Is mute ever gonna hit netflix

is mute ever gonna hit netflix

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First it probably got pushed back to distance it from Blade Runner, now it's probably pushed back to distance it from Altered Carbon

>Claim to care about people and feelings
>Didn't consider his audiences or their feelings when creating the monstrosity that is Warcraft's sets.

>there are no apolitical filmmakers, there are no conservative filmmakers, there are no libertarian filmmakers

They don't get funding from Jewish pedophiles

Or perhaps no liberal film makers aren't hired. Selfish cunts.

Whoa, what the fuck? Altered Carbon is getting a movie? When was this announced?

Didnt your dad use Nazi imagery in his art and openly praise Nazis in interviews?

>our job is to make you say fuck laws and borders and shieet
>our job is to make you say 'plz fuck my wife'

>David Bowie
>aligning himself with Neo-Nazi retards
Sup Forums really does say the stupidest shit around Star Wars season.

tv show

Who said anything about Neo-Nazis?

>there are adult people with a political world-view like that

how did it come to this?

Duncan no, you were supposed to be one of the good ones

>there are no libertarian filmmakers

Name some.

No, Pen and Teller are not filmmakers.

20 million dollar net worth.

Which is why Hollywood is full of pedos, rapists and degenerates.
In fact most creative industries are infested with predators.

Anybody want to talk about Duncan's daddy's fling with a 13 year old groupie back in the 70s?

Fourth post best post

Fucking chump change compared to me.

>Duncan Jones
>raised by a single mother

Not surprised he's so cucked.

>caring about people wtf is that even?! some political bullshit?

why are men so fucking stupid?



>our job is to make you care about situations and people
They must be really bad at this then since 90% of movies don't accomplish this.

anti-Sup Forums ladies and gentlemen

Even if you mind you business and just do what you love with out stepping on anyone's toes, they hate you.

At this rate there won't be.

>David Bowie's son is a numale

It's like their moral nuance comes straight out of a Harry Potter movie

What a shame, I bet the bastard even talks about Judy any time he wants.

Clint Eastwood

He's right but only because the American political spectrum is so totally out of whack that to the average american having empathy and humanity excludes you from being a republican.

for fucks sake dude stop it, you dont want to live your life being that fucking retarded.

>Hey I want to make a film about heroism and tradition of European peoples

Conservatives btfo.

Lynch the auteur is republican

Mike Judge

Yeah I really cared when people were running around on terrible green screen in Warcraft fucking hack

He told some magazine in the 70's that Britain would be better under fascism. But the guy spent the whole decade on cocaine so I wouldn't look seriously into it.

Yes, liberals care about OTHER people, but not their OWN people.

Yep, it’s always 100% projection with the libtards. Shame and humiliation rule their tiny lives.


>dose ebil...MEN

You know he’s right tho

>blackball any filmmaker that doesn't kike how the kikes kike
> heyyyyy we are the best kind of filmmaker!

>liberals caring about other people

No, he isn't

John Milius is 10 times the director this nepotism cuck boy will ever be

Also didn't this faggot direct Warcraft? hahahahahaha

lmao, lefties literally cannot understand art.

>Read this little faggots replies

>He's talking shit about Eastwood as a director
>Talking shit about conservative actors



>sins of the father

2018s Mute is spiritual sequel to 2009s Moon.
^ what he mean by this?

so you live in a world where 50% of the population are sociopaths and society still somehow works.

id feel sorry for you because of your stupidity but the added superiority complex makes it hard to do so.

Yeah I know Bowie wasn't a Nazi but Doug Jones shouldn't be throwing around "liberals are the only ones capable of compassion"

Notice how nobody is actually posting successful, conservative filmmakers. They literally can't think of any.

>read little faggot OP's hugbox thread

i think nobody denies they are a minority these days but that obviously has other reasons.

>filmmaking is for people who care about others!
Is there literally any other job that does demonstrably less for other people than filmmaking or other types of art?

Did Bowie leave all his money to his other kid?

>John Milius is 10 times the director this nepotism cuck boy will ever be

John Milius isn't even conservative, for all that needy bumboys like you try to make out he is. He's a professing "Zen anarchist".

Let's watch as Mute turns out to be yet another one-dimensional lefty propaganda pile of shit.

dunno, is "whinging alt-right neckbeard on Sup Forums" a job?

