Was he in the right?
Was he in the right?
Why didn't he just ask bluedick to fix everything in a second or something?
he wouldn't
The general idea of the world coming together only for a common threat is right, but there were no many variables that could have gone the wrong way so it really wasn't a guaranteed thing.
It's my understanding comics Ozy's plan is better though.
There's no guarantee that it would've started a wave of cooperation, or that that cooperation would last long enough to have been worth the deaths. There are tons of good philosophical arguments against utilitarianism
bluedick didn't give a single fuck about humanity. He thought that there is nothing to stop humanity from wiping each other with nukes, so why even bother/
Should be the other way round kill billions to save the best few million.
>It's my understanding comics Ozy's plan is better though.
>retarded space octopus
Literally Hitler's ideology. Still think it's a good idea?
Doesn't matter what I think because when civilization falls, which it will 90-99% of humanity will most likely perish.
Fuck off, Quentin
>he thinks civilization is going to fail because he doesn't like it
Why that blue man couldn't teleport all humans to Mars and build a safe city there?
It is, of course you've never read so you wouldn't know.
Yes. He gets it.
nuking new york is fine but his justification was off, the cold war never escalated into a real one
It's actually better to kill billions to save millions because the earth is so overpopulated.
He doesn't give a shit about humanity and didn't see the explosions coming.
>He thought that there is nothing to stop humanity from wiping each other with nukes, so why even bother/
He literally could do that.
killing to save lives is literally what war is
Hitler was a pretty cool guy dude
Lol, why not to wander into space looking for other civilisation then? He could fly to other star system or other galaxy even, if you don't give a shit about Earth then fuck off for good, don't stick around on Mars.
>citation needed
Based daschund poster
>the cold war never escalated into a real one
You are missing the point, their Cold War was much less cold than ours, precisely because Manhattan was around and terrified the Soviets.
>implying wars aren't actually about power and money
sure kid
That literally isn't what war is.
Wars are power struggles.
Do you think that the aggressor in war wants to save lives?
Yes. This is the reason why we have army.
>killing millions to save billions
where have I heard that before?
I'm waiting.
The duty of these millions was to sacrifice their lives for billions. So, he is right..
That's what he does in the end, he gtfo's the galaxy to find somewhere else to live.
tfw youngfag and didn't read the graphic novel before seeing the film so the twist actually surprised you
I just told you, what are you? Stupid?
So post a source then, faggot.
So you’re saying the holocaust didn’t happen?
Yes. What are you? Stupid?
No shit it didn't.
Some may question your right to destroy ten million people. Those who understand realise that you have no right to let them live!
The Holocaust literally did happen you fucking retard. Holocaust =! 6 million Jews. Holocaust = 12 million dead, including Jews. God damn is Sup Forums fucking retarded? There's literal German documents and independent countries not related to the allies which state it did happen. Did 6 gorillion die? Who knows. But the Holocaust did happen.
Also I know that article, it's basically 'Concentrate on US you fucking anti-Semites!'
Well, the last time somebody concentrated on Jews it lead to this fucking situation.
>literal fucking kikes admit to lying about holohoax numbers
>lol time to deflect lol xd
Based Quentin
Holocaust should apply only to the Jews. Other people were of course murdered, but the reason for this was different. And it's probably more than 12 million.
3 million Soviet POWs, 1 million people in Leningrad, 1-2 million non-Jewish civilians in Ukraine and Belarus, 1 million Poles...
And I'm not even including people who died from non-deliberate starvation, diseases or in labor camps (for Poland it would be 2.7-2.9 million ethnic Poles).
Was the sex scene really needed for this movie? It's awkward as fuck watching Watchmen with your sister
I never said they didn't lie, I just said the holocaust happened, it did. It's not all about the Jews you fucking kike, fuck off.
>It's not all about the Jews you fucking kike
You're right, it's not. But the 11-12 million number is still a lie and you're still a stupid good goy for believing in the holohoax.
why not just give the ring to tom bombadillo? ring a dong dillo?
He is not a source used by historians to estimate those numbers. Never was.
>*hallelujah starts playing*
Because historians' numbers usually land at the 5-6 million area.
>The Holocaust never happened. Historians are biased therefore I can dismiss their valid evidence.
>If you ask me for source on my claims you're a kike shill soy boy cuck shareblumale
For Jews, yes.
For everyone. You're free to source your bullshit 11 million number anytime.
Time for you to read up lad
From Dieter Pohl, German historian.
> There are still no valid statistics about the number of victims of National Socialism, and especially for Poland, Yugoslavia and the occupied Soviet territories many more precise data are still missing. According to the current status of knowledge one can assume that 5.6 to 5.7 million people lost their lives on account of their Jewish origin, besides at least 100,000 Sinti and Roma. About 3 million inhabitants of the Soviet Union who became prisoners of war died, most because they were denied the necessary food, but at least 150,000 of them were shot. Especially high was the number of victims among the population of Eastern Europe that perished in camps, in "bandit-fighting operations" and in other murders. Respectively far over a million civilians died in Poland and in the occupied Soviet territories in mass murders, several hundred thousand in Yugoslavia, in each case without counting Jewish victims. Largely unknown is the number of victims of selective hunger policy in the east, presumably far over a million civilians had to pay it with their lives. Even though establishing a total number still requires further laborious calculations, the order of magnitude of people murdered under German rule should be 12 to 14 million. Most of them died between mid-1941 and mid-1945, i.e. in the course of less than four years.
And like I said, those are only war crimes. For example he doesn't include here the victims of the siege of Leningrad.
>the holocaust includes random killed civillians in the eastern front
>t. omega fucking brainlet
May as well say that every casualty of WWII was a holocaust victim.
