filthy no-name jakku traders (what a dumb twist)
>another Star Shit thread
>another Star Shit thread
Couldn't there be more to the story? Kylo could have been manipulating her.
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Bane thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" CIA agent guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about a capeshit movie. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Banefag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "FOR YOU FOR YOU FOR YOU." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
did they bang?
They are clearly setting it up so when they reveal her actual heritage, plebs will go "le ebin twist"
Her parents are nobodies, yes.
Her grandfather, however, is Palpatine or Obi-Wan.
Would you rather her parents be luke (and literally who diversity hire who would inevitably play his wife) or her being space Jesus who exists because DUDE FORCE LMAO? I though this was one of the better places the plot went.
One of a few things they actually did right.
Whats the point of turning the story into Santa Barbara? What is gained from having Rey be related to some important OT character?
Like Vader was manipulating Luke when he told him he was his father?
I'm sure its not her real parents
I think of her like Luke
someone hillbilly adopted her and trashed her
This was the only twist I like
It might explain why she can do more with the Force in days than the fucking Chosen One or his son can after years of training.
Because they made her into the bestest force user evah who can and knows everything and beats dudes with years of training and threatens Luke after kicking his ass.
Because they cemented that having force lineage = powerful jedi. Now with this mary sue coming along all they gets thrown out the window.
Why are you such a child? get the fuck out of Sup Forums
All night long
I would Unironiclly rather have Luke be her dad. Even if they do the line agian
Post more picture of the teeth monster.
Only georgie boy cared about this and he's gone now.
It was a good inversion of Luke I’m your daddy
>This fucking newfag
What if those no-name Jakku traders were powerful Force users? Didn't think of that, did you?
Of course they bung
He lied. Just like how he lied about Rey killing Snoke.
>only the creator and the guy who made the only good movies in the series cared about it
If you strike us down in anger we will always be with you.
Because she can use force better than Luke at any point of the Original Trilogy.
He made one good movie.
No this is actually dramatic because your parents betraying you and treating you like a commodity is a reason to feel something. Hell, it's actually a metaphor for george lucas selling star wars.
But there's two problems. People were expecting rey's lineage to be an explanation for her powers. They shouldn't have made her a prodigy character in the first place.
Also they should've revealed her parents in the first movie so it actually has a point and resolution to her story, which was trying to find her parents.
This is the only option
And even more if she has a twin, that she searches for to find in the new trilogy. Like how they were gonna do it in the OT
But then again we just got this pile of shit representing as a Star Wars movie so nothing is certain.
>only good movies
He only directed one good movie in the franchise.
>He lied. Just like how he lied about Rey killing Snoke.
kylo never lies to rey tho. he's literally in love with her.
That's actually an alright twist as far as I'm concerned, I'm tired of every single character being some sort of "Chosen One" or "One of a kind" type of character.
People are actually desperate to be able to complain about every single little thing, it's hilarious. As if they didn't give you enough stuff to validly complain about.
Who the fuck cares. OT was a story about the Skywalker family, thats why everyone was related. They probably didn't even plan for Vader to be Luke's dad until the character suddenly got megapopular. Force is meant to come from the character strength, not because your daddy had tons of midichlorians in his sperm.
Were Ben and Yoda sons of powerful jedi? Why was Leia utterly force insensitive until her superman moment?
>First cut of New Hope was a complete mess that his wife had to fix so it would be something watchable
Her great power was explained in the movie by Snoke tho. Kylo is extremely powerful in the force (enough to scare Luke which means he's more powerful than Anakin most likely) so the force needed someone to be just as powerful for it to be in balance. She just won a lottery.
I still think it's bullshit how she can hold her own against what are the most formidable force users ever without any training whatsoever but her raw power at least was explained.
What the fuck was the point of this movie, really? I feel like all it didn't progress the story at all besides killing off main characters. Why was Snoke killed? Who was Snoke to begin with and why was he important? Why was Luke killed? What role did he play in the story overall? Why did Kylo Ren try to convince Rey to join him? Seemed like the story just went in a big circle. Why is Rey important at all? She seems to be not important to the mains story of anything.
