Please tell me how the new Ep VII and VIII characters are better than the prequel ones

Please tell me how the new Ep VII and VIII characters are better than the prequel ones.

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Benicio was awesome but served no fucking purpose. Diane was a cunt and also served no purpose, except to berate the paytriarchy for getting shit done. Both sucked

What was the point of Rose? What did she add to the plot?

>look at these poor animals the rich use for fun in races...
>we save the ones we love

Literally only there to pander to chinks.
Ironically the Chinese market will RESET so hard and boycott when they catch on to the scene where she kisses Tyrone

>>look at these poor animals the rich use for fun in races...
>Now let's set them free. Leave the kids behind LET'S GO!!!

I like how he pointed out that those evil rich people on that casino world were getting rich selling weapons to both the first order and the rebellion.

They don't have name's like Darth bad guy and General Displeasure.


i hate how she saved finn.
him dying to save others would make his character hmm i dunno RELEVANT TO THE STORY ?

haha didn't think of that

Those weapons don't come from thin air either.


I really liked spanish johnny knoxville.

>"Canto Rice, the worst place in the galaxy..."
>it only has a casino and an arena that treats some racing animals bad

Wow, truly the worst place in a galaxy ravaged by war...

>Finn is gonna save the entire resistance

>I-I rescue you b-because I-I love you. Yeah, I know, a lot of ppl is going to die. Just don't think about them.

Benicio was actually cool, too bad he was in the shitty B-plot that barely mattered.

>unaware luke is coming to save the day
>stops finns sacrifice that could have helped save them
I mean jesus christ

Benicio did a good job as always even though his characters was a Lando rehash trapped in a pointless plot B.
Pink hair though was retarded. There's a million plotholes going on with her shit. For example if she was going to die why not ram the shit out of the empire ship anyways? Do it the second they are all out, what are you waiting for?
What's up with you fuckint up with Poe? "Oh, he's so gun-ho" Biych, tell him the plan, you lose nothing and you win because you keep the man in your command happy. Instead you let him think that you were just sitting there waiting to die, of course he's going to do something about it.

>What was the point of Rose? What did she add to the plot?

Only thing I can remember is she knew how to disable the trackers or something in the mechanics of the ship idfk it was glossed over so quickly.

They're so desperate to move at a deadening pace that they never explain or reflect on or do anything of substance


>Vice-admiral Holdo is the most competent person to lead the rebels in case something happens to Leia
>vice-admiral holdo is the person that stays on the ship while others flee, instead of a low-ranking officer

What the FUCK was that?

They tried to make her death emotional but failed so hard.

Jar Jar Blinks might just be the worst thing Disney ever did.

No because even Finn knew about the tractors and how they work. He was the one who had the idea about the tractor when he was talking to Rose about it.

he's as "bad" as C-3PO, a character for younger audiences, with in your face humor.

This, Finn knew what he had to do already, she just happens to know it too.

Was it just me, or did it look like the hyperspace kamikaze cut through the ship right in the same place where Darth Benicio cut through shield? Maybe it was still weakened and that's why the attack was effective. Looks like our boy might have contributed something after all.

Darth Torero

The captain goes down with the ship, soyboy


She wasn't the captain, she was the vice-admiral of the resistance that was the second-in-command of the whole rebel group.

If she was the most competent person to lead the resistance after Leia, it doesn't make sense for her to stay with the ship. It wasn't even her ship, if you want to come up with some emotional reason, it was Ackbar's.

>Being able to ride a traumatized giant horse with no prior experience

Why did the horse trust her instead of lashing out because of violence trauma? You can't pet an abused dog just because you freed him, for instance. Were the animals sentient?

>show multiple times that an evil BB-8 is suspicious of Rose and Finn.
>have Del Toro betray them without the droid doing anything
So many examples of terrible film making in this turd. If you want to sell toys of an evil BB-8 have it do something.

She didn't love anyone else in the base obviously, they can fuck off and die. Or maybe she read the script and knew Luke would turn up.

There was no reason, and because I don't know much about the EU of Star Wars, and I have a lot of experience with horses, it stood out as the most unbelievable thing to me (Aside from Luke not helping his sister earlier obviously).

hondo died, which is a pretty nice move, the others could take her example

You're right OP, we need more Dexter Jexter and his 50's themed diner.

Theyre not. Prequels were shitting but at least i understood the characters...even cared about them.

Dare i say this...the prequels are better than TFA and TLJ.

Would taste like shitty pork wontons.

>t. Numale
Her character was shit. But her staying behind was the only redeeming thing.

Kathleen Kennedy's self-insert into the story, le epic feminist HERO

As opposed to an american 20th century casino planet? Gotcha.

I loathe Commander Strong Woman. She might as well have said "ugh Poe, could you stop mansplaining to me?". And the other whore with the giant nose was shit as well.

>reminder that no matter how bad the sequels are they are still less boring, insulting and shitty than the prequels


the prequels were actually masterful in their allegory for the american civil war

The prequels where allegory for my toilet the morning after curry night from a Turkish kebab shop on the streets of Syria

How will Star Wars ever come back from this? While it was the most beautiful scene in cinema this year, how can we take any space battle seriously in future episodes if entire fleets can be obliterated with a single ship?

