Why did a space opera featuring likable characters and cool worlds have to be turned into some abomination with not so...

Why did a space opera featuring likable characters and cool worlds have to be turned into some abomination with not so subtle social commentary?

Explain to me how your tiny brain thinks there is any social commentary in the last Jedi.

>purple haired woman talks about the downtrodden and oppressed

Nigga get the fuck out

How is that social commentary?

what the fuck is a rebellion supposed to talk about? that's literally the whole point.

rose was a qt

Explain to me why there are so many articles such as this from leftist/sjw websites if there is no social commentary in the movie

Acting blissfully ignorant aint cheeky you stupid faggot.

Explain the screencaps of various articles that have been posted on Sup Forums claiming that TLJ is taking down toxic masculinity and calling out mansplaining?
