This can't be happening

This can't be happening

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Are we gonna see Star Wars milk jugs with this creature on them?

do you think Luke ever, you know.. stuck his.. *gulp* ..dick in between them?




White supremacists BTFO





You're...pure evil.


fucking disgusting ass cavedwelling wh*te ""people""

She's more powerful than the offspring of the most powerful force user because SHE"S A GUUUURL

Imagine going to Disneyworld, visiting Star Wars land and the refreshment stand is a Sea Sloth you have to milk.

Haha. J-Just imagine it. Different flavors from each teet and everything...

Mark/ Luke is using his acting powers to tell us, his audience, "I'm just milking it for all it's worth. See you later space cowboy."


Believe it baby. This just beat every meme the Prequels could offer.

luke grew up on a farm, he drinks milk from udders

r8 muh meme

Holy shit men btfo!!!

Luke isn't fighting back though, he has sealed himself off from the force and is a lonely hermit who came there to die. He is consumed with doubt and is fighting himself.

>Luke beats her ass without breaking a sweat until she finally pulls a killing weapon on him which is something he didn't think her capable of
Are people really mad about this one?

I give it a kek/my sides in orbit

Star Wars IV: 2/10

Star Wars V: 3/10

Star Wars VI: 1/10

Star Wars I: 1/10

Star Wars II: 2/10

Star Wars III: 2/10

Star Wars VII: 1/10

Star Wars VIII: 1/10

Some ideas of this series had potential if didn't decide to market it towards children/young adults.

It is a shame so many adults take the lore seriously though/....

Ep4: comfy/10
Ep5: still comfy/10
Ep6: a little uncomfortable/10
Ep1: jar jar binks/10
Ep2: PS2 graphics/10
Ep3: Nooooo/10
Ep7: cut copy paste new hope/10
Ep8: at least Kylo is interesting/10

I'll co-sign this.

honestly I don't hate any of them. I'd watch either on a comfy saturday night. I feel like people often forget how silly they have always been and were originally made for kids. crybaby fanboys are cancer.

thx i hate meself a bit less now

What about R1

Star Wars IV: 2/10

Star Wars V: 3/10

Star Wars VI: 1/10

Star Wars I: 1/10

Star Wars II: 2/10

Star Wars III: 2/10

Star Wars VII: 1/10

Star Wars VIII: 1/10

Some ideas of this series had potential if didn't decide to market it towards children/young adults..

It is a shame so many adults take the lore seriously though.....................

This is so gross and stupid. Just because they have enough resources to build these creatures and think it would be funny, doesn't mean it should be filmed.



God, I just want to smash her teeth and kick her head into a gutter.


>she strikes an old man in a back in anger and pulls killing weapon on him
>clearly behaviour on the edge of dark side, maybe even beyond the edge
>it's never comented on again
>shes still considered to be a paragon of light side values by ghost Yoda

>he has sealed himself off from the force
>using the force in this very scene when he falls
the absolute state of mouse shills

he's turned his back on the Jedi's use of force, not using it completely. it's in the fucking film retard.

He wasn't totally isolated from the force. earlier he could see Rey's vision and was angry when she went right to the darkness.

Because he was forced to, mong.


>Luke lost because he sealed himself from the force
>lel, except he didn't you mong xD
so you condirm that Rey defeated a Jedi Master fair and square without any training here?

More like "less than 1% of his power, while not fighting back after losingthe will to live. If you had seen the film and not just webms you would know the context here.

I'm surprised they haven't copied this scene with a non-binary sunset yet.

they weren't fighting to the death. Luke exercised mentor restraint and understood that no, she really wanted this and he couldn't stop her.

So Anakin was criticized by the Jedi Council because he could feel anger when the bad guys did bad guys stuff

Yet this fucking bitch pulls an autistic rant and possibly tries to "kill" Luke AKA the last Jedi and Yoda considers her still a possible light force user?

The cow is the most fucked animal by man according to statistics.

Reminder that when Disney shills here tell you you just are against """change""", that's what it is refering to...











