Every idiot complaining that Snoke was wasted is ignoring the fact that he was boring, and Kylo Ren killing him made him the most interesting villain in the series.
Every idiot complaining that Snoke was wasted is ignoring the fact that he was boring...
>another Star Shit thread
what's interesting about him qucknigger?
back to plebbit disney kike
How he went out like a bitch
He was boring because he was never given any explanation as to who he was and why/how he was doing it.
>made Kylo the most interesting villain in the series
OP here, Corrected.
what the fuck is interesting about that? did it really made you think??
I genuinely agree.
what does interesting mean? does it mean we are being told a good story that isn't a waste of time? we aren't
I hope he lives on as a dark presence in Kylo's mind or some shit. If not, he's wasted.
But he tossed Rei around like a doll and called Kylo out on his stupid shit. I miss him already
>kylo ren
He's just some Vader fanboy and now there's no way for him to redeem himself
I feel like he'll be back. He's looks so utterly malformed that I think he's been 'killed' before, the gaping wound on his head being proof maybe. He'll regenerate using force spookery or some shit and be the final test of Kylo or some thing. Shit, at least Kylo had a fucking character arc, I like him as a charactermore than I ever will Rey, Kylo actually grew. This film has far more to offer than Force Awakens.
subverted expectations
Exactly. Many people havent got the Kylo, Snoke connection.
When Kylo says "let the past die". He's referring to his family past, specifically darth vader. Instead of being like vader he wants to take over and not just be the right hand man, like vader was to the emperor.
When Snoke says he senses no conflict in Kylo and that he will strike down his true enemy, its because Kylo is sure of what he wants and he does strike down the person in his way, Snoke.
>he was boring
andy serkis was perfect
Actually, his first scene was great, and gave depth to him and Kylo and their relationship.
I don't give a fuck about the nucanon books and cartoons, but I would consider picking up a book that delves into the history of Ben, Snoke and Luke between 6 and 7.
>Big bad boss is killed in the middle of the movie unexpectedly
>Sup Forums is triggered because the movie isn't 100% formulaic and easy to follow.
>kylo kills boring character
>kylo is now interesting
he already killed his dad, who cares
Even just that is more interesting than a cardboard Emperor copy. He is a foil for Luke and Rey, and that's just the start.
I wouldn't mind him coming back, if only as symbolism for the most vain aspects of the dark side.
That's true but he was totally shallow and just something that people would recognize as analogous to the old emperor. Completely useless as a new character.
when I saw a rlm video with black screen and no content my expectations were subverted, so fucking what?
>implying kylo is the villain
They already covered that all further conflict is evil, and that the warmongers are worse that Snoke. Why is killing less that 100 troublemakers too much to pay for galactic peace?
We can only hope that both he and Luke show up as ghosts in episode 9. Haunting Kyle and calling him a fagget
He always is
Fuck off nigger it's boring and uninspiring
It's someone's fan fiction of:
I'm pretty sure that was a bonus ending for one of the prequel star wars games.
I don't mind that Snoke died but I do think it's shit we didn't get any background information on him before he died. There are minor things like "what was he doing during the original trilogy" but the most important question is how did he turn Kyle Ren to the dark side? How the hell did he make Kylo turn against his own parents and Luke and just corrupt him to the point that Luke actually considered killing him? This is important story for both Kylo and Snoke and it's just missing.
A Luke force ghost seems very possible, even if only for a few scenes. A Snoke one would be great.
Snoke was a random asshole with dark side powers who filled the power vacuum when Sheev died. He exploited Kylo's insecurities and self-loathing due to being dumped on Luke by his parents and being expected to live up to the legacy of his famous lineage
that's all you need to know. Star Wars is not a documentary, despite what the prequels and EU autism told you.
He didn't turn Kylo to the Dark Side. It was there already, Luke didn't feel like he could handle it, and in a moment of passion he abandoned him. Snoke is just an evil fuck who can manipulate force sensitives with the power of the dark side for his own gain. that's literally all he is.
A story for another time
the problem is that this is exactly what Rian was thinking
>dude what if we killed the big bad just like in the middle of the movie with no effort, instead of the usual build up like DUDE THEYLL NEVER SEE IT COMING
This whole franchise reeks of these fucks trying to be contrarian. Its like they actually read all the shit that nobodies on the internet say and think to themselves
>hmmmm, well theyre predicting that rey is luke's daughter and that snoke is plageius and that finn will kiss rey... lets make sure we do the opposite of all that
It was like a fuck you to jj and i loved it
I like Ren as a character but he is fucking atrocious as big bad. Way too whiny and weak. Killing Snoke was a mistake
Kylo the big bad villain that loses every time he faces Rey. I really want to see that confrontation again.....
