What the fuck kind of an ending shot is this?

What the fuck kind of an ending shot is this?

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A CUTE one

A Lynchy one

It’s funny the kind of stupid shit they have to do to get a shot like this. IIRC they had Sheryl Lee standing way up on a ladder over the coffee to get this shot


God that fucking wig is awful, it kills me any time I rewatch S2 or FWWM. She had gorgeous hair in the pilot, why the fuck did they give her a wig after that

I want Sheryl to introduce me to her family!

Hold on, so you're telling me it's not CGI?

>Can someone tell me the time?
>[autistic screeching]
What the fuck kind of an ending is this?

Nope, I’m trying to find the source (think it was just a BTS video) but I think it was just a ladder and a mirror to make her face more apparent. Amazing how jury rigged this kind of stuff was before everything was “fuck it just use CGI”

Which episode?

The last episode of season 2 nigga go watch it

>Still has a film and a whole other season to watch

It's far cheaper than CGI

>expecting anything good from the Magritte for retards

This is television, not painting.


What the fuck kind of an ending is this?

Why would he watched the new season?

__'__ ___ ______, _____'_ __?

Might as well stop at FWWM and end on pure kino rather continuing to S3 and diluting it with pure shit

>When he tells Pullman to call home

>depriving yourself of doppelganger scenes

Admittedly one of the highlights.
>focus on mostly meaningless subplots
>ruin the original appeal of the insular small town in favor of hoping all over the country
>focus mostly on a bunch of literal who characters
>the old characters Lynch does focus on are his self insert and Albert, neither are well acted (Albert is best when paired with the yokels of Twin Peaks)
>absolutely waste the best actors of the series (Ray Wise got literally one scene, Sheryl Lee was in just the Red Room and there at the end, Kyle MacLachlan had some moments of brilliance but was largely wasted)
>make a cool ending and thematic implication with how it ended with Carrie Paige and Richard but it was pretty much disconnected from the previous 17 hours

Pure kino.

An excuse for Lynch to have more film of Sheryl Lee to masturbate to at home, same as Fire Walk With Me. Just be happy the reflection wasn’t her flicking her bean or something.

I can’t imagine it would be very expensive to superimpose her face over a shot of coffee...

What kind of rib-eating shot is this?

Don't forget Audrey's abortion of a "story"

wow u have really bad taste

Wait a sec, when they announced The Return dvd, there were talks about 2.5 hours of additional footage (not sure if cuts or just bts), but I can't find anything about it now.
Can anybody help?

>season 3
>better than Fire Walk With Me

I loved both but c’mon user.

To counter:
>Jacoby's story could have been cut, but most of the other subplots were enjoyable
>Most of the story takes place in either Las Vegas, Twin Peaks, or at the FBI's investigation. A wider stage but not difficult to follow, and there is no reason why the scope should stay the same as before.
>New characters are some of the absolute best (pic related)
>Albert is less openly cynical and Cole is less of a spaz overall. Both have changed in their old age.
>Featured the best performances of Kyle MacLachlan's career
>Ending features a newly awakened Cooper who still fails and is probably consumed by Judy, contrasting with Dougie Jones uncovering insurance fraud and befriending two casino owners despite being nearly braindead

I think the user you were responding to was objecting to the "pure shit" comment. Most of /tpg/ seems to prefer FWWM over season 3.

I think you’re talking about the Blu-Ray, which has more footage on it than the DVD. It’s only like an extra 90 mins though

okay, but what's that footage?
Is it worth buying it for it?


In my opinion it’s better than the other features.

