>blows up Starkiller Base
>gets demoted a few hours later
What did they mean by this?
>blows up Starkiller Base
>gets demoted a few hours later
What did they mean by this?
It was her turn
>in positions of power
Not in a galaxy far, far away sweetie.
He's wasted in these, both the actor and the character. Just give hom a solo movie. Top Gun in space. He is the best pilot in the galaxy after all
He is a handsome man.
That the age of men is over. The time of womyn has come.
I thought he was demoted for leading a mission against some random ship that lost the bombing fleet? My assumption was that his hubris was getting to him and he was making increasingly risky decisions which Leia knew they couldn't afford.
why the fuck didn't that purple haired slag tell everyone what her god damn plan was?
>retarded pink admiral refuses to share her plan
>pilots mutiny and try to take control thinking they are saving the rebellion
>they soon get btfo
>and they were so wrong! Pink admiral was actually a genius and had a plan!
>stupid males lol
>Leia and Holdo then comment how they love bad boys
I still can't believe it.
clown world
There was a theory that Poe is actually a sith under cover.
>another another Star Shit thread post
hes lucky he didnt get his dick forced ripped off
the force is female bitch
I hated him and every scene he was in. Remove those and the movie would be far better.
If they didn't destroy that ship it would appear chasing them minutes later and destroy the entire fleet with it's siege cannons. But yeah, let's ignore that.
Disobeying a direct order from a General will do that to you, OP.
Cpl Klinger lookin-ass
memes and soyboy and sjw cuckery aside, Poe was intolerable, he was having a manic episode the whole movie, he wasnt thinking straight
I didn't get that entire chase scene to begin with man. We see the orders fighters and bombers take out the hangers and bridge of the rebels lead vessel, why not also take out its shield projectors so your destroyers can just blow them the fuck up instead of slowly following them for two hours?
>From Leia's quashing of Poe's ill-advised mutiny to Rose's quashing of Finn's suicidal run for glory, The Last Jedi is filled with women trying to explain to men that their actions have consequences outside of their own hero's journey, that glory and pride and victory are never the most important thing—at least not for the larger cause. That the decision that is best for the group is the one made by the group and its chosen leaders, not by the alpha male hero who thinks he knows best.
“Decisions made by the group and it’s chosen leaders.”
We are being told not to argue, or voice any alternative opinion, and just go with the group(think) and fraudulently elected politicians. Outright.
He was fine! IF pink haired idiot had just told him her plan from the beginning he and his mutineers would have calmed down and actually listened to her and they would have successfully snuck away.
God PHI makes me so mad. She also taunted him and triggered him in the movie after that. Also Leia tries to tell him to learn to lead so he does and then the movie punishes him for it. I guess the lesson is not to get fucked over by those you trust in power and accept that the blame they put on you instead of themselves.
Poe was the only interesting character other than Luke in this shit fest of a movie and he gets cucked.
Also if he hadn't destroyed the Dreadnought with its long range cannons then it would have simply chased them not to mention he gave them enough time to evacuate the base and all its shit. He may have lost a lot of pilots to do it but the net gain in personnel was easily worth the cost.
God damned this movie is friggen stupid. Like beyond retarded. Beyond attack of the clones bad. It falls apart every time I hear a pitiful defense of it.
I totally thought they were going to be smart about this. I thought that it would be brilliant to have such an obnoxious obviously feminist looking "hero" tuat gives bullshit feelsy speeches turn out to be a traitor. But it turned out that she was just the worst officer that they could have had. There is no reason she didnt tell Poe the plan other than to have him look like an idiot for staging the mutiny because grill power.
because he's male and has more than 56% white blood
evil Drumpf supporting redneck, feel the wrath of the Hilldawg
tbf at that time they thought they could out run the first order
Its not like one rogue guy could overthrow the entire Republic because it was run by women and weak men.
56% is too much 2bh. We shouldn't rest until it's less than 10
>more than 56% white blood
he's whatever the male version of a Mary Sue is. Single handedly takes out the defenses of the big baddy fleet-killer ship just cause he felt like it.
Why didn't the Dreadnought shoot the fleet first before attacking the surface base?
Compared to the other characters in this movie he's not even close. He actually makes mistakes and is chastised for them, unlike Rey.