They were going to shoot it when they saw it turning round? So what, it has shields, it's indestructible and it can punch through your shields and the shields of ships miles behind you.

>but it was out of firing range at first,

ok, so do it from far away

>but it needs to be close as well or else it will enter hyperspace

good god this is retarded, this is why when you come up with in-world mechanisms to enable your shitty plot points the whole thing falls apart

>the most beautiful scene in cinema this year
Not even the most beautiful scene this month.

they are more diverse

It breaks immersion, because now people can ask why the rebels didn't suicide small ships before to kill destroyers, dreadnoughts etc.

>prior to the snail chase they only had enough fuel for one jump
>when all is lost and fuel is completely depleted they still have the fuel to jump

plot hole

is Holdor related to Bea Arthur's character from the Holiday Special?

As a diehard fan and long time lover of the Star Wars universe....

I loved it! The fans always say “The Force Awakens was to much like A New Hope” and now “The Last Jedi is not like a Star Wars movie.” I mean come on the dialogue was sometimes corny, but isn’t that what Star Wars movies have always been like. Star Wars finally explored a scenario that has never been explored: the mystics of the force. You may have been left with more questions than answers but wait until IX to pass you’re judgement. Rian Johnson has started a new chapter in Star Wars more Death Stars, no more definitive light and dark users, etc. This movie may have changed the way you see Star Wars, but it is what the fans have asked for. As a diehard Star Wars fan i am happy that we get to see new sides of the force and an ongoing internal conflict amongst the main characters. Please don’t be mad because it wasn’t your run of the mill Star Wars story.

>Finn, the janitor with no combat experience pre-TFA, knows his way around the Starkiller Base, knows his way around the dreadnought, can fight 1x1 against Phasma, the stormtrooper commander with years of experience


I just loved this movie. It's original, the characters are great and fleshed out. I am just so happy that the disney realises that Star Wars isn't just about lightsabers, it's about characters and adventure.

There is so much tension and so many unexpected twists. It takes a lot of risks and I am super hyped to see the universe that is built on this in the future.

I am glad that my generation can experience great character development like old SW fans did.

Comparing the portratal of Anakin vs Rey is just stunning. What needed tons of books and cartoon shows to develop for Anakin, TFA and TLJ do in a fraction of the time and with a whole lot more emotional impact.

That was Holdo, the one in The Last Jedi is Hooldo, the secret clone of that Holdo.

>What's that canon?
>A mini-Death Star, sir

Bravo Johnson

nice bait

Benicio has legit been great in every movie he's in (that I watched, at least).
Yes, even The Usual Suspects.


The "backlash" has been absolutely RIDICULOUS and with all the death threats you just KNOW these pathetic manchildren. OBJECTIVELY (not your feefees) TLJ is a GREAT film. Well acted, well shot. AMAZING special effects (the hyperspace ram is PURE KINO). But these losers throw a hissyfit because they go in a new direction.

Get over yourselves.

It's a very bold movie, how did they manage to make such a bold movie that also pleases everyone.

I really liked Del Toro's character.

Describe his personality without mentioning his looks or his job / actions

Hyperspace jump uses diffeten fuel, then classic sublight engines.

He eschews the war between the Resistance and the First Order and the notion of good and evil in general.
He is only concerned about himself and firmly believes that that is the right thing to do.
He will gladly put innocent lives in danger for personal gain, but he is not evil for the sake of it.

It had to be 56% approved

Benicio should've been an Imperial agent, planted in that jail cell. When he marched on the screen wearing a FO uniform I expected him to salute and march away. But he got paid instead.

A pebble wont do shit if you throw it at a window but a huge rock will.

a rock will go through anything at faster than light speeds, and do serious damage while at it.

Almost what I said after movie
>Finn I know we weren't able to get the guy who could help us save the rebellion and all our friends but at least we freed some space horses
>I know you wanted to sacrifice yourself to destroy the weapon that was about to kill our friends and the rebellion with it but I have this huge crush on you so don't die.
>I'm totally not a character introduced to the film so that Finn's unrequited love for Rey can be resolved painlessly

>For example if she was going to die why not ram the shit out of the empire ship anyways? Do it the second they are all out, what are you waiting for?
If she did that, the FO would know that there was no one actually on the ship and they would scout the area for the transport ships.

You copy and pasted that from reddit you faggot

They stole Ackbar's moment. He could've been the one to sacrifice himself, instead of just dying off-screen. Press F.

F, Ackbar, you deserved a better movie.


They could just get some ships piloted by robots to kamikaze hyperspace into fleets. This film is what happens when star wars if given to people who don't actually like.

The droid is the one that sold them out, Del Toro just took the opportunity to then cut a deal. Were you not paying attention?

This was the last of their fuel for the jump you brainlet. They were already above Crait, that's why the transport ships just flew in instead of lightspeeding there. That's also how the First Order got their walkers there when their ship was fucked.

Are you retarded?

i like the bruh on the left
his voice is nice

>most powerful space fleets in the Galaxy
>Have dozens of super powered star destroyers
>Can't even destroy ONE little frigate
>Little frigate can shield and deflect destroyer batteries
>DREADNAUGHT can't even handle ONE x wings for power

fuck Disney. I'm sorry goerge. Please come back.....

this is exactly why she's in the movie.