Most people want Kylo to turn good not become a villian.
The new Star Wars movies don't even have a villain. They have Hux who is nothing but a joke.
on the flip side, the uber dorks are just mad that they're wrong. And in the end it doesn't matter, because the end result is still an adventure movie about good and evil. If these fans aren't on the ride for that they were never fans, they were just lorewankers.
I think recent history has proved that the most evil people in power and the neo-nazis who love them are whiny and weak. So in that sense Ren is a villain for our time.
Ren has to be the villain for now but I wouldn't be surprised if he turned good, or sacrificed himself. It's exactly what happened with Vader. It wouldn't be surprising and at least would be fitting to his ambiguous, incomplete embrace of the dark side.
Rens a TERRIBLE villain though. He's way to sympathetic and he's already lost to our 'hero' twice.
He's not a threat, hes not intimidating. You want him to get a hug not a light saber through the gut.
He's the best character in the new trilogy (that's not saying much) but he's a terrible villain.
Hugs is what Superman gets when he accidentally kills millions of people and shit. Edgelords like Ren deserve a spanking. We get that Ren is whiny and sucks but that doesn't mean he's pitiable as long as he thinks the dark side is cool. Yes, ultimately he needs someone to show him the light, but that's not a morally complete character arc.
Even a single throwaway line of where he comes from or what he is would suffice, but there's literally nothing. He simply exists. Now, so did the Emperor in the OT, but he got an entire backstory in the prequels. Am I gonna have to wait til the new trilogy to find out anything? Probably. It is Disney. As he is, he's a poor, shallow clone of the Emperor without the personality and that is just a little too hamfistedly unoriginal for me to accept.
>this entire post
> he's a poor, shallow clone of the Emperor without the personality
In other words, a perfect throwaway character that you can kill to give Kylo Ren a lot more credibility and cache as an interesting villain. Fine in my book.
He is certainly coming back, also, Kylo just did what Vader and Luke couldn't.
That actually sums things up pretty well.
Excellent character, great performance. But horrible as the big bad.
they just rehashed Dooku's death
>a sith apprentice killing his master in the star wars universe is subverting expectations
Yeah the true master storytelling technique: putting something useless in your story so people are happy when you take it away.
I was thinking some days ago that this edit was needed.
>lost twice
everybody keeps saying this and i have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.
He clearly lost in TFA because JJ tom foolery, but in TLJ they were pretty clearly even.
So how the fuck did he lose? Just because he was on the ground? Obviously their little force struggle was a tie since they broke the lightsaber in fucking half, and the only reason he was knocked out longer is because his ship was torn in two at lightspeed.
In terms of lightsaber skills Kylo was clearly superior to Rey in this movie since Rey struggled to kill one of the guards while Kylo took on four.
Ray objective: Escape.
Kylo objective: Capture Ray.
Jeez who the fuck escaped to join the fight? Who failed to capture her? She won.
He sucks gg. Nu wars is terrible.
I guess? You're not wrong, but fuck, man, it just seems weirdly shallow. I just want a cool, mysterious line about him, you know?
A lot of people here miss the fact that he actually succeeded where Vader failed. He killed his master.
Vader never succeeded in killing Palpatine. Kylo did kill Snoke.
don't worry I'm sure you'll get a trilogy of books featuring a transgendered protag, ya pinhead
Rey objective: Bring Kylo to the light side.
Kylo objective: Kill his boss
Jeez who the fuck won there
>vader never succeeded in killing Palpatine
I agree with you.
I think the problem isn't that he's shallow. Palpitine was shallow.
I think we all kind of knew since the beginning that Kylo would kill Snoke and take his place as supreme ruler, and that, by extension, Snoke's entire role in the franchise would be to die to Kylo to aid Kylo's character arc. That's all well and good.
But when you don't get ANYTHING about Snoke, not even a throwaway line about his past or his motivations, that just makes the cogs behind the story bare for all to see. You need at least a tiny bit of character flourish to make you think that these are characters with motivations in a story, not just variables in an equation to be manipulated for a given outcome.