And while he's the best at ONE thing (best pilot) it's believable enough because of his age and background (parents were rebel pilots, et cetera) unlike Rey who is the best at EVERYTHING despite having no training, education, experience, or parents. Bitch even swims on achto. Shes lived on a desert planet her entire life, when did she learn to do that? Or learn to be a Jedi master? Or fly a spaceship? Or be an expert shot? Or repair the millennium falcon? Shit writing and shit Mary Sue character.
He paid the tax for being a straight white male.
>>pilots mutiny
"Plots" you fucking dumbass Sup Forumscuckold. FUCKING KILL YOURSELF
>OT series ends on themes of masculine action, religious faith, and overcoming corruption and temptation from those that would try to subvert your filial, patriarchal loyalty
>Literally the entire point. Father son bond survives everything
>"We must remove toxic masculinity from Star Wars"
>Turns out that leaves nothing left and the franchise sucks now
I-it’s not cannon
>and they were so wrong! Pink admiral was actually a genius and had a plan!
And when that plan was executed, most of the surviving rebels died. Well done ladies!
President Trump is a big racist and demanded the South American be demoted
>retarded pink admiral refuses to share her plan
This could have made sense, if she had been doing it knowing Poe would launch a plan of his own behind her back, and didn't want the details of hers getting back to the First Order if he was captured, but it turned out she had no reason at all and everyone looked stupid.
Give her a scene where she's suspicious of there being a traitor since the first order was able to track them through hyperspace, DONE, FUCKING EXPLAINED. How Disney can not manage the simplest task is fucking beyond me.
well to be fair admirals don't need to share battleplans with single (demoted)captains.
even a rebellion/resistance/whatever needs firm military order and hierarchy. some hothead pilot isn't fit to lead an entire operation.
that's how a military organization works. your commanding officer makes a decision and you follow through, liked it or not. that's how it works.
Yea man love that essence of Star Wars shining through. It’s actually like the fucking opposite..
Then give us a scene where she's talking to a trusted underling or something instead of Poe. Being left in the dark as the audience over the course of like two hours to get a very mediocre payoff was a bad call from Disney.
>PT-Anakin-Obiwan bond
>OT-Luke-Vader bond
are you a bit fucking dim? or is this the first movie you've seen?
the whole point is that you're supposed to think she's a fucking dumb ass bitch and you're on the edge of your seat waiting for finn and chingchong to make it just in time. but then finn and gook fail miserably and they reveal that the pink bird wasn't a stupid coward. a cunt maybe, but a cunt with a plan.
Shouldn't have mansplained.
Admirals also have to make decisions that make sense, and you must ensure that your soldiers are confident in your leadership abilities by exuding comprtencecy. Admiral Tumblurina failed to do that. It's not just OMG toxxic man is dumb, woman right, woman smart, man dumb.
That is the shittiest plot twist you could pull, and instead wastes the audiences time with a bunch of inconsequential bullshit. Which is exactly what this movie did.
never said it was well done or good.
you're right about that.
no, pilots. As in "the pilots plotted the mutiny" you fucking stupid shit soy fountain. Have sex and gain height.
you don't get promoted to admiral by accident dude. she has shown her skills before and that should be enough for a fucking captain to do his fucking job and follow her fucking orders.
You have no concept of what leadership is.
Tbqh this trilogy should have been focused on Poe, literally the only interesting character/actor from the new ones, and you could still have Rey as a mary sue since she wouldn't be the protagonist. But I'm probably saying this becuase I really like Rogue Squadron and how cool rebel pilots look in their cockpits.
This is the female version of Master and Commander
Men literally can't understand it
>need military order and hierarchy
She doesn't even look like a rebel, not even wearing a uniform, or 1 single insignia, how even a pilot or the janitor is supposed to know who the fuck is the purple haired bitch giving orders
gee dawg i don't know i have three seamen and two pettt officers under my command.
i don't have to explain my decisions to them, they just do it.
and while they are doing it they realize that, hey yeah, this is how this works. sgt surely knows his shit because he's been here longer and outranks us for a reason, if he was a stupid fuck i'm sure the xo wouldn't put him in charge.
just like i did when i was a boot.
Alright but now picture you're in a situation where you've just been combat promoted in the field, while in a sure death situation, and your effective second in command comes to ask if you have a plan to get them out of this, and you tell him to shut up and that he doesn't need to know.
Effective leadership?
why do people think you need a different name for a male character? its referencing a character called mary sue, the gender is not the important part here
>Admiral do you have plan?
