This is was in the CCXP here in Brazil, she charged 300 reais (like 100 dollars) for pics, didnt allow fans to touch her, hug her and didnt even got up her fucking chair. Who this ugly nigress think she is?
Michonne actress charges 300 for pics doesnt allow fans to touch
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Jajajaja. I wouldn't allow a bunch of Felipe to touch me either.
who fucking cares, good for her.
Whos dumb enough to pay 100$ for a picture anyway
>in Brazil
She knows she can get UMA DELICIED if they let them touch her.
I would do the same if I came to Brazil
Who is this bald coon anyway
she's protecting herself from Alberto Barbosa's descendants
What the fuck is that
>paying money to meet someone
when she came to supanova (our comic-con) in Australia it was 25 AUD for a photo and she had her arm around whoever wanted it. maybe it's just Brazil?
Brazil is a shithole where you can pick up bird flu. I don't blame her, id charge 1000 dollars.
Felipe is a common name all round the world dogfucker
To be honest, interacting with spergy fans and signing autographs must be the worst parts of being famous.
I'd be a cunt too.
calm down Felipe
Lol, she wouldn't even stand up?
t. felipe barbarossa
Not even that
t. felipe silva do santos
If you pay that much for a picture it's your own fault nobody is forcing you to pay that much
>dude Im going to be a cunt to the people that gave me everything lmao
Besides shes not even that famous without her wig she stops being michonne and just become random ugly girl black panther hasnt even released yet for her to start this shit
I've never understood the whole "meet and greet" thing. Like who wants to stand around in line for hours to talk to someone from that show you like for 30 seconds? What are you going to say to them or they say to you that really matters? If it was someone important historically, I could understand. Like I imagine meeting the queen would be pretty cool. In that case it would actually be meaningful, because it means you're important enough to get to meet her. Anyone with $100 and the patience to wait in line can meet someone at one of these events. What's the appeal?
she's about to upgrade to the mcu too
>mfw her name is literally Danai Gurira
>the people that gave me everything
I think the people at AMC writing her checks are the ones that gave her everything, not the sweaty manchild 1% of the audience
Get laid.
Yeah but I doubt Chris Evans and RDJ pull that shit
The sweaty "1%" is what keeps this shitshow alive by talking about it praising it and buying merchandise, if they didnt like her she could just be killed or replaced entirely fans are what keep the product alive
Is that you OP?
did you pay her 300 dollars?
No I actually think like this guy I just wanna start some shit
>he doesn't knom UMA-posting
>me on the left
the best jokes write themselves desu
it's too late
Those girls look cute
accent works every time
>look at the top of her head
evans is just based AND A FUCKING WHITE MALE, so he's cool
Here in brazil almost all girls looks like models or pornstars being a robot here is pure suffering
>black woman finds a man with a job
Hey that's my name! First time I've seen it on Sup Forums.
What the fuck Michonne doesnt have big tits in the show
Chris Evans looks like he gives good hugs. I want a Chris Evans hug.
our guys
>he really believes this
>almost all girls
nah, it helps that those girls are probably from upper middle class
I passed him on the street and was too scared to say hi because I felt like he'd be annoyed by fans bothering him in his leisure time, but he seems really nice enough that he would've been fine if I had done it
Does anyone have the "Imagine being Andrew Lincoln in that scene" pasta?
Yu go itadakimasu at my restoran gaijin san
How can you be a robot if every gorl looks like a pornstar?
gonna be fun after the next comic-con watching the fanbase implode with "she wouldn't stand up or touch anyone for $100" versus "it's her right as a woman you shitlord"
What a fdp
Doesn't everybody have bird flu, zika, HIV or some combination of those three, in Brazil?
She is so fucking ugly.
just take a picture with some random black person in the street there are millions here same thing
It's as bad as Avril Lavinges fan pics lol.
why would you want to touch a nigger?
no, and brazil is also 100% white
I'm so sick of this meme. BRAZIL IS WHITE. BRAZIL. IS. WHITE. We're so white we literally cook and eat nigger monkeys.
brazil has bitches whiter than her
>almost all traps looks like models or pornstars
So? You dont like traps?
Evans is kinda SJW-y but not in the "I'm fully indoctrinated and must respect women" sense, but in the "ignorance" sense
He look's like Turtle from Kung Fu Panda lmao
>came from Zimbabwe
>disgusted by Brazilians
Really makes you think.
So normal
I wouldn't want to touch someone who was stupid enough to idolize a sheboon.
A person who knows she can charged idiots a 100 dollars for a fucking photo. That's what she is.
I hate the human shit scum that pays money to get autographs with these c list losers. They all deserve to die.
the lovely nia everybody
Of fucking course she has a bald head.
To help put things into perspective, I remember seeing a video once of Ernie Hudson at a con, he was walking around dressed as a ghostbuster and taking pictures and talking with people FOR FREE
Yeah but with the added "tweet a lot about wombyn and le fuhrer drumpf"
People are just so fucking stupid as a huebr I feel even more ashamed to be a huebr right now
That's still normal, just things Sup Forumstards don't like
Are you implying she's a monkey because she's black? If so fuck you.
Whats wrong? Cant stand a nigger being called a nigger, sjw?
>paying for photos with celebs
i hope none of you have ever done this
Why would anyone want a pic with that sheboon?
Would her wig even fit with real nappy hair being in the way?
For 100$ I should be able to hold one tit.
You need to go back, Felipe.
Who cares, you fucking shills? This has no impact on anything.
It's a black woman that we can be angry about, Sup Forums is a colony board of Sup Forums after all
Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot charged 300 dollars (not 75 dollars like Michonne) and everyone praised them for touching people
Gal Gadot – $175.00
Henry Cavill – $175.00
Jason Momoa – $80.00
Ciarán Hinds – $55.00
Ezra Miller – $60.00
Ray Fisher – $50.00
Henry Cavill & Gal Gadot DUAL – $350.00
Gal Gadot – $175.00
Henry Cavill – $175.00
Jason Momoa – $85.00
Ezra Miller – $75.00
Ciarán Hinds – $70.00
Ray Fisher – $65.00
>Oh wow they held babies! Truly inspiring!
They should give me a handjob and lick my balls for that price
>tfw all her pics are private now
wut? i can see them
Anyone dumb enough to pay for pics deserves to have their money taken from them.
Oh, I was dumb, sorry, they were a couple of days back, but they're back now.
Henry Cavil always looks really shy and cute so it's best they reduce the number of people who could give him an anxiety attack