It seems like they took the first movie, put a lot of setup and asked a lot of questions, then answered a lot of those questions in this movie by saying "Ha, it doesn't mean anything, we're just going to close those stories without doing anything interesting"
Seems like a waste of setup.
Star wars fans like their movie universes to be these tiny, repetitive, "everything's connected to everything!" settings. They love that darth vader built c3po because if such a famous droid was just a random protocol droid that would be unfulfilling since he's obviously special, etc... They need Rey to be part of that tiny circle because its comforting. Because if the force is actual a universe spanning energy field that doesn't give a damn about human bloodlines then that might be a scary concept.
Does it make her a kike?
That's more than Soy Wars has so far.
>implying shes not Obi-Wan's daughter and this wasnt all a bait and switch to fool the audience
>see this being discussed on another board
>"I don't see what the big deal is I think it makes Rey cooler and more mysterious that her parents were nobody it shows anyone can be a badass force user"
I was never big into star wars but I couldn't imagine the absolute depression I'd be in if I was a fanboy.
>Why was Luke killed?
Mark got tired of their shit so they set him free. Can't decide if this was to be merciful or a dick move.
What was her character development in this again? She just shows up and swings a lightsaber around and Luke sits around and complains. This character is fan-fiction tier.
>Kylo is extremely powerful in the force (enough to scare Luke which means he's more powerful than Anakin most likely) so the force needed someone to be just as powerful for it to be in balance.
This is exactly why Nu Wars is shit. Nobody in charge understands Star Wars. The Force isn't some yin yang bullshit. The balance means the destruction of the Dark side because it is unnatural and perverts the Force.
Ben and Yoda trained. Rey is good just because.
The worst part about this is that it's full on meta writing in which the characters are somehow aware of the audience's expectations
Rey was in no way expecting to be the daughter of someone important, just that her parents would come back, so Kylo's line is referred to the audience rather than Rey in an awful attempt at a meta narrative in a fucking fairy tale for 12 years olds
Come on Kathleen you should be focused on ruining another star wars movie.
>Obi-Wan's daughter
>born at least 10 years after he died
>and after the only woman he ever loved died by Darth Maul's hand during the Clone Wars
u wot
>People were expecting...
Sums up 80% of the criticism about this movie, the other 20% being a weak b-plot and some failed humor.
This is mostly JJ's fault for relying on stupid ass "mystery box" writing to try and make his movies interesting. He does this shit constantly and because he left her parents as a mystery people automatically assumed that meant it was important. It is important, but only to Rey, the fact that this wasn't just another fan-service jerk off point of her being Sheev's grand daughter or w/e is fucking great.
Just watched this, it was actually good wtf.
Her no name parents reveal was kino, no more muh heritage shit. Luke turned out to be the bad guy too killing kids like his dad.
Luke sits around and complains and drinks milk
> The balance means the destruction of the Dark side because it is unnatural and perverts the Force.
This actually isn't canon and it was established in the clone wars series which Lucas had a heavy hand in creating that the balance of the force is light and dark.
Willing to bet she was conceived by the Force, like Anakin.
this is exactly why it was good. Killing off nostalgia fags, too bad they didnt off leia.
Theyre getting set up for a new story line and killing off the old one.
this guy knows what's up
You would be right, except that Rey's longing to find her parents has been a driving force for her since minute 1 of TFA. If that point handn't been hammered home so many times and she was just an orphan that didn't really care about her parents but we really cared and kylo said that, then yeah that would be totally for the audience.