>there is hope, you need to believe in it
She's awful leader that inspires no loyalty, it's not strange that Poe saw her as dooming them all and staged mutiny
it only failed because Poe sent people out that got caught and revealed the plan to the empire
Entire chase was idiotic. Entire main plot of the movie makes no sense.
Poe has a background tho, Rey is just good because she is good.
>when you're vaguely hispanic or something but you're just white enough to get shat on by the new order
Hey guys, I have a secret plan that makes no sense to you, and you clearly don't trust this plan but THE RULES of me being in chargewns you turn off your brain and blindly follow my tactically bad leadership. Remember, you don't have to have any confidence in my ability to lead or make decisions in order to follow my decisions because THE RULES SAY WOMAN IN CHARGE REEEEEEEE MEN GET OUTTTTTTT
poe wasn't "second in command" he was a pilot. maybe a squadron leader but not a high ranking officer.
he's going to revive the Sith as Darth Spark, just you wait
>whatever the male version of a Mary Sue is
user, I...
a male version of a Mary Sue is a Mary Sue
How are you a Sgt. If you have seamen and petty officers under your command? If you're gonna lie, at least get your fucking branches right you retard
He was commander of the fighters, iirc
Not sharing and trusting crucial information in the military as a leader with the subordinates is a sure method for failure.
Bullshit where's Wedge and Rogue Squadron? Did they get JUSTed off-screen like Akbar too?
in my country we call po2cl a sergeant.
The actor who played Wedge told Disney to go away when they asked if he wanted to come back, saying it would be a cash grab.
well I think that's fucking bullshit though, one of the reasons why arab armies failed against Israel is considered to be that military officers kept information to themselves and didn't share with each other and the personnel because the authoritarian governments didn't trust the military and different factions of the military didn't have trust for each other
this but unironically
Wedge >>> Luke
Marty Stu also works.
Because he has benis :DDD
The hero we need.
He was demoted for wasting time and resources in pointless dogfights when he could have just /lightspeedmissile once they arrived.
The lives of Han, Rey, Ren, and Chewie are irrelevant when weighed against that base firing off another blast.
>every military leader is eihter a woman or some diverse minority
>this somehow supposed to look meritocratic and not some diversity quota hires
joke's on you, idiot
It's equivalent to a sergeant, why would you use land ranks?
In any case your argument is retarded, you need to give your subordinates clear and concise orders if you want them to succeed. Yes, you don't need to tell them every detail, but they need to know enough to do their job. I would never want to serve under you.
Fucking based Wedge will be forever untouched by this SJW dumpster fire. The only survivor.
At first I was disappointed he wouldn't be returning but now I'm glad he didn't take part in this shitfest.
I thought he was the best part in TFA, he was actually interesting and had a likeable bond with Finn. They should've just played that up and have both of them be Jedi
Gary Stu
I see the writing on the wall, but it might be too late.
Yeah I think that's the more common one for male Mary Sue characters.
It would have been better if the movies were about him training to be a Jedi under Luke and fighting the imperial remnant. No Rey character exists.
Fucking based. Real human bean.
who else got banned for not liking soy-wars 8
>you don't get promoted to admiral by accident dude
Lol, maybe somewhere that isn't America.
>see an entire village including xour friend get murdered
They probably offered Luke a massive amount, and didn't tell him they were going to completely destroy his character
Why were the space nazis 2.0 so retarded in this
The true hero of Star Wars.
They should have made her a fucking mole, it would have be MILDLY interesting if she was operating under snokes orders. Thats how they tracked them, thats why their plan is complete garbage, she is setting them up to fail, but no..We have some fucking random ass relationship with Leia and were suppose to just fly with it
"Oh poe, we had a plan all along, dont be so crazy next, your a hot head, but i like you ;P your free to go after committing mutiny."
Like are you retarded? You are sitting here telling us "This is how the military is guys, you are just uneducated" Why wouldn't poe be court marshaled and sentenced to prison or death, he fucking tried to overthrow the command of the resistance, and he gets a slap on the wrist "ahah oh Poe, your such a hot head"
They should start putting a (M) or (W) label in movie titles to indicate which audience they wish to appeal to.
When I go to watch a Star Wars movie, I want to see a heroic coming-of-age adventure, not some sappy faux-philosophical tripe about social dynamics.