I have seen the movie, so I know that Luke literally comsidered killing Kylo for having dark thoughts, yet he doesn't mind Rey fucking fully giving into the dark side here, doesn't consider that a danger, and Yoda also says shes cool.

Luke was battling his own dark thoughts. That was the point of his character in this film. he was consumed with fear and doubt. it wasn't from Ren's betrayal, it was his own betrayal of Ren.

Vader was corrupted and it wasn't Obiwans fault, but Luke really did drive ben away and failed his student.

>hitting someone from behind

they actually did.

I can't believe how one movie can send an entire legacy, built upon decades, to shit in an instant

hhaha wouldnt it be funny you guys if luke put his dick between them haha lol jk but do you think he ever did as a JOKE lmao xD

doesn't matter. Rey clearly fell to the dark side here? would you argue againt that? then why the fuck were Yoda and Luke fine with it and considered her a worthy succesor to Jedi?

The Jedi Council's retarded dogma is what drove Anakin to kill millions. Yoda actively rejected this dogma by burning the tree.

They explain this in the movie. Weren't you paying attention?

Rey didn't fall to the dark side, she simply didn't fear it. That is why Luke was so freaked out.

Yoda understood this. That is why he told Luke to chill out.

Goy of the Year

>Yoda actively rejected this dogma by burning the tree.
the tree was also just an old temple, with nothing of value inside as Yoda said. He knew Rey already stole the books before she left.

The Jedi was an incomplete religion because it rejected an entire half of the Force.

>implying STRONK wymmen behavior isn't light side behavior

a better plotline wouldve been that luke fucked up with kylo, and there is tension with han and leia bc of that, but luke never gives up and goes to search others he can train, finds rey, and they can parallel the obi wan-luke relationship to make sweet sweet pottery. there i just wrote u a coherent fucking star wars that everyone wouldve loved in 30 seconds of not even deep thought. good lord waht a failure this series is.

>That half-wink he does
>Rey's stunned, disgusted expression
>That pleading look between Rey and the animal

Holy shit, you guys did not even exaggerate this one fucking bit.

>luke walks into scene
>goes down some rocky cliffs to get to alien with tits
>stands in front of it and starts to stomp
>"I want milkies." he says
>his stomping grows louder
>Luke proceeds to coddle up to the breasts and suckles on the teat whilst making baby noises.

what did he mean by this?

>a better plotline wouldve been that luke fucked up with kylo, and there is tension with han and leia bc of that, but luke never gives up and goes to search others he can train
Fuck no, that sounds like get a generic EU novel. It was the plot of many of those books as one of Lukes students would turn to the dark side and Luke would be like "no biggie, I'll just find more students".

The EU was at it's absolute worst with that jedi academy shit. It was more harry potter than star wars and was going for that same audience.

>Lucas has the high ground

Im playing through the old games like jedi knight and KOTR trying to relive the good old times after seeing this. Ive never felt this shit even when they fucked Indiana Jones I wasnt this fucking down. Mark Hamill must be fucking crying like a bitch holy fuck if I were him id kill myself before the next movie started shooting.

Well fuck. They're onto us boys.

the humiliation of the white man and the destruction of the greatest hero figure in cinema history

jewish evil knows no bounds

top story Sup Forumseddit, now fuck off


She didn't even beat him. She hit an old man while his back was turned, proceeded to get every moved blocked by a man who sealed himself away from the force and then she pulled out a tool used for killing on him. Which Luke obviously didn't think she would do.


Does nobody like the Salt scene? I really need a webm of that.

yeah cos thats the only logical continuation of his established character. i guess you like loser luke. old man jaded by what? that a student went to the dark side? thats it? thats all it took? he keeps fighting for vader but just abandons all hope with kylo? get the fuck out of here with ur pleb disney shit

is this the best scene is cinema history?