>muh canon
Nigger, just watch the original 6 movies. If you find even one mention of "Light side" I'll pay pal you 100 bucks. Why do you think the prophecy to restore balance meant killing the Sith? They are a cancer on the Force.
that would be kino, shes the force manifest.
oh yeah just like anakin
What's the point of TFA and TLJ. I brought this up in another thread. Like what's the overarching plot of these movies? The OT had a plot that ran through all 3 films same with the prequels. I don't even know what the plot of the new movies are. Rey and her friends go on wacky adventures? There is no cohesive structure running through these films. You could watch TLJ and understand everything even if you never saw TFA
but she saw her parents flying away
This. The movie is going to be hated by brainlets who obsessed over those fabricated mysteries and spent 2 years dead certain Snoke was Plagueis and Rey was Luke's daughter. They can't accept they got played by JJ and wasted all their time worrying about literally nothing. It is a pleb filter. Normies don't get it. It will for a very long time have as bad a reputation as the prequels, and those of us who get it will always know it is wholly undeserved.
star wars seem like a shounen manga wtf.
Do you expect big power ups next movie?
These guys get it
>Theyre getting set up for a new story line and killing off the old one.
This. Rian is directing a new trilogy
>the Force is a no-name
>this is what Soy Wars fags actually think
Hey it's not me you have to complain to about what is or isn't canon, it's the Lucas Story Group that Disney is running.
>Why do you think the prophecy to restore balance meant killing the Sith?
Go back and watch all the making of material for the prequels, this prophecy changes as least twice. George Lucas is a great visuals guy and pretty imaginative, but he loves to contradict himself and is kind of a retard when it comes to writing.
This. Both must exist in equal measure, constantly in check. That is the definition of balance.
Exactly, this is what happens when nostalgia fags go in with too much fanficition and expectation.
This was much better than cliché shit like her father was some old character and secretly shes evil.
Yeah but I'm not criticizing the audience for making some ultimatum with their expectations. The movies don't need to do what we expect, honestly, preferably they don't. But in this case if Rey's powers aren't explained by her lineage, then I doubt there's a different explanation that's good enough. This is even worse if one knows how JJ writes and he's winging every plot mystery like the hack he is.
this what? youre just a massive faggot. deal with it. your nu-wars is shit.
Bro just fuck off.
If your going to drop the "WELL THAT WAS ABOUT THE SKYWALKERS THIS STORY ISNT" they could have not fucking made it in this god fucking timeline
Star wars has endless stories, you could have wrote this shit 150 years after the empire was destroyed, Lukes dead, his temple failed, one of his students was evil, trained an evil dude, and now here we are.
>Instead we have this hot pile of shit, "Oh guys its not about the old star wars plot line, forget what you guys know let it die! But wait dont forget about all your old favorite characters, ahahah right guys? Dont forget about the old story line, but move on guys its time for a new story, but dont forget okay?"
You're crazy if you think Lucas gave an actual shit about the cartoon. He authorized all the EU shit, good and bad.
>this prophecy changes as least twice
It doesn't. "You were meant to destroy the Sith, not join them." And he does destroy them in the end. Of course, then this shit came made the prophecy and the end of RotJ completely pointless.
re-read my post. I said that Rey never expected her parents to be important characters within the story, she just wanted to find them or to have them come back to her.
Kylo speaks as if he knows that people were expecting her to be luke or someone else's daughter, which she never did. Of course her parents were nobodies
force and lineage is bullshit, its much better as a randomly occurring power.
>it's another starshit shit
the force awakens was about rey trying to find a map left behind by a man who didn't want to be found so he could teach her things she already knew
I hated 8 but you’re wrong. Anakin brought balance by taking the Jedi to 2 just like the Sith. Yoda and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan dies as Luke becomes Force sensitive. Yoda dies as Leia becomes sensitive and Anakin questions his loyalty. And finally Palpatine dies along with Vader allowing Luke to finally become a new Force user, one that embraces both sides. He uses fear and hate responsibly and allows love and friendship to drive his actions.
Luke was the first Force user that wasn't bound to the rules of either side. Of course the new trilogy shits all over that but the best thing out of the prequels was showing that the light side isn't a better choice. There were thousands of Jedi and they let the Republic fall and get engulfed in war. Light doesn't mean good here.
They're not though. They didn't setup anything I feel like, and they killed off everything they setup in the first movie.