>Film makers
>Not a bunch of narcissists and psychopaths hiding behind a veil of righteousness in order to feed off the positive attention of others

>a minority
Nonexistent, would be more like it. Conservatives just aren't the artistic type, don't know why they delude themselves into thinking so.

You guys would probably be at least *slightly* more convincing if you weren't such overreactive drama queens.


>Conservatives just aren't the artistic type

I bet you're feeling pretty embarrassed right now, huh?

>film is worse than it's ever been
really makes me think

No, he gave all his money to his wife.

>weeeeee I'm helping people weeee
>fuck you selfish farmer who makes food
>fuck you electric company who supplies electricity

>I care the most weeeeeee

>fuck you doctor who treats the ill
>I care the mostest cuz I make filmmmmms

yeah you know except any historical piece of art worth mentioning. But thankfully now we got "modern art" that can even be made by literal retards ("outsider art") and we pretend consumerist pop-culture has artistic value so that liberals are able to pretend they are anything more than a dark stain on mankinds canvas.

Frank Capra was a conservative and he's one of the greatest Americans filmmakers ever. Overall though he's partially right, cinema and art in general requires liberal thinking, it's always been an inherently liberal thing, conservatives reject art

>But thankfully now we got "modern art" that can even be made by literal retards
Most of them conservatives too.

>Fuk you mcdonalds cook feeding 100s people every day
>i make films I'm the most important

>cook feeding
Most if not all of McDonald's ingredients are pre-cooked and frozen.

>Overall though he's partially right, cinema and art in general requires liberal thinking, it's always been an inherently liberal thing, conservatives reject art
No it just requires an understanding of universality. Which is something the left does not have nowadays.

>cinema and art in general requires liberal thinking

>art requires caring about trannies, dismissing self-reliance and keeping the poor sedated with handouts


So? Most of the special effects in this faggots movie will pluck from premade software and engines.

This is not Sup Forums related
Go be liberal in North Korea.


A mcdonalds worker helps more people everyday than this faggot does in a year


>but I made Warcraft! The entire world owes me for helping them!

I can't believe someone would compare the complexity of digital special effects to frying a burger.

Are you fat, by any chance?

>liberals care about people
if that were true they would be participating in the black crime rate debate where innocent people are murdered/victimised every day, or at least address the crumbling economy as a result of the welfare state, or would do something about the drug problem that's destroying lives, or perpetuating a malicious culture that corrupts the youth, or conflating mental illness/sexual deviancy with social freedom, or not legalising AIDS victims knowingly spreading their disease to others, if liberals cared about people they wouldn't be suppressing ideologies that they don't like, if liberals cared about people they wouldn't have bombed shit out of libya and yemen with drones, if liberals cared about people they wouldn't be supporting warmongers and neocons just to spite drumpf

>complexity of digital special effects
Which part of this did Jones invent?

Conservatism is the product of desperation. Of having very little and the fear of having even less.

>our job is to make you care about situations and people

Is this why all these nu-movies are shit?

I used photoshop once, therefore it means I invented everything photoshop does. I'm complex!

Then how come they molest so many women

Movies that make you care about situations and people:

Sansho the Bailiff, The Burmese Harp

Movies that don't make yopu care about situations and people:

Moon, Warcraft, (inevitably) Mute along with almost every film and TV show being made nowadays.

man you soykin are really salty about "muh Hollywood" aren't you?

is it because people are rightfully shitting on the new Disney Wars moovee?

Mel Gibson
Adam Sandler

Basically anyone who doesn’t talk about their politics has a high probability of being conservative. Because if they do they’ll be blacklisted. Gibson is the exception because he seems to have transcended Hollywood critique.

>"Zen anarchist".
Which in practice translates to a gun lover who hates government and lefties

Holy fuck, I actually liked that guy's movies. Dropped like trash after this tweet.

all modern filmmakers are literally operating on a filmmaking foundation set by a racist far-righter, when will shitlibs realise that all cinema is inherently racist and misogynistic

>clint eastwood
Eastwood says he's libertarian but his anti-gun opinions are off the fucking chain.

>no american should own an assault weapon
>guns are only for hunting
>all guns should be registered

No, I live in a country where informed non-sociopaths can be found supporting any of our major parties, because none of our parties are completely bonkers. In fact, every single one of them would probably because called "liberals" by an American.

Americans however, live in a country where only idiots, the grievously uninformed, or sociopaths could possibly be justified in voting Republican.

This is because what americans call the political "center" is so far distorted that they believe almost everyone in every other democracy on the planet is a liberal.

You're a clueless retard