You gotta give the audience something to hang on to, some reason to give the story the benefit of the doubt, otherwise there's no reason to care about any of it.
Snoke not having any character of his own just breaks immersion, to put it simply. And he really didn't need much.
Vader didn't succeed in killing Palpatine *as completion of his training*.
When Vader killed him, it was DESPITE his teachings, not because of them.
To put it another way, Kylo succeeded where Vader failed; he completed his training.
Anakin planned to overthrow Sheev and rule the galaxy himself. That's what I meant.
nah I don't agree. You can't put tons of emphasis on the fact that the jedi and the force as a whole are vanishing and then have some guy that's clearly really strong come in and be the equivalent to the emperor without any explanation at all. The guy clearly wasn't some random incompetent before this movie, he amassed the equivalent of what palpatine did and was clearly insanely strong in the force, you don't gloss over something like that. Without him these fucking movies wouldn't even be happening. you don't have wave that
I thing it would have worked better, if they casted a decent actor. Maybe Tom Hiddleston or some shit.
also the first order doesnt seem nearly as dangerous as sheeve in charge of an entire galactic empire
the first order just lost their base, their mega star destroyer as well as probably most if not all of their fleet, as well as Snoke who was the guy signing the checks
also they just pissed off the entire new republic by blowing up coruscant so theres no reason for the new republic to jump into the war with the crippled First Order
Sheev was shallow in the OT, but he had flavour. He was gleefully evil and was a Sith lord, and claims the title Emperor and back then, as far as we knew, it was probably a title of succession so he probably got it from someone else, so he has a background, he comes from something, somewhere. But the First Order is Snoke's beginning and end. He has nothing beyond it. That's a problem. He isn't Darth Snoke, he isn't Emperor Snoke, and he's particularly dry as a villain. He isn't fun like Sheev was, Sheev was a shit and loved it.
>Expect good movie
>Get bad movie
>But it subverted my expectations so it was actually a good movie
>Every idiot complaining that Snoke was wasted is ignoring the fact that he was boring
Except wasting him is exactly what makes him boring in the first place, and it doesn't do much to elevate Kylo Ren since there's hardly any significance behind Snoke's character.
Hopefully they flesh out his character in the pre-sequel trilogy
>if they casted a decent actor
Or a terrible one. Imagine Kylo Wiseau.
He was boring because they hadn't don't anything with him. Something which they could have easily done in this film. You absolute spaz
Why not have Kylo and Rey 2vs1 Snoke to show how powerful they could be if they worked together instead of killing him like a total fag and having them job to the shitty guards who could have been easily dealt with if they just used the Force for anything aside from summoning their lightsabers during the fight?
I know your every thought Kylo except when you want to kill me
>give character no backstory or motivation
>kill him off
Kylo isn't a Sith though. They don't follow the rule of two.
Well, of course the wannabe Vader managed to kill the poor man's Palpatine.
It was so risky for them to do nothing
I honestly think Snoke was supposed to represent how Disney sees the people shitting on the nu-trilogy: a weak, arrogant and whiny husk of a man who does nothing but shit on other people from his comfy seat and is so full of himself that he thinks he has the whole story figured out and knows the thoughts and future action of every character, he also wants Rey dead, of course.
Notice how Snoke voices some common complaints about TFA like Kylo losing to Rey or him being an emo kid cosplaying as a Vader knockoff.
You know what? I would have loved that, and it would created suspense and a sense triumph through Kylo and Rey's temporary alliance.
Give me that Hayden ghost taunting Kylo and I'll scream like the shill I am (I'm actually being serious)
lol taking jabs at your fans cause you hate them, very nice.
>He clearly lost in TFA because JJ tom foolery, but in TLJ they were pretty clearly even.
Does it matter how he lost? He still lost those encounters. Is he gonna come in and be like 'those last two times didn't count you cheated!' and that will make him a great villain?
>Vader never succeeded in killing Palpatine.
except when, you know, he killed Palpatine.
>also the first order doesnt seem nearly as dangerous as sheeve in charge of an entire galactic empire
Within the first 5 minutes of the movie they turn on of the major leaders of the first order into a joke.
The first order is a joke. They barely make sense. They spend 90% of the film chasing a stupid ship that they could easily destroy if they just used one of the countless tools they have at their disposal.
I like this take
how the fuck did he live through the rise and fall of the empire without anyone on the dark side noticing his power levels