Damn. I guess TLJ is toast then.
Damn. I guess TLJ is toast then
Other urls found in this thread:
>another Star Shit thread
Suck it, alt-right.
I'll see it another time just to spite you Trumpkin pissbabies
LOL i am going to watch the movie to see if its true
>le reverse psychology
Is real life like my Bugs Bunny cartoons?
soyfagging this hard
*looks at TLJ's ticket sales* Mmm, yes.
Funny how?
he should’ve said there was a scene with Finns exposed cock if he wanted the white boi audience
There was. >_>
oh shit good one
>i saw ghostbusters 5 times!
>media thinks TLJ is the savior of social justice in movie form
>Sup Forums threads almost universally pan it
>someone does not want another anti-sjw movie thread
>he is anti-sjw
really makes me think
He's funny... you know... It's a good story, he's funny... he's a funny guy
srly not srs
but that is actually what he tries to accomplish
>Sup Forums
its from clickhole you gays
I... don't know what that is.
I can see where the shitty humor in that flick is coming from.
Wow. Every word you just said was wrong.
>implying Sup Forums cares about your space capeshit
You weren't here to see what happened when Sup Forums took their bitching about pol to the next level, were you?
Funny because the amount of posts that randomly bring up right-wing memes has increased significantly in Star Wars threads. The Sup Forums invasion is real.
>You weren't here to see what happened when Sup Forums took their bitching about pol to the next level, were you?
The mods went scorched earth on the Sup Forumstards. Yeah, I remember that. Good times.
Personal pronoun. He is stating himself in the first person. Correct usage.
A verb that connotes the ability to do something. Correct usage.
A verb based upon the sense of sight. He saw words. Correct usage.
A word articulating placement. Correct usage
Definite Article. Correct usage.
Vulgar adjective. Also, his opinion. Correct usage.
A word connoting things that are funny and provide joy and laughter. Correct usage.
A preposition that articulates inside of something. Correct usage.
Relative pronoun. Correct usage.
Slang for film. Correct usage
conjugated form of "to be" for the third person (he/she/it). Correct usage.
Verb that articulates movement from point a to b. Correct usage
Preposition indicating place of origin. Correct usage.
Wow. Every word you just said was wrong.
>gets BTFO
>can't come up with a reply
Like clockwork.
>implying you can afford to see a film in the theater more than once and still get your hormones because you can't pay for health insurance.
Sup Forums insults are getting weaker and weaker ever since Roy Moore lost.
Looks like we got a Net Neumale sperging out
Roy Moore lost.
what a faggot
because of out-of-state niggers being bussed in for free chicken dinners, electronic voting machines, and no voter id. Enjoy Soy Wars, you faerie.
>The mods went scorched earth on the Sup Forumstards. Yeah, I remember that. Good times.
No you fucking retard. They were bitching about pol and Wolfenstein so hard that mods moved it all to pol, so pol have invaded for real and Hiro had to step in.
You neogaf retards still don't understand that it is other Sup Forumsats who use pol memes to rile you up, because it works EVERY. SINGLE. TIME
Sup Forums had better discussion about SW than this place, but in the end they don't give a shit.
I was thinking about Gamergate, what the fuck are you referring to? Mods moved video game discussion to Sup Forums? Do you have an archive link to prove it?
Conspiritard BTFO.
Disney actually gave this Reddit "can't be even Rick'n'Morty funny" autistic( insulting to autists since even Shadow the hedgehog fan fiction is better than TLJ ) the keys to their billion dollar franchise.
It's like having a level advantage in your favorite moba game and then at the last minute they wipe out your team and destroy the base..hahahahahahahaha.
Yes, because of the Neogaf and Wolfenstein meltdown. Mods moved it to pol because that is clearly not a gaming related news (while vidya e-celeb dick sucking apparently is).
In the end Hiro had to step in, told mods to fuck off and allowed one thread to discuss the happening, because v mods were dumb enough to actually draw the attention of pol.
Of course it was too late because more Sup Forumstards now realized that mentioning anything right wing on the /neogaf 2.0/ will implode any discussion. Great job, all around.
Level advantage doesn't matter if they have more towers than you. Taking towers is the most important part of the game and people always seem to forget that.
Crossboarder here. I have contributed to the foreign memes but I am Sup Forums and Sup Forums not Sup Forums. Please make me feel welcome!
Oh, I did see the Neogaf thing now that you mention it. I didn't realize that was connected to Wolfenstein though.
You must first post a smug anime girl to prove your allegiance.
Not a real board dumbass
It’s to Buzzfeed what The Onion is to news
So... it's a joke version of Buzzfeed? But Buzzfeed already seems pretty humorous.
Probably not to this level
This seems like a pretty fun website. I'll check it out.