Why is this show so good?
Why is this show so good?
its not
this show is cringeworthy as fuck, they completely butchered the character's personality in so many ways
The first season was promising, hit a peak early season 2, and has gone to absolute shit.
like in many of these gimmicky procedurals, the only thing that matters is the on-screen chemistry between the partners, and how organically side-characters can fit around the duo. crime of the week plots are fairly easy to write, and there isn't a lot you can do creatively with the direction, so almost everything falls onto the lead's charm and how well the partner can contrast it. squeezing in moments of love and friendship between the two is also key. other shows that did this well, of the top of my head were castle, bones, elementary and probably a bunch of older ones I can't remember.
6/10, it's the best I can do.
Has a serious case of "people refusing to accept something despite it being proven tons of times'.
Oh, so you got shot a dozen times but got away with no injuries and your eyes glow red and shit? Nah I don't believe you're the devil or demon or something.
Lead bitch is so horrible looking that I'm forced to fap to the 55 yr old milf.
Pretty much sums it up for me.
I would watch this show because I'm a tv junkie in general, but the general premise of the female character still not understanding who he is just too much for me. The show doesn't even attempt to give a plausible explanation for why.
Its not. Lucifer is way underpowered.
Lead bitch is attractive as fuck what're you takling about? She's one of the hottest actresses I've seen in a while.
I'm and I actually like Lucifer, but I'll agree with you that Laura not knowing has gone on for way longer than it should. It would've been a good place to end s2. I hope she finds out this season.
Bruh she looks like a one too many botox shots. She was okay first season but has gone down hill fast. It's especially apparent in past few eps. Even the niggeress looks puffy in last episode after comeback.
> Even the niggeress looks puffy in last episode after comeback
she had a baby
she gave birth very recently and possibly did a few shoots while preggers, that's why she's puffy.
She's really 55? Not half bad for her age. I prefer the nerdy forensic technician chick, I'd give her the ole lickaroo in a second
there are literally no young women in the cast. cop lady is like 39, succubus is 36, the shrink is 49, number 6 is 43 and lab girl is also 39. it's incredible that a mainstream fox show has no woman in her 20s in the cast.
Was about to type the same. Thanks.
jesus tricia is still gorgeous, I'm glad they decided to keep her after s2.
Who knew cain and superman were the same guy?
Considering all of the women are attractive in some way even if older works pretty well.
every dude here would go balls deep into chloe
I'd go balls deep in all of them except maybe the shrink.
WHY must they always make villainous, interesting characters into misunderstood "bad boys".
don't even lie, you'd hit the shrink too. Guys act picky till they have a woman sitting in their lap.
I'm not saying I wouldn't hit it given the opportunity, just not with the ferocity or the enthusiasm the others would get.
Lucifer is one of my favorite comic books ever. Is the show anything at all like the source material?
He's still villanious. The reality is because of his misunderstood image, he subconsciously works against it because perception of him is so misaligned that it goes against his entire pathos with free will.
Every aspect of his character is built out of in-grained, small injustices.
nothing. don't watch it unless you are a Sup Forums junkie who watches and enjoys cop procedurals like castle.
They give nods and homages but honestly that is as far as it goes. They're completely different animals.
So is Lucifer part of DC's Universe or is this a separate comic that has nothing to do with DC characters?
The notion of Lucifer being a tragic character is not exactly new. See Paradise Lost.
Old testament God is a pretty big prick, and Lucifer's initial crime is just not wanting to obey God's rule.
It's appalling. If I have to hear Lucifer make that fucking "ooooh" noise, or pull that irritating face one more time, I'll have to try to drink the brain cells into oblivion.
Is not, you are a woman, that`s why you believe it so.
Now I didn't say I wouldn't hit that, just she'd be last if I were to rank all of them. Goes without saying who'd be first.
It's nothing like the comic.
Lucifer while entertaining is a little too goofy.
Mazikeen's acting is incredibly fake.
Even the little one puts more effort into her acting.