It’s Richard Beymer filming the Red Room scenes from the first few episodes of S3z Lots of Kale, Sheryl, and Ray Wise, and of course Lynch. Very funny and heartwarming to see how happy they all are to work together again

>Can someone tell me the time?

are you retarded, David Cooper asks what decade we live in

>we will never get a Season 4 that is just 18 hours of Lynch’s home footage of banging 90s Sheryl Lee

I wouldn't say it's better than FWWM (FWWM is way tighter and more consistent), but S3 is still fucking kino.
>episode 8
>episode 18
>kino switch sequence in episode 3
>tons of avante-garde sequences that feel like moving paintings (eg: phillip jeffries, the fireman's scenes, lodge scenes, etc)
>subtly interweaves and expands on the show's lore
>keeps you thinking about it for months after it ended (even in my case)
>events aren't meant to be taken literally (leaving it a lot more fuzzy and open to thinking)
>kino as fuck sound design
>BTFOs audreyposters
>completely unpredictable (maybe a bit too unpredictable at times)
My only wish is that they went further in the Ruth Davenport plot. Too many unnecessary characters too, and dougie's death could've been snipped back to ep12 or something (I wanted to see real Cooper on the run from hitmen). But it feels like a logical and solid extension to Twin Peaks, post FWWM and Inland Empire. Despite there being room to improve it, I still find it near perfect. If a Season 4 happens and it improves upon the shortcomings of S3, S3's kino status will only rise.

>Kyle MacLachlan had some moments of brilliance but was largely wasted
>plays 3 (4) different characters in one seaon

it's Lynch. he hates you. he laughs at you as you watch his shit. the man's a troll.

what if we got a 4K footage of her pusy

The best one in the series you brainlet

The Lodge stuff is the best BTS footage imo

Is this the designated /tpg/ thread?

Have Audreyfags been absolutely annihilated? I didn’t follow /tpg/ much during S3 but it seems like everyone is a Sherylfag now

Audreyfags were so Lynched, they committed mass suicide
The ones that are left are the only people who's shitting on literally perfect 3rd season

I think it comes down to a few factors over the last few years

>Sherilyn Fenn has been cunty over the years, shit talking Lynch and the series including WHILE FILMING S3, as well as being generally insane on Twitter
>In contrast Sheryl Lee has never had anything but great things to say about the series and lynch
>FWWM has had a lot of critical re-evaluation, making people appreciate Sheryl Lee’s acting
>Sherilyn Fenn looked like shit up to a few years ago whereas Sheryl Lee pretty much aged perfectly

Somehow I doubt that

Yeah how the fuck would the top of her head be reflected on the coffee mug like that?

Everyone realized that /ourgal/ is vastly superior to some Hollywood harlot who couldn’t act her way out of John Justice Wheeler’s plane

Don’t forget that Audrey’s only purpose this season was to be a cunt and show she went to shit (giant cunt, openly cheating on her husband, insane)

How does it feel to have a small brain.

How does it feel to have a small dick?

Fire Walk With Me is better though

But I definitely wouldn’t call S3 pure shit

>there are people who believe this

David Lynch is the anti-troll, he's the most genuine film maker in the history of cinema.

Actually nevermind this poster is a fucking idiot

>Ending features a newly awakened Cooper who still fails and is probably consumed by Judy, contrasting with Dougie Jones uncovering insurance fraud and befriending two casino owners despite being nearly braindead

i FUCKING love this, purity of intention > ruthless ambition

I didn’t make the first post

Seriously I’ve never understood the whole “Lynch is trolling” thing

He just works off feeling and intuition

Based cuteposter

You have no idea what you're talking about. CGI isn't superimposition, and the shot is visibly different from what either could achieve. Get a basic education in cinema, and stop posting until you get it.

so what is it?

What is it then Dr. cinema

Maybe, but he's got a wicked sense of humor, and sometimes it's directed at the audience.

A white hole...

I would say so, yes

I’m gonna edit down the series into 9 episodes and I guarantee it will be a million times better

I guarantee you it won't, idiot.

