How many times have you seen The Last Jedi, bros? Twelve so far for me.
Thinking of going another two times tonight with the ol' ball 'n chain.
How many times have you seen The Last Jedi, bros? Twelve so far for me.
Thinking of going another two times tonight with the ol' ball 'n chain.
Just saw it for the second time tonight probably going again tomorrow I really want Rian Johnson to get his trilogy so I need to support this great film.
>Another Star Shit thread
the designated shooter better show up on time
Rian Johnson is a great director. Every one of his films has been pure kino and this is the best one yet. Great call, Disney. Very great call.
>another Star Shit thread
I already donated 1200$ to Disney so I can support this epic franchise.
Suck it, alt-right.
I am in a screening right now, I basically live at the theater going from screening to screening, already maxed out my credit card on all the tickets, one screening had one row half full so I immediately went out to buy the tickets for the whole row so the mouse stays happy, Kathleen Kennedy is my dominatrix.
Brb Luke is bout to squeeze the sloth titty real hard again, always makes my dick diamonds.
>already maxed out my credit card
This is what you get for not being Jewish. I am literally incapable of running out of money.
>"Kill all people who like a movie I don't like!"
Wow. So much for the "tolerant" right.
How do you bypass the no singles policy?
I'm Jewish.
Based Star Shit poster.
I'm up to 60 showings. What a masterpiece.
I want my old Star Wars back
This is fucking Transformers with Storm Troopers i didnt ask for this shit
3 times
1st time I loved it
2nd time after reading tv, I hated it.
3rd... I like it
I wish Transformers was this fucking cool. But hey, if they were copying Transformers, you realize that's a super successful franchise, right?
4th time you'll love it again. It's easy to be swayed by other people's angry opinions when you're on a forum after the movie, but then when you're watching the movie you realize none of it matters and they're full of shit.
>successful means good
Underage pls go
You should go, then.
>ywn say ho in the midnight dream