Jesus fucking christ, is this

jesus fucking christ, is this....

its literally capeshit now

Other urls found in this thread:

Go see the film for yourself you pathetic NEET I know you won't because you're too poor or socially retarded to leave the house so you'll keep making meme threads off 7 second webms KYS.

>too socially retarded to see a star wars movie

I don't think such a person exists.

easy there, mouse shill. you don't wanna strain yourself to death like Luke did

>another Star Shit thread

sorry i noped out after the first one with all the bullshit

then that shitty rogue came out

>continuing to see this shit

>titty milking
>leia supermaning
>snoke being darth mauled

And yet this is the worst webm yet

More than that, it's anime now

This is literally the same move that Jet Li does in the final fight of that Highlander movie he did.


This isn't funny. It was never funny. Maybe if you had some friends, you could actually go with them to see The Last Jedi, and see how great it is. But no, you'll just stay here and troll. Fool.


At least Leia supermaning has great comedic potencial.


first off, who the fuck leaves their home to watch movies in 2017

secondly who the fuck is still bothering with this fucking series after countless directors quit/got fired and they just keep rehasing the same fucking time span between episodes 5 and 6

>another Sup Forums thread
Why can't Sup Forums leave everyone else alone? Can we please make it so that people who've posted on Sup Forums in the last week can't post here? I hate not being able to have a reasonable discussion about literally anything because Sup Forums swamps the board with utter garbage about who the fuck knows what.

Star Wars being more anime would make it better dumb dumb. being capeshit just makes it worse.

I do actually. We were all gonna go together until I saw the leaks. Then I laughed my as off and downvoted you shittastic movie on every site that exists.

>>leia supermaning
Leia has the force. This was true in the comics

one of my friends was telling me people were literally walking out on this

Thats actually a nice idea
>Last Jedi still sucks monkey balls


You assholes have been shitposting on Star Wars all day! Is it really that hard to get a date or a friend(s?) to go see TLJ? You might like it! Critics certainly did.

>Critics certainly did.

Audiences didn't tho.


Anime would at least find a way to make that look more intense and would have a more exciting soundtrack. And, more importantly, they would be semi-naked robot girls.

>movie is totall shit
>blames Sup Forums

that shit was soo cheesy.

What ever helps you rationalize the hate your favorite soygoy flick is receiving

>le Sup Forums boogeyman
You need to go back.

>Go see the film
i'm not 12

Show that white male whose the boss


>REEEEEEEE the normies don't like our shit

"See you around kid."

I did

I like how they can't even explain how she gets in the ship without all the people and shit inside getting sucked out, so they just cut to her in a medical trolley

And this is the only time we'll see Master Luke in action. Without his green lightsaber as well.

Thanks a fucking lot Disney.

The one time where it's acceptable to go out like a hero in a big fight, and instead we got
>heh, see you around kid


Actually yes the game is literally
>we want the Avengers audience
the fucking humor, explosions and senseless incoherent story just shows where their priorities went when they made this garbage

keep crying bitch nigger

>it's a not giving lightsabers a special kind of respect and introduction, which even TFA managed to do episode

>muh deconstruction

I hate Rian Johnson.

lol they did the jackie chan thing when they show strike twice to get it impact

>Go see the film for yourself you pathetic NEET I
I already saw it. Someone livestreamed it on periscope.