>when you destroy the teaching of centuries of the Jedi order and bust a fat nut
When you destroy the teaching of centuries of the Jedi order and bust a fat nut
Remember when burning books was considered a bad thing?
>force ghosts can affect the physical world
>stand by and let millions die
>Knowledge for faggots are, Kino you must watch
Fucking Yoda
Yoda knew that Rey took the books, did you guys not watch the fucking movie? brainlet board
Begun, the communist revolution has
>Rey took the books
This is the best meme
No she didn't you cuckold reddit tier normie disney shill
>Rey took the books
Are you questioning that she took them? You can see them stored in a cubby on the Falcon in a shot near the end of the movie.
Didnt Obi Wan say in the OT that force ghost cant affect the physical world?
They literally showed that she had them in her bag you fucking imbecile.
Fuck you guys, I'm outta here.
return to reddit you normie cuck brainlet shill
She did. When Finn opens a drawer at the end of the movie you can see the books in there. It's a very short shot, so it's easy to miss
Rey literally stole the books, it's not a meme. Finn opens a drawer in the falcon in the last minute of the film and there they are, he looks at them like "wuts those old books? oh well" and closes the drawer again.
Yoda basically annoyingly hints at it by saying to Luke "There is nothing in there that she does not already have with her".
He is right you fuckig idiot. They literally, literally showed a clip of the books in the falcon, close up and everything.
Yes she did you utter mongoloid
>most powerful Force user alive
>couldn't even sense when some ghetto bitch is stealing your stuff
Why did they hate Luke so much?
Imagine being so adamant on forcing memes that you assume every objection is wrong even though they're completely right
disney cucks are out in force today
You can ask that about a hundred things in this shoddily written badly directed shitshow of a film.
Why did Admiral PurpleHair not tell the people on the ship, including Poe, about the plan to escape on the transports to the abandoned rebel base. There is no worries about the plan getting back to the empire since every single person on that ship is going to die if the plan does not succeed. Poe would not have done half the things he did if she told him about the plan like any rational person would have.
Why did Luke not say to Leia and the rebels in the base "Im not really here this is a force projection, I'm going to delay the first order and stall them while you find a back way out of the base probably though some abandoned tunnels and escape". In fact him not telling them this is actually dangerous sabotage of his own plan since at first they think Luke is really here, and is going to stop the first order and save them, so if they don't figure it out on their own like Poe does they don't even look for an escape tunnel and everyone dies.
There are many more. This film is absolutely awful felt like it was written by a child and directed by a fucking buffoon,
He's a straight, white, male. And a heroic historical male figure.
It's not complicated.
>Why did Admiral PurpleHair not tell the people on the ship, including Poe, about the plan to escape on the transports to the abandoned rebel base.
I assumed it was because she thought there was a spy. I mean, that would make sense.
But it would have been nice to throw in a line where she confirms that was why.
I was 500% sure that she was a motherwhoring first order bitch,i was wrong very wrong
>Yoda is Storm from X-Men now
>I assumed it was because she thought there was a spy.
A spy relaying the plan would die with everyone else on the ship. However, even assuming this is a possibility there is ZERO reason for her not to tell Poe, since she knows he's one hundred percent loyal and has risked his life in dangerous missions countless time and is part of the rebel command structure.
The only reason she doesn't tell him is that she was written not to tell him because;
- it makes Poe do dangerous stupid things because he thinks there is no hope otherwise.
- it makes Admiral Purple look like a visionary genius and Poe look like a dumb kind-of-white idiot.
- it makes stupid things like the Casino plot take place, which actually ends up resulting directly in the deaths of almost the entire rebel alliance except for like 40 people
It's just hamfisted badly written garbage. I really wanted to like this film, I was hype after the trailers. To me it was a bigger disappointment than the prequels. A staggering letdown.
>Know you, when stuck lighting by, a toad happens?
>kill centuries of teachings of jedi
>tell the audience that we need to leave the past behind
>kill the last white guy in the film that represents the old ways
>release the name of Rey as "Rey Mixer" aka race mixer
kill me
but he didn't. Ray had the books and Yoda would have known that. The lesson was for luke.
>The only reason she doesn't tell him is that she was written not to tell him because
Or because he was being an insubordinate piece of shit earlier in the movie, and she doesn't feel like justifying her actions to him?
Honestly, the only unrealistic thing about it is that Poe doesn't get his ass thrown in the brig immediately after he gets back from the bombing mission.
>Why did Admiral PurpleHair not tell the people on the ship, including Poe, about the plan to escape on the transports to the abandoned rebel base
They were being tracked, but didn't know how. Letting the entire crew know about that plan would have potentially been given away.
Oh yes, let's not the say anything to the guy who could start a mutiny in order to actually trigger a mutiny, very smart indeed.
Plus it's Leia who gives the order to send in the rest of the ships to destroy the crusader. Po just did some overwork.
>release the name of Rey as "Rey Mixer" aka race mixer
Now I've been shit posting for like 12+ hours straight and I hadn't heard this yet. Wooooow
>the lesson was for luke
Luke is an experienced master by then. Yoda has no authority to toy with him. Yoda is the biggest reason the Empire rose and had to get bailed out by another more experienced jedi, just like Luke. Fuck that noise.
>when you know Rey has already got the books
>. This film is absolutely awful felt like it was written by a child and directed by a fucking buffoon,
Like every Star Wars film then, cool.
I thought it was implied that ghost Obi-Wan helped steer the proton torpedoes into the first Death Star. Maybe I was reading a bit too much into it.
wait, Sup Forums thinks the books were burned? Did they not watch the movie before making judgements??!!?!?!
>"Rey Mixer"
That doesn't work. It should be "Rey Smixer", which also looks more sci-fi.
