It's clear to me now that this was the only good Star Wars property post-Original Trilogy

It's clear to me now that this was the only good Star Wars property post-Original Trilogy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Genndy is a hack that can barely remember his own show's storyline. He relies on tropes and scenery to cover for the bad plot and flintstones tier animation.
I can't fathom why Clone Wars fans parade TCS around as some kind of mature, deep masterpiece. Even as a kid I knew the show was shallow.
Don't get me wrong I liked the show in the same way I liked dexters lab, it was a fun time waster for a kid. As soon as I discovered anime it became apparent how shallow TCW was. If you compare it to any serious anime you'll know what I mean. The fight scenes were ruined by the stiff animation and serious moments were ruined by cheap stock sounds and obnoxious voice acting.
The reboot took on a more serious tone, but still suffers from the same problems. The animation is cheap and riddled with errors, the sound effects are stock and the writing is subpar. Compare TCW to berserk, it's clear that TCW is nowhere near that quality.
How anyone could be sad about TCW being rendered non canon is beyond me, I don't understand how anyone could put this show on a pedestal. I guess that speaks more about the dry spell of good kino in the west than it does them though.


Star Wars IV: 2/10

Star Wars V: 3/10

Star Wars VI: 1/10

Star Wars I: 1/10

Star Wars II: 2/10

Star Wars III: 2/10

Star Wars VII: 1/10

Star Wars VIII: 1/10

Some ideas of this series had potential if didn't decide to market it towards children/young adults.

It is a shame so many adults take the lore seriously though..........

Agreed, fucking love this series.

But what about the other show?
Note: if you say it's shit, I will disregard your opinion completely

>another Star Shit thread

Manchild detected

It's thoroughly mediocre with moments of greatness

I get that Tartakovsky is kinda of love or hate, but I thoroughly enjoyed the entire series.

Only watched the recommended episodes but most were pretty cool. The one with the rouge Jedi turning on the 501st was pretty kino. Especially considering that they were the ones who massacred the temple.

It's not mature or deep, It's just really fucking cool and entertaining. That's it.

Agreed. It slightly redeems the prequels.

Season 3+ is unironically the best content ever produced in the Star Wars universe. Absolutely fantastic

Don't forget pic related. Really makes me thing that the best star wars stories comes from fucking video games.

Eh no it was not. Not even close desu baby. Also fuck Drumpf.

Malak was a cartoon villain

So was Vader

It starts slow but overall it’s way better than Genndy’s.

And we come to the point, Kotor 1 was another ANH rip off


you are fag


fuck off Sup Forums

You and him both, #AlsoFuckDrumpf

Dont forget about this.



>not liking raw action

what are you a SJW?