Who would win?
Who would win?
Nan Ollo looks strong but Hah Sooz has two fucking guns.
Naan Ollo is a fucking Chad with anal beads but Hah the soyboy has two guns. Not sure.
>the virgin Hah Sooz
>the chad Nan Ollo
HAH SOOZ is a fucking school shooter.
Nan Ollo is clearly high test, but Hanz Sooz is armed and angry at the world. It's a tough call.
Hahaha epic meme OP, suddenly I have this urge to buy a ticket to see The Last Jedi (TM). See you other anons at the theater!
I'm putting my money on Nan Ollo with his huge weird penis.
Left works out at the library.
Right works out at the gym.
Nan Sooz has shapely hips.
but he's also a soyboy look at those hips and narrow shoulders
Han Sooz looks like a soy boy who won't shoot first. Nan Ollo is badass and is portraid by mr. Renreich himself.
>soyboi has something about Alden above him
>chad has something about the Reich above him
Is Star Ratz a better series than Zraw Wars?
HAH has lazers. HAH shoots nan dead!
Can NAN's tail be used as a weapon?
>Star Ratz
>needs guns
>2Raw Wars
>Bros 2018
>will punch you apart
literally the virgin Hah vs the chad Nan
The real tossup here is between Star Ratz and Zraw Wars
>looks nothing like Harrison Ford
>gets the role
still, two guns
HAH clearly has a background in ballet. NAN may be stronger, but HAH has the edge in agility.
Avengers Infinity War
Agreed. He looks like he knows Gun Kata
>Nan Ollo
>Starring Heath Ledger
>noone comments on Nan's massive whipdong
They're clearly anal beads
>int vs str
bloodtinge vs strength
>this fucking thread
Obviously Nan Ollo is alpha with his 2 from cock he could just knock Hah Zooz the fuck out and put him in a computer with that monster
is it time for one of these again?
Nan Yolo wins
>two guns
>larger head to hold immense brain
What about these two?
Two magic orbs > skinny soyboy
>Alden Eeeeh... Nedla
>skinny soyboy
>gets twice the pussy
But stocky bro gets two more bros
Bros before hoes
>-narrow shoulders
>-prays instead of act
>+gets the girls
>-beer gut
>-shits anywhere
>+more fists to punch you more
>+brotier donkey companions
>+happy to be there
Honestly it's a really close match, but if I have to pick one that would be Kerrer
7 vs 5, its unfair
There are times where I think I should leave this place, but then shit like this happens.
I am imagining that the movie will be Nan Ollo, but expecting it to be Hah Sooz
What's his secret?
>Where do you work out?
>At the library
>HAH went out and bought two guns since he knew he'd never have a chance in a physical fight against NAN
NAN may be a chad but he lacks foresight.
Which one pioneered body horror in cartoon films better?
Women don't count cause they're shit and rettoP has double rasengan. Harrurrah doesn't stand a chance
>A Good Moom
Hah Sooz because he has retard-brain powers and 2 blasters
underage faggot it's clearly prime Val Kilmer
Potter v Potter looks pretty dope because Harry's got some serious magic there but since Zach Snyder is directing it I am apprehensive.
Yes, check out the prequels to Star Ratz they are so damn good.
This was a little weak but please continue because I had hearty chuckles over the first two.
Is SREHTHERS about a serial killer?
>The last squeeze of the trigger
>Looks like he's suffocating someone.
Kerrek's dragon is capable of producing a bigger flame, meaning it's far more deadly. Not to mention donkeys are capable of more powerful kicks than humans (and most likely ogres as well in the Shrek universe). An easy victory for Kerrek.
>soyboy vs chad
>5 Nam-a-maN 2 is Steve from Stranger Things, plus needs two masks to hide his identity
>SpideaedipS doesn't give a fuck about his identity, is much stronger and has 2 spiders
Gee, I wonder who would win.
that fucking wolverine on the left?
>BiO nigger
What did they mean by this?
>Llerac Carrell as "ene blO rArOld niggin"
Welsh kinos are weird
For real, thats a pretty cool spider design on 5-Nam-A-Man 2
it clearly says niggin you blind fuck
Tell me about nam-a-man
Why does he wear the masks?
>ene Blo-rear-Old niggin
>is darker than the other
I made one. I think it's fairly obvious Dad Xax is superior.
But Mam Mam has a much better aim
Daddy Xax has street-sweeping multishot though
For me, it's the superlative thespian skill of Tom H. H. Mot.
5 Namamanz isn't symmetrical and spidea30192 is horribly deformed, they both lose
Who needs good aim when you have 3 barrels.
Going to post Death Wish 1 and 2. They're not so great but I like them.
well soyboy may look feeble but has two emma watsons.
hah Zooz is clearly a DEX/INT build and he's got two guns, this isn't even a context
han solo had brown eyes
>implying he'll use them
Dad Xax has wider range
Plus, Mam Mam is a momma's boy
Laughing like a fucking idiot on the bus, thanks
nan ollo has a lightsaber dick
Bad Taste
>the poster of the film is a literal who standing in front of a grey wall
This is going to be really bad.
>bad dab
Yes it is.
somebody post giga harry
>two guns
>thicc legs
Hah Sooz is obviously the best. Then again look at the todger on Nan Ojlo
My money is on Dood Starts, his magic thing is way bigger
This is the poster for the film 'Cruising'. It's actually pretty good.
>Angels & I & slegnA
Sounds like the title for a shitty comedy.
He killed two spidermans
Spideaediq2 hasn't even killed one.
Yeah but Rottor Egnange has a second head on top of his head
>Nan Ollo
fucking hell, I wont be able to not think about this word for fucking weeks now.
>be Noon
why does this stupid shit make me fucking laugh so much
I appreciate Dunstotsnud's enthusiastic stance, but Noon niin's clearly the faster of the two.