>mfw in the background

god that's so creepy and only in a way that could've been done in the 90s, any earlier it would've been hokey and any later it would be lame and not scary. Twin Peaks was made at the perfect time as far as atmosphere goes

>big ed and biggerer ed

a weak one that ruined Laura's tragedy. thank god the limited series rectified it

Didnt even notice that

So what’s actually the context of this, I don’t remember a scene of anyone choking her if this is supposed to be a rehearsal

>implying the return’s retcon ending for Laura is better than FWWM’s
Imagine having this bad of taste

>Laura dies, ends up in the Red Room, laughs at the tragedy of her life and sobs in happiness for the release that death has given her as her angel and agent Cooper look on

>The Return
>lol jk Cooper went back in time and saved her even though Lynch couldn’t even keep the scene consistent with what happened in FWWM
>instead of dying and being at peace Cooper instead fucks her life up 25 years later and makes her relive her trauma

Which ending fucked up her tragedy?




I don't remember this either. it might be a deleted scene?

>cutting that scene
>cutting the fan scene
>cutting Laura hiding from Leland as she leaves the house

Why the fuck did he cut some of the best scenes?

It would have been fine at any time, OP’s picture is flipped upside down and zoomed in. I didn’t even notice her face the first few times I saw the finale

It's not.

yes I could see that with the upside down text. What I meant was the early 90s had a certain aesthetic that used in the right way made things extremely creepy, like the whole finale of Twin Peaks. Things made nowadays are CGI-enhanced or just try-hard, both make things look cheap or uninteresting, not so when this show was made.

>sobs in happiness
That one. I don't care if someone likes the ending, but you can't describe something as happy and still say its tragic.

Lynch wrote a scene where Cole goes to Audrey's house then he chokes her and leaves without saying anything. It was obviously just an excuse to strangle Sherilyn Fenn because of how nonsensical it was.

she was giving Sherilyn Fenn advice on how to choke her husband, pretty sure there's a brief scene where she starts choking him

Why not? The fact that she spent half of her life as a sexual abuse victim constantly being raped by her father and ending up murdered is tragic, but she sobs in happiness that it’s all finally over and she can be at peace. That doesn’t make it a happy ending though.

The pull of the show was the awful murder and the terrible life of Laura's that was uncovered. Incest, abuse and murder, it's brutal and horrible, there's no coming back from it. Seeing Laura laughing and a peace ruins that tragic pull and angle, because it isn't wholly a tragedy anymore if she finds peace.

No one knows about that though other than Laura. How does her laughing and crying thinking “Thank God I’m finally dead so that I’m no longer trapped in the hell on earth that was my horrid life” make it any less tragic that it happened in the first place? Even then, you don’t see anything tragic in her life being so terrible that she was happier to be dead?


did this really turn out how he wanted it to?

>Sherilyn you’re fucking dead you stupid cunt, if you tell anyone about this MeToo shit I’m going to chain you in my basement like that bitch Sheryl

What the fuck did he mean by this? Seems pretty specific for a rehearsal

I don't know, I think I already made my point. Getting a little bit of peace makes the situation a little less tragic, which is great for real life but for a show like this it just cheapened the whole thing for me, until the limited series.

How does bringing her back to life and then using that for a different twist not cheapen it even more though? Genuinely asking why you think that, that seems even cheaper to me to manipulate the audience with a tragic death and then say “lol jk she lived”

FWWM > S1 > S3 > S2


Best girl
Best Palmer

What I like about the new Twin Peaks is that it KNOWS its use of CGI is cheap, so it doesn't fucking try. There are two types of CGI used in the show, the uncanny, fake looking effects like when tulpas disintegrate, and the hyper-realistic, near perfect 3D graphics like the bomb, Jeffries and The Arm. One is used like an actual live action part of the show (eg: the bomb), while the others are used for the weirder aspects. And that's what I love about it.

The Return's ending is a lot more powerful, because it acknowledges that time travel wouldn't save Laura. Laura's trauma is forgotten to everyone except her. FWWM's ending, while extremely beautiful and poignant, isn't as disturbing or real as The Return's god tier final episode.

>*makes your series kino*