What are some movies where reckless retards get what they had coming?
What are some movies where reckless retards get what they had coming?
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>Wu Yongning, a martial arts-trained stuntman with a background in film, aimed to use an equivalent of $15,000 in prize money from the feat to fund his wedding and treatment for his sick mother, the South China Post reported
why did he let go for no reason
Pretty sure this is what are you looking for, OP
it's hard to hold in that position
Darwinism at its best and most pure form. Nature doesn't give no fucks about your ailing mother or wedding. If you do something stupid, you die.
unironically this
That has nothing to do with darwinism tho.
le darwin award shit is some cringe reddit garbage nu Sup Forumsedditors like spout
I want to hear the tape
How the hell did he climb up there to begin with? Those gaps look harder to hold onto than the roof.
fatigue, no good handhold, etc
So we just gonna share completely un tv related subjects and add “what are some movies....” and act like everythings fine
Are you unironically retarded?
I cant believe how few of these videos are out there compared to the massive number of successful stunts.
been waiting for a non-fake one for a while
what are some movies where you guys check my sweet dubs?
He probably enjoyed The Last Jedi.
this place is getting dumber by the week i swear.
Helicopter you stupid ass. Obviously they never show the helicopter that takes them to the top (or the one that caught him either).
yeah that makes sense, I guess you gotta keep all that shit behind the scenes if you want to go viral
It has everything to do with darwinism, you stupid nigger ape. Darwinism strikes again.
Maybe I'm also retarded. I don't know either.
apparently he did pullups etc to show off, he probably did one pullup too many and didn't have enough strength left to get back up
>le epic Darwin Award
Go back to Facebook
Poor lad
Idiot, I've heard about the Darwin Award since the 90s when I was a kid.
How did he get up here?
epic. not only am i giving you gold for this post, but you get an upvote too. see you next time, fellow centipede. MAGA!
>martial arts trained stuntman
>didnt make sure he could do a muscle up before attempting to do one where failure meant certain death
What a fucking idiot.
Jesus God Almighty delete this thread before I die in my bed
No they climb up illegally you fucking idiot
They're all trespassing morons with weird adrenaline disorders where they get the same amount of thrill doing death defying shit as normal people get going on a roller-coaster.
>They're all trespassing
Oh no call the police
If he had kids already, then this doesn't matter.
I get sweaty and nervous looking at this webm and imagining being in that situation. This is why I hit the gym and do full range of movement body weight pull ups. Functional strength is not a meme.
Don't look down anons.
>He almost made it
I thought if he could place his left foot in between that crack and his right elbow over the edge on his highest point, he could've made it.
fedora is back on the menu boys
That looks easy though
>No they climb up illegally
How the fuck do you climb up "illegally"?
What are they using non-olympic-sanctioned ropes or some shit? Suction cups?
Do you see any ropes or suction cups dumb fuck?
Basically. I forget the name or the organization but they sanction this type of feats. Kind of like a boxing match
If the climb isn't sanctioned it's illegal.
pretty sure the roof of those cabins is designed for pretty much zero workload.
guy is lucky the engineers went for a little extra.
nobody wants people dying all over their buildings
Good life, good way to die
I'm surprised there aren't more videos like this
I'm not saying it's easy, but it's pretty clear looking at the structure how he got up there.
do you think it was rigged? like sombody oiled the side of the building or something so he wouldnt win the moeny?
falling down at terminal velocity on a poor guy who cared for his life
He looks like the guy from Noragami.
Looks like cgi and animatronics
By sneaking into the buildings and getting into staff only accessible places (such as the roof).
Lots of these buildings are office buildings and fancy hotels.
They go in from inside you fucking moron. I can't tell if you're being ironically retarded or what.
Its illegal because they're not supposed to be up there and are literally trespassing on private property.
This is a very stupid poster
That is all.
Theres no way this is real. Even if he's Chinese, that's definitely not China.