>Did they not watch the movie before making judgements
What do you think
>use the force Luke
Yeah, they haven't seen it, they're just reacting to their own shadow plays at this point. Half of them probably don't even particularly like Star Wars.
Legit kek at "bust a fat nut".
I know star wars has always been a huge blockbuster, but how could disney just disrespect the entire story like this? What the fuck were they thinking?
You know, the whole:
>I will become more possible than you can possibly imagine
I figured that line implies Obi-Wan himself becomes the Force and steers the proton torpedo. Otherwise there's no point to him saying it as his ghost form never affects much more than help Han find a freezing Luke at the beginning of ESB.
Too bad the people they want to turn into communists are brain dead retards who don't give a shit about anything.
>inb4 conditioning
Just another shitty movie at the end of the day. Fuck the mouse and fuck jews.
Walt Disney would be spinning at the speed of fucking light in his grave if he could see what became of Disney.
She saved like 3 books. I doubt that was the full extent of the Jedi library.
did you not listen to Luke at all? he's right. Light/Dark is a false dichotomy and people switching all the time proves that.
lol you probably thought her parents were someone of consequence too
>Characters can use the force from beyond the grave
Great addition Rian, im sure this wont lead to many 'why did X just force Y in Z' questions!
>3 books
>how to jerk off kylo ren telepathically with the force
>how to cuckhold with the force
>how to get BLACKED with the force
let the past die lmao
what does that have to do with her taking three (3) books, cast your aspersions into traffic.
>these lizard nuns have devoted their lives to maintaining the first jedi temple
>since the jedi have existed
>might be thousands of years
>priceless historical monument
>yoda wrecks it to fuck with Luke
Yeah, great writing there
He was talking about becoming a martyr for Luke you fucking moron.
This is what happens when autists with no life experience try to analyze a film.
What in the fuck is going on in this movie?
To be fair, it was. They show the "library" and it's like 5 or 6 books and Rey steals all of them.
between this and the suicide bombing star wars is officially dead. way past eagles at this point.
did Bill Cosby do the face acting for the Yoda?
except this is star wars, not real life
the light and dark side is a huge plot anchor
fuck why does this even need to be explained FUCK YOU DISNEY
>Rey can read ancient languages now
is there no limit to her mary sueness?
Never once did any character say "For Obi-Wan!" after he was killed and Luke already decided to fight the Empire when they killed his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.
Seconding this. Can someone explain this scene to me? Is flying Leia involved somehow?
Because someone realized "oh shit I guess it looks kinda bad that Yoda destroyed the ancient Jedi texts" so they shoehorned in that 2 second shot of the books in the Falcon to cover their asses.
look up Grey Jedi then kill yourself
The force is fluent
1. Yoda is a giant memer and doesn't care about you societal norms. Don't forget that in his introductory scene on ESB he behaved like a fucking monkey.
2. I'm pretty sure that force ghosts are not supposed to be merely projections of dead people. They're otherwordly beings. Think about it, a time probably doesn't exist to them, so why would they care about momentary things like the 100th battle between rebels and Empire or something? They are probably just around to meme and amuse themselves.
3. I'm also pretty sure that powerful Force users are stronger than ghosts, so Vader or Emperor would've easily disspelled any ghosts attempting to electrocute them.
>le extra special comic book story characters i think is canon
why am i not surprised
was yoda a puppet or cgi imitating a puppet
either way I guess I was happy he didnt look like he did in ROTS at least
or that was always intended and Yoda's speech even hints at it and you're just retarded.
Extended Universe > Disney Abomination
when he appeared - definitely cgi
after that - puppet
the camera literally pans and stops on the books while in the falcom
The force is flatulent after this stinker of a movie.
it's the way this is heading. Luke and Yoda both realise this which is why they're comfortable with burning the tree.
No, there's not. Obviously. And Luke Skywalker in the OT had less character than Gerald Bald Z. It's all SHIT, senpai.
Luke was gunna save the books and continue being a hermit, Yoda blew up the place to make Luke think they were gone, thus making him have to take action.
anything is better desu
wow fantastic, still makes for a shit movie
keep crying disneygger.
>how could disney just disrespect the entire story like this?
Because the story's always been placeholder shit and plagiarism, as I believe you already know. Star Wars exists because Lucas thought it was simpler to write his own rip-off than lower himself to paying off Dino de Laurentis for the Flash Gordon rights DdL had only bought for that purpose. Everything else about Star Wars is post-justification and retrofitting.
No, I think it's all always been shit, and I'm glad it's now tainted by committee decision-making beyond the possibility of redemption.
Extended Universe is also better than pre-Disney abomination. Some top shit there.
They're more powerful than you can possibly imagine
What precisely did Star Wars rip off, user?
Not saying you're wrong, I'm just ignorant
The destruction of the old Star Wars Expanded Universe - the tree gets struck by lightning and burns down, but Yoda says what was in the books is in Rey meaning possibly in some sense that Rey/Star Wars Sequels are based on some things from the old EU books and games (such as KOTOR)
Source? Why don't Jedi just kill themselves right away to become more powerful then?
just youtube "star wars influences". flash gordon, WWII dogfight movies and John Carter of Mars are the biggest. He also took some themes from samurai films but imho apart from stealing the samurai costume for vader they're overstated.
You got proven wrong, faggot. Now fuck off
Maybe he didn't affect the physical world and he was just pointing up and saying "Hey look, a conveniently timed lightning bolt."
sounds like she only took 3 books out of the "library" and the rest burned up. how is he wrong
>lying to save your movie
what is this type of debauchery called
Luke needed a verbal bitch slap from Yoda just like in ESB. He was looking to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm?What he was doing. Hm.
The main Jedi library was on Corsucant and it got burned in episode 3.