Crowd erupts in cheers and whistling while stomping feet

>crowd erupts in cheers and whistling while stomping feet

this is why i rarely go outside

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>another Star Shit thread

*crowd erupts in laughter and "aaaawn" sounds*

>people are taking part in the continuation of the cultural phenomenon and are so excited they are making noises reeeeeeeeee outside is bad

>watching cinemas in America
Jesus christ, why are people so fucking autistic there?
I've never heard some shit like that here in Sweden. Sure people laugh, but that is it.
There isn't any fucking nigger behaviour and people cheering or clapping hands.

the sad thing is, the whole theater could have exploded killing everyone inside and it would only be a drop in the bucket
you cant even massacre enough of these people to do any real damage

Fuck you. My theater clapped four times, and I'm glad they did. American culture is clap culture

Nobody fucking cares man. Nobody cares about Sweden.

I didn't expect Disney to show off its new toy bait being eaten by a leading character tbqh

t. denmark
Nice try faggot

It's not just America, it's way way worse in the third world. Indians go nuts during marvel movies

whoah, just realized he was eating a porg. i thought porgs were hungry

am i fucking retard or what.

Fuck dude, I'm happy people here have too much autism to speak in public

If you hate these just take a 3-month sabbatical from Sup Forums.

It must be genetic. The scandi areas of America like the midwest are pretty autistic too. It's usually areas like Florida and California where you see the crazy crowds


>text scroll
crowd erupts in cheers
>Poe Q U I P S hux to pieces right after scroll
crowd roars in laughter
>Huxs slapstick slip and fall
popcorn flies everywhere
>Luke tosses saber into ocean
crowd busts a gut
>Rey tells Kylo to put a shirt on
crowds busts their second gut
>Luke shoulder brushes
crowds applauds, whistles, screams in joy

my experience two nights ago, the porgs were the only genuine laugh I had the film, not even kidding

Good shit

>audience erupts when Rey and Ren about to engage the Royal Guards

same shit lords that clap when the plane lands. even though the taxi to the gate is as dangerous as the landing.. btw, ive seen Spanish assclowns hold rosaries and make sign of the cross on some landings.

>people think clapping and cheering in a theater is new

Its american as applepie

Oh god you're so right, but the rampant use of yoga pants at airports makes up for it. I have literally jerked it in O'hare and DIN bathrooms

>tfw I got cross dimensional third-hand embarrassment from that.