I'll start with Patricia Gozzi
ITT: the cutest child actresses of all time
Other urls found in this thread:
Wtf Sup Forums don't let me down
Should I have started the thread with a photo of more modern actress?
Or have her alone in the pic.
And then get called "pedo" by all the brainwashed cucked normfags.
Well that actually matches up pretty well with the story of the kino this pic is from
The movie is called Les Dimanches de Ville-d'Avray
>REEEEEEEÈÈÈÈÈEEEEEE why doesn't anyone want to fuck underage girls they all must be cucks
yeah how many gigs is your lol hentai folder at user?
Marie-Pierre A. D'Amour in La guerre des tuques (1985).
Oh, fuck of cuck.
Beauty, cuteness has nothing to do with your fucked up cuck perception of the world. If you see a cute cat and say it is cute, you must be a zoophile, no?
Fuck you, moron.
And BTW, you stupid assholes were reeducated to think under-18 gals are taboo to even look at by insecure middle aged crazed feminist bitches. That's why you are cucks.
There's nothing wrong with being a pedo
Why did you post my daughteru?
Just 3gb, the other folder though is kind larger.
Are her other films any good?
It's a shame that a movie like this will probably never be made again, modern audiences wouldn't be able to deal with it.
I like him though, not only as a great actor but because he looks so good with her, like they were made for each other.
She's a bit older, but still not enough to have lost that something special about her, the relationship is more sexual as well.
She's really beautiful, vintage cunny is truly the best.
>cutest actress thread
>nobody posted this angel yet
Words fail me
I tried watching it but I couldn't make it past 20 minutes because everyone is french, and yet they all speak english with terrible accents
Is there a dub?
Well before puberty she looked like a boy, so I hesitated posting her
A challenger appears.
Underrated kino centered around her
Does anyone know any others like that?
Overrated af, that's like entry level cunny.
a cute
This movie looks so good, the cinematography is pure kino.
Holy shit
There are so many good movies like this, that it's no wonder that a taste for cunny is oftener than not accompanied by a superior taste in film.
I hope you have watched this one.
I haven't but will do soon
Is it wrong that I choose the movies to watch based on how cute the girls are?
Only if they are at least this cute.
It is natural. Beauty is the way towards perfection. Hard encoded into our DNA.
>this will never be you
The key is to find a girl from a broken family, who lacks a father figure
That's one of the ways to pursue this kind of friendship
But I don't want to get vanned.
I thought we had some cunnysseurs here?
How old is she? As in the birth year
Who's this?
First one is from pic related, second one is from:
>TFW you will never be an ageless, immortal, adorable little girl
I'd like to die now, please.
>you will never have an ageless, immortal, adorable lgf
>when she stares at you
Why do little girls do this?
For me, it's Dafne
Yes but what if I don't like tacos?
What's wrong with her eyebrows?
So, are there any quality movies coming out, with cute girls, in near future?
She really is something.
Nothing, the hair is very thing and clear so you can't see it depending on the lighting.
I have no idea..
Whatever happened to the timid man/little girl coming of age movie genre? Why don't we see that kid of movie anymore?
her pusy must be amazingly cute.
feminism happened, now it's considered objectification/sexualization of young girls or infatilization of women.
for me, it's Alice in Wonderland girl
go to 00:48
I had a hard time watching Logan, had to keep stopping all the time to take screenshots.
Lamb came out awhile ago. Though, its really bland and Oona Laurence is the only good thing about it.
They grow up fast tho.
Fun fact: Lewis Caroll was a pedophile
Dafne n-no!
It was exposed for the pedo wish fulfillment it was and we all decided to focus on anime instead.
I venture that the Hebraics are at fault!
is torrent illegal
Only if you seed
I was watching a cirque du soleil show. There was just one part with a young girl and it was obvious people were hesitant to clap because they thought her doing flips was sexualizing her. It was irritating because here is this girl that spent all this time perfecting her routine, that if messed up she could easily hurt herself, and all most Americans can think about is whether feminism would approve of her outfit, unappreciative shits...
Proof? Just because he was a weirdo who liked to photograph naked little girls and spend all his time with a 12yo girl who didn't return his affections doesn't mean he was a ohhh wait
what if I Chuck?
Not just any, he's the example we should all aspire to emulate, you have to read some of the things he wrote, the guy was a smooth motherfucker.
Fucking normies I swear to God.
David treated Tommie badly anyway.
I just hope she doesn't develop a drinking problem..
Is that her mother? Why do women like to ruin cute young girls?
After the success of Addams Family what's next for Christina Ricci?
Well it sounds interesting to me, I'll check it out, not like there's much else.
You fucking bastard I laughed.
It's alright but the relationship between them isn't something cute like Les Dimanches de Ville-d'Avray.
kid kino general?
this flick right here, lads
She still looks pretty much the same
Raffey Cassidy's performance was excellent in The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Based Disney marketing glitch
Underrated cunny and movie.
>ywn save Croatian Shirley Temple from the Nazis
Who and what
You know that until 1875 in England, the so-called "age of consent" was puberty, no?
In fact until liberalism that was worldwide from antiquity.
After liberals begun to dismantle civilization added actual age of consent. The family never had a real problem before with it being puberty since parents had some sort of control on the life and education of their children, but as liberalism grown more wild, parents felt the need for rising that libtard age of consent (instead of fighting against all that is liberal crap) and joined the insanely dumb christian feminists.
Now basically everyone is brainwashed (mainly in the States) that high age of consent is traditional and conservative. Which is a blatant lie.
Nonetheless is the little control liberalism left them over their own children. Have to symphatize somewhat.
Sorry for the kinda OT.
>liberals liberals liberals liberals liberals
Also Dogson liked them younger than puberty
And this is relevant how?
I know but Dodgson had an special foundness for pre-pubescent girls, you can google the nude pictures he took of them.
You should concede the election by now, Roy
Also he specifically requested to destroy everything he had after his death, we only have acess to a small portion of his collection, we can only guess what else was there.
story? I imagine being a girl lover nazi would be quite interesting.
Now that isn't natural If the fondness was sexual.
Mischa barton, Lawn dogs.
Gifted seems to be pretty ok even though it's new, the girl is amazing of course.
Was He /ourguy/?