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The #force must be real and strong with her. I'm going to see this amazing film 10 more times.
it is cruel to do that to a dog
Don't worry Gary. You can see her again in the next 30 or so Star Wars movies thanks to the miracle of cgi!
>muh fur babies
Wtf I will watch this movie now, the emotional quota has been fulfilled, based Disney I will give you my money
>his mom
Why do people do this "my pets are my children!" garbage? I imagine its an attempt to look quirky but it is seriously fucking strange and makes me uncomfortable
This. FUCK dogs.
Gary is a person's name and dogs are not peoples
fuck OFF. all cats need to be erradicated.
why are all star wars fans atheist?
Carrie would want to be considered Gary's mother she loved that dog a lot. Let someone give a little tribute to a dead woman's wishes.
why is disney so soul less bros
My only god is JJ Abrams
its womanchildren stuff.
Kevin is probably the best name for a cat.
i think he meant fuck infantilizing pets, but whatever floats your boat, mubashir
le (You)
Prove it.
Sounds like marketing BS
Then he killed himself at the Super Leia scene. RIP puppers. You're in doggy hell now with your owner that spread peanut butter all over her butthole.
mudshit detected
Only sociopaths and stunted retards don't like dogs. Cats are the animal of choice of the SJW.
Did he like the movie at least?
he gave it thumbs up
What is wrong with people
>Look, his tortuted lonely soul is writhing in pain at the sight of his deceased mother who is never ever coming back. Soooo cute ^_^
Is the world about making you comfortable, you millennial shit creature?
I had a dog for 11 years and loved it to death, you fucking retard
Small doglets can fuck off. Real dogs are bros.
absolute fucking gold
so what point were you trying to make here, shitbird
doglets are trash. all these new (((breeds))) and genetic abominations need to be culled.
he meant he likes dogs and doesnt understand people who infantilize and humanize them, because its at the end a form of abuse, you brainlet.
you should have seen how he reacted when he watched Armydog
He just misses sniffing the cocaine droplets from her clothes.
>owners of pets have a parental relationship to them
sick of this degenerate meme. owning a dog is nothing like raising a human child. there is literally nothing at stake. the worst that happens if you raise a dog wrong is it bites someone and gets executed. the best case is you have a nice dog for a few years.
There's a difference between liking dogs and substituting a pet for children like most left-leaning white people have done.
this makes me want to give more money to the mouse
The only person who I knew that didn't like dogs was a fucking spic who was legit scared. LOL He dressed hella ghetto, too.
How many kids do you have?
Garyposting was the best new meme of 2017 almost a year ago
I've knew a guy from China who was absolutely terrified of dogs. He shit a brick when he saw my friend's pit bull. Also know a Jap who is terrified even of my mother's chihuahuas. Really not surprised that Asians are scared of them like blacks. I'm sure they've been used against them and it's practically instilled into their DNA to be afraid. Natural born pussies.
And the only people I know who treat dogs like children are childless degenerate addicts like Carrie Fisher used to be before her premature death (because she was a childless degenerate addict)
gargle my egg bag
>mention a dog
>immediately turns into an argument about how to treat animals
Why would a dog recognize its owner when her head is 20 feet tall? Has to be lifesize to pick it up from an image. And the vocals had better be coming from the center channel right under or over it.
Only scum dislike dogs. Normal people are either indifferent or like them.
it's no a coping mechanism for biological failure and shouldn't be normalized
It's an emotional support dog - she took it everywhere with her.
Whiter than you mohammed
Obviously none, which is why he's on a Sup Forums thread about some celebrity's dog bitching about how people should have children instead of pets.
Then later on he's going to die childless and alone thinking "at least I didn't have a pet"
My dog recognises my voice over skype and starts barking. He also acts confused and thinks I'm there.
