
This is powerful.

>another Star Shit thread

>he loved he wanted the girl the power until until he wanted he loved the power the girl
Very cool.

i wanna die

So is Reylo confirmed then? I haven’t seen the movie.

this desu

>we want the Twilight audience

Homophobic shite
Poelo confirmed

The Prequels seem god tier in comparison.

it's like poetry

Stay still my beating heart


Anakin loved Padme so much that he let his ambition and fears get the better of him. He wanted the power to save her.

Based KyCHAD and StacRey working the seething soyboy cucks into a raging shoot and convulsions



Rey and Kylo are literally perfect for each other

I was never bothered about these latest Star Wars films and never really cared for Daisy Ridley, but she reminds me a qt I used to know and I like how she comes across in interviews.
Is SW worth watching for Rey? I know she's a main character but does she have a lot of qt moments? I could quickly watch the first two movies, study and digest them a bit, fan theories etc, then enjoy much waifu in the cinema - basking in her glory.

Is it worth it, lads?

No, the woman can't act for shit and Rey is just a constant bitch.

Rey was too cute in TLJ
