This was a nice movie and i don't even like cars

this was a nice movie and i don't even like cars

i said this was a nice movie you fucks

It was an action/crime thriller. Of course all brainlets saw was >muh cars and >muh heist and here we are today. It's also the only one in the entire franchise directed by an actual director.

You almost had me? You never had me! You never had your car! Granny shiftin', not double clutchin' like you should.

>trying to create a non-Star Wars thread during Star Wars season
What the fuck did you expect? Come back in a few weeks when the board slows down.

In the interest of contributing though, this franchise baffles me. It's the only one I can think of that has made it to TEN FUCKING MOVIES. How do they do it?


1 > 3 > I haven't seen the rest.

It was dumb. Fun, but dumb. I like these movies. I also like at #5 when they just said 'fuck it' and went Ocean's 11 with cars.
I also like how #8 they turned mercenaries. I really hope they made 2 more and go overboard. Space would be cool

what the fuck is double clutching?

hi Brian earl spilner!