the Orville is a pretty fun show lads
The Orville is a pretty fun show lads
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>2 episodes in
>I'm not going to mutilate your daughter just because of some cultural superstition!
>But circumcision.
I want sticki my dicki in palicki
I'm glad she's finding work
It's better than Discovery and Star Wars.
yeah that episode put me off too, but its still a comfy show
I'll tell you something.
There's a difference between satire and straight up comedy.
The Orville would have been a great satire show.
>We're in for a bumpy ride. Everyone put on your seat belts.
HA! Because seatbelts don't exist in Star Trek!
>Can I drink soda on the bridge?
HA! I'd get fuckin' thirsty on bridge duty as well. In your face Star Trek!
But instead they steer away from that and it's like
>LOL bing bong jimmy mary poppins my wife cheated on me hurgle durgle bocan darble chais barga!
It's like there's an ELEMENT of a good satirical space show here, but then it just devolves into dated Family Guy style pop culture references.
licki palicki movement
you shouldn't have even given him the satisfaction of a (you)
Also, one CRITICAL flaw is that fucking Seth McFarlane cast himself as the captain.
He's a punchable smirking faggot that can't deliver any of the lines properly. The lines might be amusing if the actor was amusing.
The next time you watch The Orville I want you to imagine the lines being delivered by someone like Neil Patrick Harris doing a sort of Leslie Nielsen impression.
For that matter, even though he's dead, just imagine Leslie Nielsen playing the captain. The humor in Orville is going for a "these are talented dumbshits in a serious universe that clash with their surroundings". Leslie Nielsen could pull that off. Neil Patrick Harris could pull that off. Several actors could pull that off.
McFarlane CAN'T pull that off.
Lois, remember the time I cast a woman with a weird birthmark in the middle of her head as the lead female and it distracted the audience from whatever else was going on in the scene?
i thought it was a mole or "beauty spot"
looks like a wart
>Palicki has celiac disease
>Classic symptoms include gastrointestinal problems such as chronic diarrhoea
it looks gross and brings her down at least 2 points
why the hell wouldnt u get that removed if you were on tv
who are you talking about?
I can't decide on a waifu.
mmmmmmmmmm you can really see her neckflesh here
the cheating wife
aka the mole.
moley moley moley mole
giv stronk gf
all i see is that huge gross tumor between her eyebrows. sick!
there's nothing wrong with that mole you shallow hals
She's obviously too smart to Jennifer Grey herself.
UMMMMM ok but that sounds like bullying, can you NOT
Smelly farts!!!!!
bullshit, you could land the fucking space shuttle on there
jennifer grey was famous, this bitch is a literally who in a shitty sitcom that will die before its 1st season ends
a gay space shuttle?
damn, how long is that guy's arm
I wanna stick it in Palicki
Jennifer Grey became a literally who after the nose job. There are plenty of pretty chicks in Hollywood, you need to stand out. I wouldn't recognize her without the mole.
what else has she been on?????
*she* doesn't stand out, that grotesque mountain on her midbrow does!!!
fuck off you child
Now that Fox is Disney, their first order of business will be to replace sweet Alara with a woman of color. Possibly chubby. You read it here first.
based angry poster
based giv poster
I literally didn't even notice it until you autists pointed it out.
>that guy's
>doesn't know who Jonathan Frakes is
Leave newfag, or at least lurk more before you try to make your failed cutesy jokes, bitch.
only if you eat gluten as a celiac will it fuk u up
wow rude
this. Sup Forums is for waifu acceptance and support no matter how garbage they are
>ywn console your tiny stronk gf
Nobody in season 1 offered to give her kissies on her sad, rosy nose.
Immersion ruined.
Exactly what is supposed to be attractive about a white woman over 30 that doesn't cook or clean?
your waifu a shit
It's probably wet and cold. You could warm it up with eskimo kissies.
Leave this place and never return.
oponions are like assholes.
i like the sound they make.
> amputates your leg
I support and celebrate everyone's waifu.
Isaac offered to slam her ass
smol security officer
>Alara by a landslide
So many plebs.
Is this true true patrician choice?
>fucking a human instead of a sexy alien
You've lost the right to ever use the word 'pleb' again, you pathetic megapleb. Fucking a sexy alien is one of the most base desires in a man's soul, right there with besting another man in combat and shooting two guns at the same time.
>missing the part where they realised that it really wasn't all that different because you were too triggered by the mere mention of judiasm
Her dad did her boob job.
I actually enjoy this show way more than I thought I would. Would even buy a bluray of season 1 if it comes out.
the world needs more of cisco side boob and alara in general
The end of that episode was funny as shit, and they actually have continuity with it, even if it seems slight.
She was in supernatural, Friday Night Lights, GI Joe, John Wick.
I’d hardly say that she is a “who”
>no cisco
user please, look at this belly and tell me it's not the best.
Would you, Sup Forums?
>The end of that episode was funny as shit
Quoted the wrong person.
circumcision is wrong but it's literally not the same as a sex change
>>LOL bing bong jimmy mary poppins my wife cheated on me hurgle durgle bocan darble chais barga!
Sup Forums discourse
Fuck, here, sorry user I confused that with episode 3 about the baby--completely my mistake, I forgot episode 2 even existed.
To be fair they do pull that one out a lot.
This show has way too much female empowerment bullshit. Seth Macfarlane would sell the entire show down the river for another chance to smell Theron's armpits. Every episode feels like a "nuh UH, we equal!" episode. Over and over again they go out of their way to write in justifications for her cheating. On re watch it feels like it lacks balls. The mild banter between the two retards at the forward cons only takes it so far before it falls back into "I fucked him because you suck" territory,
You actually put it a lot more eloquently than I've ever read on this board
>spends most of her life on the toilet
no wonder her ass is so flat
wew lad
I'm pretty sure hasn't ever watched it
>ywn be her toilet seat, receiving and cataloging her wet logs
Nah I watched it, it was trash. Plot holes everywhere, jokes falling flat. Constant "I cheated because you were a bad husband" quips. If you like that shit fine, but sweeping people's opinions under the rug because you get offended by them doesn't do anything.
i said wet
Jon Favreau has completely given up on his appearance huh?
You trying eating professionally made buttery gourmet grilled cheeses morning noon and night.
you also said logs, so i corrected you.
protip: just say thanks next time
>strokes your arm
Those days of the Swingers wife-beater are long gone.
>a blob with a mouth
user, that's the worst part of any female
thanks next time :^)
frig the heck off you bully
the widdiwist gf
The latter few episodes were all pretty disappointing, but we've had some good ones in there too. Certainly there haven't been any other noteworthy or quality sci-fi shows this year, so I did appreciate Orville, even if it was imprefect.
Do we know anything about Season 2 getting a confirmation yet?