Perhaps she locked him in a cage with the OT on repeat for his entire life. That way he'll pay attention due to the sound effects. Truly evil of that coke fiend
>tfw my husky is 9 years old in January
>will probably die in 3-6 years and I will never fully recover from it
she's 50 lbs so small for a husky I'm told, but most dogs don't live to 20 or something
sometimes I like awake at night crying thinking about the die that it comes, and I can't handle it tbqh
me and my gf do this shit jokingly with our cats. but when other people talk about their pets like they're human beings it fucking creeps me out
Are people really this fucking retarded or are they just trolling?
i know a lot of dog owners and its really rare for a dog to make it to even 15, depends on breed of course
cats can get to 20 easy if they dont get cancer
I'm retarded because a Mexican was scared of dogs?
The best part is when Jen ate the dog because she ran out of popcorn to stuff in her fat nigger kissing face.
My girlfriend's parents have a toy poodle that is 17 and just won't die
don't think so
ether way, it's creepy when folks treat their pet like a child.
My mom cooks meals for her chihuahuas cause she's lonely as fuck and in a wheelchair. You're right. It's nutty as hell. I would never treat my animals as children. How could I live with fucking my own children?
Pray that you get to put it down yourself and be there when she passes. My greatest fear was that one day I would come home and find my dog laying dead or in process of dying. I'm forever grateful that I got to make the decision to put it down, to make its last days better, to say a proper goodbye and to be there when it all ended.
You are retarded because you think "muh fur babies" means that the poster doesn't like dogs
i thought that said "throw up"
>not owning a dog and a cat
r8 my puppy Sup Forums
That reminds me of the article I read about an elephant that died. They had recorded sounds from the elephant and decided to play them where the others could hear. The other elephants started trumpeting and went crazy looking around for the elephant that died not too long before.
A reminder that the young Leia that is shown in Rogue One killed Carrie Fisher.
It was right after R1 premiered that she suffered from the attack and died. If you are an old person, to see a replica of your younger self doing that what you once did out of your own experience can be very traumatic. It's like watching a puppet show with yourself as a character. Maybe she didn't rationalize it or admit to herself, but she unconsciously got the message that she is totally disposable material, that she can be replicated.
It's simply cruel to replace people with CG.
he's only 15 weeks old reee
I put my 18 year old Chihuahua down. At the vet of course. She cried bloody murder when the woman was walking over with the needle. Never felt worse in my life. I was holding her in my arms and felt her stop moving. That's three animals I've had to do that to. The other was her mother for the same reasons only at the age of 15 like a decade ago. Other was a cat with herpes so bad they sealed his eyes shut. They said his eyes could eventually dissolve inside his head. Shit is horrible. Second time this week Sup Forums has reminded me of this shit. Fuck you faggots.
that's really cute puppy
Dog tries to rip off Anya's face whenever the Amazon Prime VVitch commercial comes on. Bitch using her pagan Wiccan magick to appear in our house and BOO his shit. Hates it.
fuck that shit
what bullshit, they brought her dog to the screening? did they send it tickets in the mail?
"doggu liked our movie, so come and see it too"
this is weak disney marketing
Think for once in your life
Yeah you win, not all of us are up to date on your lingo. Now fuck off.
>attacks everyone for not understanding his made up word
>doesn't understand a simple sentence
most "normal" people abuse their dogs while saying they love dogs
leaving them alone for entire workdays
I hate dogs because most of them smell like shit and they need to be let outside and constantly cared for, however I still treat dogs better than most people when I've had to take care of them
Damn, I hadn't thought of that until you mentioned it. It certainly is in the realm of possibility.
>dogs are family
why do white people insist on this?
i wonder who is behind this post
Its cruel for pugs to exist
Who the fuck brings a dog to a movie theater and why are they allowed in.
>fur babies
>made up word
Lonely fucks who want to dodge the no singles policy
>this is a real article
nuke everything already
nice dubs
now check mine
It's difficult, innit?
How’d the dog get into the theater?
>He doesn't understand why people love dogs
Kill yourself Ahmed
I can see the no singles problem wont be a problem for you, sir
24 year old virgin. Never kissed a girl.
Not ugly either. Just have no game.
Am I alone here?
Pic is my cat Peter
You've got a good catbro. If he's not enough, then work on some game. It's your choice.