>New bad guy dead
>Kylo Ren is utterly uninteresting and incompetent
>The fucking mick general is insanely incompetent to the point where he's turned into a slapstick villain
>Captain Phasma is obviously going to be a running joke where she's killed every movie but comes back with no explanation
We're now left with no bad guy that's scary or interesting. The good guys are also uninteresting. Poe is the only one with character, but it's not original at all. He's the rebellious cool guy that's in every "nerd" movie these days. Finn and Rey seem to be going no where. The asian girl adds nothing to this movie. Benicio Del Toro was just confusing, I don't understand why he was in this movie at all. Luke is gone and ultimately added nothing to the story.
If they wanted to do something original, they should have started by making something interesting happen, but nothing did.
That applies heavily to you.
>Ben and Yoda trained
Are you all just forgetting the fact that Rey spent her life on a desert planet all along, surving endless alien gangbangs and scavenging for food? Meanwhile Luke was a pampered farmboi who whined to his uncle that life is too boring
So Force ignores Snoke and only cares about Ben and Rey eh?
Well, Snoke did say Kylo is responsible for Rey's force sensitivity because he himself is so powerful. Or going to be powerful, for someone with so much force potential that even Luke shit his pants and tried to murder him in his sleep, he doesn't really do much.
Anyway, force sensitivity doesn't seem to be tied only to heritage, but also just cosmic randomness. I kind of like this idea of the ebb and flow of cosmic energies trying to balance each other out.
Yeah that's my point too.
This story doesn't seem to be going anywhere. We're two movies in and it feels like nothing was accomplished on either side in either way.
I don't think that was what was going on with kylo, he talks of rey's parents like they're important because he knows that they are important to her, and he is utterly obsessed with getting Rey to join him which explains the emphasis.
She is going to end up having 2 moms or some shit. They were killed by the bigoted first order who could not accept their love.
>Who the fuck cares
Millions of fans.
>I hated 8 but you’re wrong. Anakin brought balance by taking the Jedi to 2 just like the Sith. Yoda and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan dies as Luke becomes Force sensitive. Yoda dies as Leia becomes sensitive and Anakin questions his loyalty. And finally Palpatine dies along with Vader allowing Luke to finally become a new Force user, one that embraces both sides. He uses fear and hate responsibly and allows love and friendship to drive his actions.
dumb and contradicted by both the original trilogy (luke does not "embrace both sides", he rejects the dark side decisively) and the nucanon (there are other jedi and sith running around during the OT era)
No retards it's because her parents being a plot point was hyped up in the first film, narratively there'd be a reason for this. We see a clip of her parents (or "someone") flying away, they spend an inordinate amount of time focusing on this one detail for it to be "solved" in a throwaway line in a conversation. It's poor work cinematically speaking
Enjoy everyone dying or disappearing in the next for the nu stable boys to take over
>Anakin brought balance by taking the Jedi to 2 just like the Sith
Oh my God, how are there still people who are this retarded? There were more than 2 Jedi, Vader hunted many of them in both canons ffs. Chirst, it's a movie for children, Lucas even had Sidious say the dark side is unnatural, and you mongoloids still can't get it.
Blame JJ and his mystery box hack writing. Rey's parents being no-body junk addicts is 100x more narratively satisfying than her being yet again part of this ridiculously small cabal of characters that the audience knows. It might be be what fans want, but it's what fans need to have a better story, and a better overall universe.
>surviving on some shithole planet means you can use the Force and fight with a lightsaber better than a guy who's trained all his life for it
The FO blew up five planets and the resistance blew up BIGGER DEATHSTAR and it still feels like nothing happened. They really blew their load early with that bullshit.
I personally can't way for the BIGGERER DEATHSTAR that's fully operational to blow up more planets I don't care about.
Idk her parents being nobodies itself really isn't a big deal, but in TFA she was set up as such a big deal everyone expected her parents to be at least SOMEBODY. She's just such a boring character in general I really don't understand how people like her (other than the fact she has a cunt)