If her armor reflects blaster shots...

If her armor reflects blaster shots, why did she open the shields for Finn under threat of being shot by a blaster in TFA?

>another Shit Soy Wars thread
Beat Ya....

Dude just turn your brain off, it's a star wars movie.

>another Star Shit thread

Because it needed to happen

How much time during the day does she spend polishing her armor?

>starwars is now capeshit
well fuck

Phasma should be the Carmine of Star Wars. There's a whole family of sisters serving the First Order.

It can't reflect them at any time, only when it is funny.

because the force is female

>de farc iz femul

>rai iz strungest becuz shez smrt n strung fimail

ummm, why is your brain still on? you'll like the movie more if you just turn it off

Why didn't BB8 just light-speed the Millennium Falcon into Starkiller Base?

Why didn't the porgs just turn their brains off?

Uh dude, if you watch that scene, he's specifically sticking the gun up under her helmet chin. You know, to bypass her armor and stick a shot right to her face.

proof that TLJ bashers haven't even seen either film. sorry boys, but this isn't a "no girls allowed" club anymore.

Disney have done even better, they've realised from alt-right shit like gamergate that you can't force neckbeards to change so the best solution is to ignore them completely since they're a tiny market.

This is a Star Wars film for the People, not for some stupid 'fans' who've never absorbed a single lesson the franchise teaches.

Well said, sir. It's good to see the cracks forming in the armour of our world's version of The First Order.

Why do you need a pirate map to reveal the location of a planet? Wouldn't a star's designation and the planet orbiting it saved as a text file be enough?

Yeah, it's not a coherent narrative and self-consistency-exclusive club anymore, either. Enjoy this absolute laughingstock of a franchise.

She has Pudrick do it.