ITT: Sum up your life with one Sup Forums-related image
ITT: Sum up your life with one Sup Forums-related image
>Mom keeps trying to make me go to bed
I just wanna watch the world burn
Thats an adorable pupper.
I hate how I need to turn on the fucking AC in my car in APRIL.
But on the plus side, it means all the college girls near work are starting to wear short shorts and tight shirts. Hells yeah.
Pretty much pic related
Something good happened to me two weeks ago and I've been trying to think of how it was really a bad thing despite it being irrelevant at this juncture in time though I think I figured it out.
>About to graduate with a theater degree because I don't understand how the real world works
>My life is about to become a rapidly spinning fuckstorm of desperate self-promotion and imminent rejection
>My name's even Steve
Well atleast you're attractive enough to be in drama.
You are attractive enough to be in drama right?
I'm fat, but otherwise all right looking I guess. I've had more success as a voice actor anyway. I'm in Marvel's Avengers Academy mobile game as Electro and got to voice a character in Heavy Metal Machines, which just came out on steam
guess which one's me
get fit as fuck and start building model trains, changed me life
which comics is it?
the super-shut in?
The Badger
I'm afraid I don't know. I got it off of Sup Forums.
Please just end my life
>inb4 Sup Forums
are you trans
That image of the guy from south park pretty much dead from jerking off so much
I have the sweetest dreams.
I really really really love this image
This has been a stressful semester.
But then one more to go...
>one more to go
Yeah then the easy part ends.
Same, I've come to the understanding that I may be forever alone and I'll need to work with that.
When I'm with people I want to be alone and when I'm alone, I want to be with people.
It never gets any easier, does it?
Oh boy. It's another "everyone is suicidally depressed and hates life woe is me" thread. These sure are fun and original.
Good source of reaction images if nothing else.
It doesn't.
I bet ya got a story to tell friend
>Taking a course that has me taking care of a class of toddlers for two hours
>Taking a internship that has me taking care of a room of disabled old people and the caretakers hate me for 7 hours
>I have 6 other classes that deal with day-raping assignments due all on the same day.
>I have barely any friends because they either vanished or they are too busy.
>I've realized that I don't want to go into the course that I spent 2 years in.
>I lost my job
>I'm a recovering alcoholic on the verge of relapse
To be honest, graduation will be a cakewalk compared to this.
You know, people who make comments like that are the ones who hurt the most.
"Don't be a denial crocodile."
Just let us vent our pain in the one place we can.
>tfw I'm just coasting off of a maniac high of energy all the time that keeps getting prompted by any small "victory" or good fortune that even slightly justifies my unearned vanity
I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing here. If I wasn't so lazy and cheap to actually go out, I could probably be having sex or getting into a fist fight right. now. It's like- I'm flooring the accelerator in my mind, but the gear's stuck in "neutral".
Took a three day break from a diet I've been on for a year. Pic related.
Jim Sterling, is that you?
It really doesn't.
Who the duck are you and why do you have that picture of me?