So how bad is really?
I'm going to see it right now, and this is literally the only reason why
It's a weird one. the more I think about it the more I find things that I liked and things that I didn't.
It’s a well-made, violently flawed movie.
Porgs are the best part of this shit show
there's a humour quip every minute
It's much better than TFA, it has great parts, but they should have skipped the casino.
Don't get taken in by their cuteness. Those things are Gizka with wings.
Prove me wrong.
porgs are adorable
better than advertised
Pretty much this.
I was also legitimately shocked several times in the film, which is more than I can say for TFA.
The way you guys describe it makes it sound stunningly, disastrously awful. Is it at least entertaining?
If you aren't entertained by it, then you probably never liked Star Wars at all. It has plenty to like, and some genuinely good aspects, despite the problems.
I found it more entertaining than TFA and R1 tbf. It's long as fuck though.
better watch grumpy cat videos at youtube
prepare to see a movie that destroys 40 years of world building in just one scene
I guess I'll take your word for it
>It's 11 minutes shorter than blade runner 2049
What the fuck?
I can sit though that, but what about the normies and plebs? Do they expect to make 2 billion on this with that runtime?
I would not call it disastrous. I have talked to some people felt that way though.
I think what happened is Rian made a good film but the star wars feel got lost in the shuffle. He was on a mission to make it very original but if you don't give people some of the scenes they were expecting it doesn't feel star warsy.
it was very fun unfortunetally it has some problems (whole casino subplot, this chineese litterally who character, and some minor details that you probably won't notice while watching for the first time) .
it isn't flawless but people act like its the worse turd ever made (whinch it is not)
The whole Finn Rose Casino planet thing was bullshit that wasted a chunk of the time, it gets to like the 2 hour mark and Luke and Ren haven't even had their showdown yet.
I'm kind of the reverse, the more I think about it the Moreno problems I find and the less I like the movie.
Ill bite, which scene
It's now awful. It's definitely more interesting then TFA but it suffers from the same thing that every single Marvel movie now has where every remotely tense moment has to end or be broken by some dumbass joke. While this movie doesn't have anything on the level of Jar Jar it definitely has more of that sort of stuff then even any of the prequels had.
It also has multiple buildups to what I assumed would be the climax and the end of the movie but they're not so by the time the last one came I honestly wasn't really into it anymore.
I was only really into the Rey-Luke-Ben-Snoke plot . The whole Finn/Rebellion side of the story felt like filler and wasn't even remotely interesting to me, especially the Finn and the Asian woman who's name I don't remember parts.
Easily 2nd best of all Star Wars movies, just behind Empire. I honestly don't care about all you jaded fucks and your stupid fucking hold on autistic lore garbage.
It's complete trash, but I liked it a lot anyway.
There is some samey box ticking and a LOT of utterly pointless scenes that do nothing, pointless characters that do nothing, even pointless ARCS that do nothing.
But they somehow got the important stuff just right.
the lightspeed ramming
What would you say was even important? Ray and Kylo's story I guess?
While it was a cool idea they shouldn't have gone down that road. It opens a can of worms that the universe has no answer for. If that was an option there's no fucking reason why it hasn't been done before or incorporated in other tech or even in that scene by one of the support ships that ran out of fuel before the main ship.
I'm also not exactly sure how space vacuum is supposed to work in Star Wars after this movie.
>I'm also not exactly sure how space vacuum is supposed to work in Star Wars after this movie.
there were always invisible shields in the space gates
look at the ot in rotj, there's open space inside the home one in the hangar with the falcon
>What would you say was even important? Ray and Kylo's story I guess?
The Skywalker send-off. They did it just right. It was Spike Spiegel grade goodness. "See'yaround kid"
Do they really eat a Porg?
It's called a Prinny.
Be real now.
Holy shit!
Porgs are worse than ewoks. I wish they were exterminated along with the Ewoks.
Chewie killed and cooked one, didn't eat it though
No. A horrible and failed attempt to deconstruct the hero trope on the foremost example of such in western civilization.
Gas yourself, mouseketeer.
Fucking bad you moron. If you have any love for the series don't go it will die. IT WILL DIE.
