She's unironically not wrong
She's unironically not wrong
she forgot
>lets act as if obscenely rich people retiring in a timely fashion means justice has been served
>lets take the retirement of obscenely rich people as an indication there is no longer any sexual misconduct
>lets imply all sexual misconduct happened between consenting adults so as to make sure the police never get involved
The females wearing all black is stupid as fuck. Maryl Streep and Emma Watson are "participating" but they knew damn well Harvey Weinsten was sexually assaulting women and settling lawsuits.
Fuck all of Hollywood.
they're just trying to relieve their guilty conscience
This all seems like some autistic highschool girly drama and is currently the most pressing issue of the west. No more desire for expansion, colonization, exploration, invention, just some mediocre status quo where the major issue is "someone said X and touched Y inappropriately therefor let's fucking talk about it for an entire fucking year"
If our ancestors knew that this would be the future they'd probably kill themselves on the spot
>the future
This was the present for the Romans, and the Macedonians, and the Inca, and the Byzantines.
This is what happens immediately before your entire civilization gets BTFO, everyone turns into inward-obsessed retards compulsively devoting themselves to strange and meaningless rituals.
Well now they can commodify victims of assault
The upcoming Muslim Empire is gonna be awful. At least I'm a dude.
>This was the present for the Romans, and the Macedonians, and the Inca, and the Byzantines.
No, they had their cultural decadence but it never reached levels of mediocrity and lack of desire for anything as it has right now. They still had the desire to at least expand or be relevant, all we have right now is constant attempts to crush the "toxic" will to power and enforce the mediocrity as hard as possible. I can't even call it nihilism because it's not an intellectual decision to abstain from ambitions, it's just inability to meet them and delusional satisfaction with the very little that an average person achieves nowadays
There are certain crises in history that mirror it, like the "Oh shit we're not cutting enough guy's hearts out at the top of our pyramid" or "Oh shit we didn't build enough stone heads to put on the beach" and the civilization just accelerates this wasteful totemic activity in the face of collapse.
Still more than our rapist President has done to acknowledge and repent for his sexual assaults.
Low tier bait dude.
Who cares if some producers diddle some kids. They are just a bunch of shiksa anyway
>dress in black
>in revealing slutty outfits
His accusers were paid to say that shit. Where have you been this week?
That is bait but it’s unironically fucked up that Trump was a creepy fucked who openly bragged about assaulting women
is it?
or does it make perfect sense?
>I'll show those darned sexualist Hoillywood producers, I'll wear black and go wine and dine with all those Hollywood producers
why are women who knew about the harassment but said nothing not to blame as well?
He was bragging about how loose women are towards rich men...
you can never blame a victim...
Women have been accusing him for more than 30 years.
His ex wife wrote a tell all book in which she described him raping her and he took her to court only to not dispute her account under oath.
He's on tape talking about how he's been able, for year, to get away with grabbing women by the pussy.
Trump has done the same shit that Sup Forums was jubilant to crucify Weinstein for.
No, he was bragging about how he can get away with giving attractive women unwanted sexual advances because he was rich and famous. He's a predator.
If he'd done that to your daughter or sister, you'd be out for his blood.
lel imagine being this much of a bitchnigga
no.. he didn't say "they don't want it and i grab them by the pussy"
And guess what industry made Trump famous
protip: not real estate
You're the one swallowing lies, user. There are too many accounts from too many unconnected sources, both close to his empire and women who only came to him in passing, to deny that he's behaved inappropriately toward women.
Again, imagine if he pulled some of that shit, like walking into a women's dressing room without permission, or groping chicks onstage, on your sister.
>You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
He's stating that his wealth and fame allows him to do whatever he wants, whether the women want him to or not. Don't be dense.
Yeah, problem is that Trump doesn't give a shit, while libshit democrat donors from Hollywood are screeching the 'Force is Female' 24/7
had it occurred to you that I belive the women but still don’t give a shit?
Post three claims of sexual harassment he had prior to his election run, or be proven a lying dumb faggot
Well yea, they choose to wear a black dress that day, what does that actually change and how is that supporting these people.
>"im standing against genocide by wearing a printed t shirt that says stop genocide!
>sits in starbucks drinking coffee and reading a magazine while genocide still happens
>"but Im wearing the shirt guys Im on your side!"
I cant believe people actually buy into this kind of narrative, these people dont care, they just want to look like they care because it makes them look like good people, so brave.
>He's on tape talking about how he's been able, for year, to get away with grabbing women by the pussy.
Yeah, they let him do it. Women let famous men have their way with them. That's been going on forever.
This is the only form of rebellion americans know anymore.
The conversion to mindless drones is complete.
And then you get called a sexists or racist or something for calling out this hypocrisy.
>whether the women want him to or not.
Nothing he said there suggests that they don't want it.
Don't act dumb.
WTF I agree with a feminist nutjob!
Jesus fucking Christ, why do you idiots always ignore the "if they let you" part in his bragging about fingering them.
it's common sense.
how is it equality if you're gonna have an all-female awards show. it's the exact opposite of equality. black people do the same thing. it's political correctness/liberalism gone mad.
>lets make it equal by making it unequal
For atheists definitely. For Christians it might actually be better for them instead of under secular law.
then tell us what she wants? to kill all males?
non jewish white males
She's an alcoholic retard but she's right here. Wearing black but still showing up to accept your "best dicksucker" award is fucking stupid.
I’m sure it will be better for Christians, I mean who doesn’t love getting murdered?
Compare to atheists, Muslims have been benevolent rulers.
Nothing is ever enough for liberals.
>Bans men from the presentation
>"But you commissioned men who have seen sexual assault! And everyone knows only men have a responsibility to report sexual assault when they see it!"
>Bans the agents
>"Why are they all white? You are a white supremacist organization!"
>Bans white people
>Where are the trannies and homosexuals? You conservative homophobes!"
>Bans straight cis women
>"Why is nobody in the presentation famous?"
I fucking hate how widespread it has become that morons have gotten a platform just because they are on the internet. It's lead to this SJW shit infesting movies and everything political.
I can't wait for the backlash for wearing all black
>His ex wife wrote a tell all book in which she described him raping her and he took her to court only to not dispute her account under oath.
the absolute madman
>nobody has the balls to do something big like boycott the awards ceremony in protest, as clearly everyone from producers to directors to executives partake in casting couches and sexual abuse of teens and children
Out with the four olds!