Luke did everything possible to make Rey go away, especially the milky milky scene is a perfect example of this. For Luke or the old fan it is perfectly understandable piece of lore or trivia, maybe even a question he would pose on the internet: How does Luke survive on a desolate island? Where does the blue milk of episode 4 or rather the green milk now come from? From a disgusting otherworldly animal of course with a partly sexualized design because Star Wars was made by men and for men („There is no underwear in space“-George Lucas and all the good looking waifs the novels and books gave to even the most inconsequential side-character). Rey looks disgusted at this, she rejects it because she is a regular girl, not at all interested in this other world Luke has created or rather found for himself in his solitude. Rey is the parent you forced to watch the movie with you because you can’t go to cinema alone as a child. She is the sister that does not care about you because from what she sees from your outside you both have no compatible interests. Rey is the person that one day feigned interest because you read X-Wing The Bacta War during lunch, asked what Episode it is about and then never bothered speaking to you because she was unable of understanding a concept as easy as „they do the sequels as books“. Luke knows this and is happy that she rejects it because he lives for the enjoyment of his green milk (making him smile) and acknowledges that this kind of thing could never happen in a random, soulless mainstream story. It’s a wonder and anomaly that Rian Johnson managed to keep this scene intact, he is the true and last hero in the Hollywood machinery apparently and I can’t imagine what gall Kathleen Kennedy has to basically make a movie out of her future plans and ulterior motives for the entire franchise.

Kind of like how obiwan and yoda completely gave up and hid for decades after vader turned?

well obi wan and yoda arent LUKE now are they you fuckin mongoloid

>Kind of like how obiwan and yoda completely gave up and hid for decades after vader turned?

Probably because Jedi were being killed on sight at that point, you fucking idiot. If they didn't go into hiding they'd have been hunted down and exterminated, quite possibly by Vader himself.

They were stronger and better trained than Luke was, and the loss of vader essentially retired them.

Luke was never fit for training a new jedi order. He only had a few weeks of informal trianing himself. His first hardship with his student Ben being lured by the dark side, Luke failed catastrophically. He too chose the path of exile like his mentors did.

she attacked an old man from behind, you soyboy cuckold limp wristed liberal pussy

Ep4: great/10
Ep5: great/10
Ep6: we want the merch money/10
Ep1: didn't bother/10
Ep2: didn't bother/10
Ep3: didn't bother/10
Ep7: we need the millennial crowd /10
Ep8: we need to please the millennial crowd /10

>If Luke didn't go into hiding he'd have been hunted down and exterminated by the first order, quite possibly by Kylo Ren himself.
Sounds familiar.

The first order was willing to burn entire worlds to find luke. Every ruthless they did in TFA was an effort to get the map to find Luke or lure him out of hiding. Finding Luke was all Snoke ever cared about

The Empire ruled the galaxy and had an enormous amount of resources at its disposal. The First Order, at the time of Ben's fall, was a crippled military junta clinging on to a third of the galaxy with no ability to project force into the New Republic's territory. Luke could easily and safely continued training new generations of Jedi without fearing a battalion of Stormtroopers turning up to ruin the show.

the new republic disbanded 90% of its military after they chased off the imperial remnant that would eventually become the FO

literally for what purpose

>her last name mixer
>literally race mixer

Sure, and the New Republic is retarded, but the First Order had yet to consolidate and rebuild to the point where it was capable of invading. At that point neither side really had an army worth speaking of.



>Imagine being so inundated by ideology that you have a tantrum over this scene out of context.

Anakin did the same yet he was shat by everyone.

thanks for being the last sane person left on Sup Forums

Anakin being lured to the dark side was handled very poorly in ep3. Somehow only padme seemed to notice and she said "you're scaring me". The jedi were painfully oblivious to all of it somehow.

>cut himself off from the force completely
>uses the force to brace himself falling

But she is a qt.

Star Wars turns into full cape kino mode.

I am sure he just bullshitted. Why else would he still wear the white jedi robes if he does not think of himself as Jedi anymore? Or hide the Jedi books? He even wanted to save the books.


Rey went into the force and sensed the disconnect though. The film is just a mess.