That's a good reason, unfortunately there is not enough screen time devoted to porgs. But it's still worth seeing, to see the porgs.
it's so bad that you will want to make countless threads on Sup Forums about it
where did you get this picture from
no, i was falling asleep throughout
>>It's 11 minutes shorter than blade runner 2049
yet it feels three times longer.
Blade Runner 2049, despite its long run time, breezed by like the fucking Flash.
Just finished watching this movie 30 mins ago...
All I can say is, holy shit that was beyond trash
>Luke never trained Rey but she's fucking Jedi tier just because yes, mary sue
>Ghost yoda appears and fucking threws a mother fucking thunder, a fucking ghost, never did this when he was alive
>Luke literally after all the Darth vader shit was going to fucking murder Kylo when he was young because "muh force told me he was going to be bad"
>He couldn't literally just talked to kylo to stop this fucker becoming Darth vader fanboy 2.0
>Fucking Snoke and Kylo were about to fucking win against the rebels
>Kylo: lolno let me betray your deformed ass now because whynot
>Mother fucker Snoke who could put bot Kylo and Rey on an genjutsu died like a fucking fodder, at the end he did literally nothing
>Rey stomps Kylo again and gets away, AGAIN
>Black guy and asian girl about to be executed, Oh wait, let me count till 5 first so they can be saved
>Black guy was going to sacrifice himself to save everyone on a badass way
>Asian girl: lolno you cannot die
>Luke appears to save the final of this shit and fight Kylo
>5 mins after,"okay kid kill me", Oh wait, is a fucking Kage bunshi
>dies at the end anyways
this the most trash Star wars movie by far.
The porgs are in like one scene in the movie.
Rian is a fan of that and his movie Brick is inspired by it.
>So how bad is really?
Ray C. Mixer gets even worse
when the fuck did Jedi get the ability to summon hologram-like copies of themselves and get wherever they fucking want? holy shit this thing bothered me so much
>So randumb xd
every goddamn time a porg was on screen doing "le cutesy little face omg xdxd" and everyone went awwwwwwww.
How in the world do people (and most importantly SW fans) like these things?
fucking this
>Mother fucker Snoke who could put bot Kylo and Rey on an genjutsu died like a fucking fodder, at the end he did literally nothing
I think Snoke was always never going to be the Final boss but getting killed by a trick was just anticlimactic. Have Kylo Ren kill him in a way to show he's surpassed him.
>Oh wait, is a fucking Kage bunshi
It would have worked so much better if Kyle killed him, saying he had nothing left to teach him, than what they did with >muh inner turmoil
It wasn't boring, but then neither is a house fire.
Does anyone have a gif of the Porg wimpering when Chewie is gonna eat his bro
Ooooohhhhh shit, was just rewatching the camrip after seeing it in theaters last night, and smoke says this on general hux, one of the only white guys in the film, in context he has just finished talking to hux and is now talking to kylo Ren:
"And you wonder why I keep a radical in such a position of power, because weakness properly manipulated can be a sharp tool"
Sure sounds like he talking about government manipulating radicals (antifa, sjw's, feminists, even white supremacists)
Just give me my fucking Metroid movie already, Nintendo.
The main plot is so fucking shit. I couldn't believe it when it dawned on me that this would be the entire film. The spaceship that couldn't slow down. And the fucking code breaker shit. Even before they got to the casino planet I had lost interest in that plot. It's really frustrating cos there was lots of bits I enjoyed.
>The spaceship that couldn't slow down
i cant believe this was the basis for the entire movie.
I thought it was just gonna be for a third of the movie or something but nope. that shit wasnt resolved until near the end.
I share you pain bro, there were bits of good film in this movie, but I legit was fighting to keep my eyes open for most of the movie, I felt like I was going to pass out. Like you know when your eyes are heavy and you feel so tired all you wanna do it drift off into that comfy sleep? Had to fight that up until the last third.
Porgs were probably one of the few redeeming features of the film. They were mildly entertaining when on screen, but the guilt-tripping of chewie was a cheap shot.
It's better than tfa, which was recycled garbage. It has its problems, but it was entertaining. I felt leaning on the positive side when i left.