>Sup Forums still won't admit that the prequels were good
>Sup Forums still won't admit that the prequels were good
oh i certainly will. i've always defended the prequels as beautifully flawed experiences that stand alone yet together with the OT. episode 3 is probably right behind V for MOTS
They're objectively not good movies
>this pile of shit is better than that pile of shit
sounds like you need some more disney star wars
shitting more doesn't turn another pile of shit into gold.
It's treason, then.
They weren't good but at least they were unique.
The nu trilogy is borderline offensive with its attempt at replication of the OT.
True /tv never hated it. It was redditors and RLM cucks.
Only mindless sheeply that had mocking the prequels embedded to them by public opinion think they are bad. They have flaws but most parts of them are masterpieces
More importantly people won't admit that the hyperbolic issues they had the prequels is why the sequel trilogy is what it is today. They don't want to admit they ruined star wars after years of claiming the opposite ruined star wars.
Have some more corporate shit. Sounds like you need a dose of the mouse.
At least the prequels were true Star Wars movies and not this fucking bullshit that disney is shoveling out.
Just because the sequels make the prequels look better doesn't mean that the prequels are actually good.
Being popular in general was what ruined star wars.
People didn't hate them all that much until the autistic nitpickers showed up starting around the time RLM released TPM video in I think 2007 or something like that.
What video game is this?
None of the movies have been able to top no III's Anakin vs Obi-wan battle yet.
people hated them the moment they found out about jar jar
>these threads are now being made by buttmad faggots who are sick of Star Wars threads
You've chosen to troll by defending TLJ and YOU ARE DOING IT FOR FREE.
The epiode I and II were shit III was ok. Both VII and VIII were better then the prequels.
Holy shit what the fuck are you talking about