More minorities than aliens in the movie

>more minorities than aliens in the movie


9/10 people on the planet earth are non-white.

It would have been better to add some non whites to the first order.

Are the first order neo nazis or something?


>tfw all the Aliens were Doctor Who tier shit and none of the old species were present

Calling chinks a minority is stupid.

Is this the new thicc Asian thread?

nu species = new toys

All the stooges sitting behind control panels were more diverse than a stock photo

go on...

>Spacechip britbong hitler wannabe (forgot the name)
>Purple haired white woman
>2 chinks and 1 black guy

Non-whites are fauna, not people.

>futuristic society where humans have been alive for hundreds of thousands of years
>races still exist

The movie sucked ass but I literally don’t understand how you retards are complaining about too many minorities. Okay so a black guy and Asian girl run off and partake in a retarded subplot. It’s still mostly white.

>purple haired woman talking about the downtrodden and oppressed

If that's not SJW pandering nothing is.

>gets on a high horse to mock someone for pointing out minorities in the movie
>still uses the word 'chinks' to defend how there's minorities in the movie

Talk about a lack of self awareness and consistency. You're more autistic than the OP.

You need your eyes checked that girl is clearly Neimoidian


appeal to all audiences to preserve your brand

Yeah, but 9/10 non-whites are "people".

lol this
Kylo Ren and Rey are the main characters, Poe's just a hothead and no one gives a single shit about Finn, and don't even get me started on the fat moonspeaker.
Finn only keeps getting more and more fucked as his character is only drawn to retarded subplots and his "comic relief" is cringy at best. Fuckers should've let him die on the big cannon charge, can't stand this faggot anymore.

this doesn't work when it's pointed out so easily because then you appeal to no one (that's paying attention)


>someone in a movie about an empire conquering shit up talks about those who get oppressed in the process
So should the movie be nothing but 180 minutes of the first order just winning?

>Long ago in a galaxy far away....

Future humans lad.