. They abolished the millitary except for a navy, and have a very big imperial-apologist faction that destroyed Leia's political career by revealing that Vader is Leia's father. Although you dont see that in the movies for some reason
a nigger musical about alexander hamilton only enjoyed by white liberals
>first-world prefers a democratically-elected ruler with a political background, a strong military and police presence and zero tolerance for criminals
>third-world prefers a rogue unelected militagroup with undisclosed financial sources led by expats and criminals
>first world
I thought ruskies still love Stalin. Why do they want an empire since commies brought it down in the first place?
>it's another episode of Sup Forums thinking that russia is not a shithole
>I thought ruskies still love Stalin
they do, why else would they love the empire so much?
but its /our/ shithole
not sure you know the definition of communism
and mixing socialism with comunism
murican education
why does varg even dress like that
Because Stalin built a bigger Russian Empire than any of his predecessors. Don't confuse Soviet communism with the stuff preached by western lefties. It was nothing more than Russian imperialism coated in communist slogans.
That Lin Manuel, what a prick.
Surely a reference to the time she was thrown, unconscious into a van like a side of beef.
Somebody tell Merkel.
Why? Because its too low?
Literally the last thing stopping Germany from starting another WW.
ever hear about the woman with a ham under her arm going around complaining about having no bread?
Look at the fucking size of that country, and yet Putin is obsessed with the west rather than using the all these resources to make his people great.
>file name
Holy shit that's exactly what it is
Like 70% of Russia is unhabitable
>be austrian
>root for empire
Color me surprised
Why the fuck would anyone prefer a fucking terrorist organization?
>My country is pro Rebel shits
What? everybody I know is pro Empire, the fuck is thsi?
You can't have sex slaves in the empire.
shut up mapuche shitskin
Chilean here, I don't understand who the fuck would want to join the Rebels.
nice sources there
pretty sure Jabba proves that wrong. He wasnt exactly "in the empire", but hes closer to their side then the rebels
There still hasn't been any real reason to hate the Empire. Star Wars is shit.
I saw an actual Indian in the First Order in TLJ. As an Indian, that was nice to see.
People who hate Pinochet?
those are statistics from a videogame
an EA game at that
Was it that bitch from that videogame that's been advertised out the ass? Is she the First Order's top girl?
>You can't have human sex slaves in the empire.
Fix'd. Non humans are free game because the Empire doesn't give a crap about them.