>oiled the side of the building
No need, it's a smooth surface, it's not going to provide any kind of foothold.
How fucking dumb are kids these days?
Darwinism is much more than your stupid fucking Award Show from the 90's. It's a fucking theory of biological evolution.
How the FUCK do I have to explain this? There are seriously some fucking stupid children on this board.
Your fucking brain cells probably get used less than your library card.
Darwin isn't Carl Sagan, he actually was around and before reddit even existed. He literally created Biology.
You're a fucking spaz. Also how the fuck do you think a helicopter could catch him?
rubber soles still work on flat surfaces.
i mean, it was a sponsored event, the sponsor is unknown. it sounds like it could be rigged to me.
maybe it was even the government.
>Darwinism is much more than your stupid fucking Award Show from the 90's. It's a fucking theory of biological evolution.
>How the FUCK do I have to explain this? There are seriously some fucking stupid children on this board.
Jesus Christ are you trying to be retarded or something? Are you legitimately 12 years old or something?
Yea, that's what I said, you literal fucking retard. You should feel bad that you don't know what Darwinism is at your age.
Please stop posting
palms r sweaty
Just listen to the fake one on youtube and pretend.
shit, i didnt think i cared too much about heights until now.
knees weak, arms r heavy
>ded chink
Embarrassing post
He's right though you faggot
>Random dude dies because he did something stupid
WOW le Darwin would be pleased xdd
Wasn't there a series of similar situations on youtube? I.e. first-person parkour/action things with a simple premise/implied story and music in the background
What's embarrassing about it? Maybe I sperged out a bit but at least I know what Darwinism is. You are embarrassing yourself.
Natural selection at work
Looks like his left art seized up
Why is there no one there to help him just in case shit hits the fan? Retarded Chinese
DUH. Time the drop so he falls harmlessly through the blades. Or they could just fly the helicopter upside down. Honestly sweetie please think it through next time before you post.
He has since admitted to using a harness. Still ballsy
As for someone said the guy in OP couldn't pull up once, according to some articles, he was too tired at that point since he sneaked into the building and wasn't able to get up to the roof (62-story building) since all the doors were locked at floor 44. That means he had to climb on the outside and literally made his way up to to the top OUTSIDE. Poor guy, seriously, he must have been really tired, hence his weak state.
Because then it wouldn't be fun, of course.
You do know that only redditors spout Le epic darwinism to get Upvotes in dumb people hurting themselves threads
He wasn't saying that's all Darwinism is, just that anyone talking about the darwin awards is a teenaged redditor. He's a retard but so are you for lacking basic reading comprehension.
Someone explain why only whites and asians do dumb shit like this
>can't even do research before climbing
Kind of deserved it, desu.
this looks shooped.
>the guy in OP couldn't pull up once
He knocked out like two.
Its a video made by the Chinese government to prevent young men from doing stupid stunts. Its not even real you morons. The background is clearly green screened.
>mother is dying
>about to be married
>take the ultimate fucking risk that would leave your loved ones bereft
Were there really no other avenues open for this guy to make some money?
Well, he knew that those doors on the inside were locked though, hence the big prize.
Something must have happened like fear took in or a muscle seized up. There is no way someone who can't do 3 pull ups would attempt something like that.
What? Lol. This isn't a thing, stop living in memes, buddy
The dude didn't bring up the Darwin Awards at all... He only mentioned Darwinism.
Darwinism =/= Darwin Awards
Fucking retards ITT
Awww, its better without the voice over. You can hear the first split second of him screaming before he's out of range of the mic
He had been doing this sort of thing for a while. It wasn't his first rodeo.
>be 90 pound chinese man
>your job is to literally be physically fit to perform dangerous feats
>can't do three pullups
It's like he wanted to die
The first guy literally said 'Darwinism', with no reference to awards of any kind, and mentioned it in an appropriate situation about someone dying due to doing something dangerous that wasn't necessary.
He's right.