55BBY - 34ABY
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>tfw you realize they originally planned him to go out a hero in Holdo's place but were worried people would get offended by someone with his name blowing up something
God speed sir
>George just had to pic that name
What a way. You make me proud Admiral. In a star wars rpg I played a Mon Calamari because of you. Also Raddus that son of a bitch was awesome.
May you both be trolling Quarren up in the big blue ocean.
They killed him because he's become a toxic symbol for the alt-right, a weaponized tool against transgender people. "It's a trap" is problematic language and playing into it is not okay. Killing him was the only option.
can I get a basic gestalt on star wars dates?
bby before battle of yavin
you know that big one in the originals, where they blow up the first death star
>autists pretend Ackbar was a beloved character who deserved an emotional death scene so they can complain about disney jews
no one cares about ackbar, he's just a meme
that's retarded, just as I suspected
Oh yeah, I forgot that the calling of a passable young tranny a 'trap' came from a spin on the Ackbar meme.
>he wasn't the one to do the kamikaze
>he just died randomly
can we just kill kennedy
>problematic language
you that saying about stick and stones....., faggot?
at least it's based on an historic event
More like the sequel trilogy hate aliens
>expecting a bunch of terrorist revolutionaries not to use one of their victories as the basis for the dating system
Did the rebels also adopt metric time and try to do away with the family unit?
No. GRAND Admiral Ackbar is fine. Retired in his old age. His son is who died. So he'll be back in Episode IX to really wreck shit.
>implying he can be fine after his son died
>that time wedge had to write a letter to ackbar informing him that his niece had died in combat under his command
>Leia didn't save him with her superman force powers.
Now the only thing he's trapped in is floating through space. There better be a memorial in IX, once they win because the resistance is hunted like shit with no allies on their side so they can only hold quick secret funerals and he deserves better.
He deserved better than a 3/4 off-screen death.