>we need to kill a few to save many
>ok how about we start with you, then?
If he's not willing to die for his cause he shouldn't be preaching about killing others
No Because Rorschach ended up exposing it anyway, undermining everything. At best he was delaying the inevitable. What happens in 50 years time when no sign of alien life is found and they start treating it as a hoax?
Also 'greater good' justification is fundamentally flawed, at what stage is the sacrifice too much? What if he then has to kill another million... then another, then another. Generally when you use the justification it's because you're giving up or unwilling to go a more difficult route.
A better solution would have been to come up with defences that made nuclear missiles worthless, something he probably had the intellect and resources to achieve.
Enjoy. Mattogno is a liar who manipulates data.
Inflation of that number was always one of the goals. Read Norman Finkelstein "Holokaust industry".
>"anti-holocaust denial" blogspot
Every fucking time
>random killed civilians
They weren't randomly killed. They were murdered during anti-partisan operations.
Every fucking time. Mattogno and other deniers aren't even real historians.
>innocent people die in war, more news at 11
The holocaust was either the massacre of civillians in death camps or it was the massacre of jews during the mid and later parts of WWII. You can't have your cake and eat it.
>these people don't count because i say so
m8, I've seen hundreds of these stupid fucking blogspots run by wannabe historians. The one you just posted had an article a few weeks ago about fucking gas chamber vans. Do you honestly fucking think that anyone that does their research will fall for such a shitty fucking source? I have no idea where you blogspot spamming faggots are coming from but your lot truly are fucking cancer.
so make all the nukes disappear? hes literally god
>when the goyim find out Uncle Adolf had a swimming pool installed for the camp inmates to enjoy, so you write a Soy Wars-tier fan fiction about it being a literal drowning pool
>US literally killed hundreds of thousands of people
>to prevent a large scale invasion that would've killed millions more
why do people hate this movie so much?
i thought it was pretty fucking great and easily the only good thing snyder has ever done. but then i'm not much of a capeshit or comic guy in general
Ultimately he was a complete failure because Rorschach ruined everything.
>let the bodies hit the floor
He literally did what he was trying to prevent, just with capeshit instead of nukeshit.
Are you stupid? I'm talking about deliberate killing of innocent people, usually as punishment for "helping" partisans.
This is just one such case. I'm talking about war crimes, not about accidental deaths during military operations.
>Do you honestly fucking think that anyone that does their research will fall for such a shitty fucking source?
Except every serious historian believe in gas vans. We even have German documents mentioning them dozen of times. And of course testimonies from Germans, Poles, Ukrainians and so on.
>Rorschach ruined everything.
>breaking news: helping an enemy in war gets you killed
Holy fucking shit stop the presses
>Except every serious historian believe in gas vans.
Every serious historian also believed in the fucking human soap and skin lampshade crap until the inventors of that lie came out and spilled the beans. They also believed that 4 million died at Auschwitz until the Soviets admitted that it was a propaganda number. Hella great work from our "serious historians" here.
If he didn't give a fuck then why did he kill Rorschach?
>The gas van was invented in the Soviet Union[2][3][3][8][9] in 1936,[6] by Isay Berg, the head of the administrative and economic department of the NKVD of Moscow Oblast which suffocated batches of prisoners with engine fumes in a camouflaged bread van while on the drive out to the mass graves at Butovo, where the prisoners were subsequently buried.
Of course you probably believe that Soviet gas vans existed.
Wrong. He thought people were basically ants and he didn't give a shit about if we fight or die. He only stopped Ozy because he's pissed about him being the kid that burns anthills.
>see footprints of partisans close to the village
>murder everyone inside
That's a war crime.
>Every serious historian also believed in the fucking human soap and skin lampshade crap until the inventors of that lie came out and spilled the beans. They also believed that 4 million died at Auschwitz until the Soviets admitted that it was a propaganda number. Hella great work from our "serious historians" here.
Sorry, but nothing you said is true. Also, "human soap" existed.
I'm sure the allies were totally free of war crimes sweetie. In fact in history it's only ever one side that commits war crimes, the same side that happens to lose. Pretty convenient huh?
>Sorry, but nothing you said is true.
And a nuh uh right back at you sir.
>Also, "human soap" existed.
As did masturbation machines amirite
>Da earf is overpopumated.
Kinda agree however based in the new comics that are being released ozy plan didn't really work as rorsarch diary got everything exposed, ozy is now a wanted man and humanity is in the brink of ear again
6 million to be precise.
no probably the nuclear holocaust wouldn't have happened in watchmen reality just like it didn't happen in real life
this was showing how dangerous a self righteous idealistic super hero with no limits could be
Time to make some r/donald posters angry.
>time to spam some recycled unsourced JIDF infographs
I'd ask if you have nothing better to do with your time but I suppose you are paid to do this so it's not that bad a deal.
r/the_donald loves the Jews, though, just like their president.
i thought it was supposed to be ridiculous
But you love jews to by proxy of loving hitler, pic related.
You know that Schacht got fired from his role for that exact fucking reason right? You're so desperate for straws to grasp at that you decided to post leftypol screencaps?
>Muh leftypol
Paranoid Sup Forumsyp in a different land, but not without his tinfoil hat.
why does he hate stoners so much?
>muh leftypol
That screencap is literally from leftypol on infinitychan. How fucking dumb are you?
And all it cost was 40 years of proxy wars and a continued fear of the apocalypse.
Also, Nagasaki is probably a good example of the whole 'and another million' point. It was even needed, Japan was about to surrender, the US just wanted a display of power, showing they had more than 1 bomb.