Just walked out of this: Definitely the "Only God Forgives" of the series. Huge pleb filter, hence the crappy RT audience score. If you want GokuLuke and flippy-shit, you're going to be disappointed. Won't be surprised at all if it bombs in the Chinese market.
Just walked out of this: Definitely the "Only God Forgives" of the series. Huge pleb filter...
>another Star Shit thread
It's not a bad movie but it's vastly different from TFA so I see why people are upset. TFA sets up a bunch of stuff and then this movie undermines it all, that's an odd thing to do in the middle of a trilogy.
Who are you quoting?
It suffers from "second act" syndrome. Empire and Two Towers had similar problems (but, ya know, they handled them better).
>If you want GokuLuke and flippy-shit
This literally has Leia flying through space and Luke using a clone jutsu. Rey's power level is so strong she makes cracks in the ground.
>chinese market
Sorry they don't buy 21st century amerimutt sjw propaganda.
>tfa suffers from first act syndromw
>tlj sufferes from second act syndrome
Will IX suffer from third act syndrome?
>being this new
What the fuck are first act syndrome, second act syndrome and third act syndrome ???
Is this a way how to make ultimate star wars mlvie?
First movie is shit, but the second one is even more retarded so the first one starts to get praised because its better in comparisiom.
If you want to make a good star wars movie all you need to do is just make the next one worse then the previous and previous will be praised
Well praise heavens they didnt make this a pentalogy than
We got GokuRey instead.
>being this reverse-new
You are a shill and youve changed no ones minds that this movie is shit
>Disney owns the rights to Star Wars and Dragon ball now
Second act syndrome is when a movie feels incomplete because it's not as fun and simple as the first act (a new hope) and it doesn't have a satisfying ending like the third act (rotj)
there are blacks in Frozen?
Some stupid shit this cuck faggot made up to shill for this 3rd trimester abortion of a piece of shit movie
It had so much potential. We've never seen a sith train in a movie and they literally just had snoke go "kill this cunt and your training will be complete" fucking really?
That kiss was meant to punish the chinese for not including Finn in the movie poster.
Please Asia save us. Save the world. You are our only hope.
You joke, but I left the theater thinking that maybe TFA honestly wasn’t as horrible as I remember it.
I love AQTHF, read this in Carl's voice and keked
Same thing is happening with prequels and RO. Im just wondering if this is some elaborate jewish trick to make shekels. Its like when coca cola stoped using suger and after backlash reintroduced the ``original`` cola wich was somewhat simillar to the old one and people loved it
Second Act Syndrome is the idea that, when creating a trilogy, (especially when you may not have EXPECTED to make a trilogy) the second act (film, book, etc) tends to:
-Be darker in overall tone, in order to make the success in the third seem more powerful.
-Resolve fewer introduced plot lines, in order to leave those plot lines open for conclusion in the final act.
-On top of this, the second act can end up taking fewer creative risks/feeling less inventive, since it no longer has the value of 'introduction': by the second installment, we the audience have learned the rules of the universe (to some extent) and therefore are more aware and "critical" of things that seem to violate them.
For a small, slightly spoiler-y example: at the start of Force Awakens, Kylo Ren stops a blaster bolt with the Force an ability we have NEVER seen in any previous Star Wars film, and that raises some questions in terms of previous Jedi encounters. However, the earliness of the move makes it more acceptable, as we understand that a first installment has the 'right' to write its rules. Now, if he not used this power in Force Awakens, but suddenly used it in Last Jedi, it would bother the audience marginally more, because it represents a changing of the rules.
The "First Act Syndrome", to my knowledge, is less well established, but essentially equates to
"in a story intended to last multiple films/novels, the first act can be weaker in terms of actual STORY, as proportionally more of its length is spent on basic aspects like world-building and character introduction." The easiest example I have for this is Comic Books: most #1 issues are actually somewhat dull, since they have to spend so much time setting UP the characters, setting, and story, rather than actually exploring it.
To my knowledge, there's no real "third act syndrome", the poster is simply joking.
Third act syndrom is when you have written yourself in corner in previous 2 installmebts and end up with something like mass effect 3
>Muh Pleb Filter!
sure its a pleb filter. youre the pleb you dindu faggot.